(crop of img flyer by alex smith @alexoteric)
• 7pm: Center For Psychic Technology presents: Sweater On Polo, Haitlin, Skinkitten, DOGHATESNOISE (fb) @ [stone circle theatre at the] ridgewood presbyterian church (all ages), 59-14 70th ave, ridgewood, queens // TICKETS [ON DICE]
Center for Psychic Technology happenings: @undisclosedxlocations
LUV 2 FAUCET (@fa.ucet) who dropped off bill cuz covid's a b*tch!!! (get rest / see u soon!!!)
A dog walker goes to Brooklyn one day and discovers noise music. They are now addicted to buying effects pedals and need an excuse to use them. insta: @theunderscorewalker + Soundcloud.com/BALTO1111
Haitlin is a composer, performer, resister, and supporter. They speak to angels and steward TREVORSHAUS, located at the geographic center of “New York City.” // @hait_lin + @trevorshaus
original filler bio, keeping cuz it's true = c'mon it's @hait_lin, in-haus curator of LEGEND ZONE @trevorshaus –– A HERO AND A SCHOLAR, champion of all things diy, mega-babe / activist / performance artist / taker-over-of-spaces, they're probably chillin with cats rn i bet
Noize Duo Skinkitten is a “band” that likes to do very bad things to innocent sound equipment, and your ear drums too! Together, serial bass-smasher and amp wizard Eliot and their synth-geek homie Mouse, seek to create sonic abominations the whole family can enjoy! // insta: @skinkittenz
Sweater On Polo
Sweater On Polo, from Wilmington Delaware. Started producing music in 2015 & moved to New York in 2017. His style is heavily inspired by the ethos formed around Chicago house music, new age, acid, and industrial. // sweateronpolo.bandcamp.com + soundcloud.com/sweateronpolo