nyc noise

~ always incomplete ~


yr community needs u, & the feeling is ~mutual~ ... email (subject "COMMUNITY") to add an active mutual aid effort, fundraiser, etc. to list.

related resource:
(as of feb '25, i'm maintaining that calendar, too; if your group has an individual event, time-sensitive campaign, or regular weekly meeting you'd like listed, plz send it along via the form & i'll add the event to that calendar & (if missing) the group to this overview. at, i list remote efforts like petitions on tuesdays.)

nyc mutual aid (in-person)
library & archive support
give money
give... code?



tenant unions:

worker unions:


great if you can give time, cook food, drive, donate, or translate –– will keep adding info, including regular volunteer days + donation info when i can find it (plz email!)... updated & confirmed feb '25.


caféwal (M-F, east village, 8:30am-4pm)
collective focus (T-Sa, bed-stuy/bushwick, 10am-5pm)
hell's kitchen community cupboard (daily)

SUNDAY: les food not bombs (les, 4:30pm) + food fight bk (bushwick, 7-9pm)
MONDAY: rain or shine diapers (bushwick /bed-stuy a.m.) + woodbine (ridgewood, a.m.)
WEDNESDAY: woodbine (ridgewood, a.m.) + club a (bushwick, 12-3pm) + food fight bk (bushwick, 7-9pm)
THURSDAY: we the people (bed-stuy, 1pm)
FRIDAY: wsp mutual aid (5-8pm)
SATURDAY: tompkins distro (east village, am-12pm) + club a (bushwick, 12-3pm) + we the people (harlem, 1pm) + feed the people / food not bombs (9:30am ridgewood, 3pm bed-stuy) + mass mutual aid (kensington / flatbush, ~4pm)


• bikes for migrants
// bushwick, bk

"A group of cyclists & organizers is mobilizing to repair & provide bicycles to migrants. ... We also offer ongoing support with repairs & workshops on bike maintenance..." looking for used bikes, mechanics, translators (esp. french speakers), & cash! DONATE HERE (one time or monthly!!); to volunteer (or for more info), text our pal paul at 646-543-9274 or dm club a; to donate a bike, fill out form at

bushwick ayuda mutua (BAM)
// bushwick, bk

"Bushwick Ayuda Mutua (BAM) is a network of neighbors supporting neighbors"; volunteer; more asap

caféwal + ev neighbors who care
// east village, mnhtn (MAP)

MON–FRI, 8:30am-4pm // VOLUNTEER INTAKE includes MANY options: teach english, pick up baked goods, retrieve mail (2-3 hrs, 1 afternoon per week), volunteer coordination, translation ("primarily looking for Wolof, Pular, French & Arabic speakers"), troubleshooting ("help ... with tasks such as applying for an NYCID, making/changing doctors appointments, filing a change of address, & more. This is one of our most needed roles!"), & more!

• club A kitchen
// bushwick, bk (MAP)

WEDS & SAT 12pm-3pm stop by bushwick city farm to help club A, a mutual aid collective distributing food & other much-needed items!! updates on insta // donate via open collective

collective focus
// bed-stuy / bushwick, bk (MAP)

TUES-SAT, 10am-5pm; currently seeking winter clothes donations; more asap

• crown heights mutual aid
// crown heights, bk

feed the people / food not bombs bed-stuy
// ridgewood, queens (MAP) *&* herbert von king, bk (MAP)

SAT 9:30am is start time for cooking & prep at the ridgewood presbyterian church in ridgewood, queens; 3pm start distro in bed-stuy

floyd bennett field neighbors
// marine park, bk (MAP)

[need to confirm, feb '25] SAT 10am-1pm "mutual aid volunteer collective dedicated to assisting recently arrived migrant families entering our Brooklyn community & living in tents at Floyd Bennett Field."

food fight bk
// bushwick / e. wburg, bk (MAP)

WEDS & SUN 7pm-9pm "distribute material needs to migrants facing constant state repression" (around corner from jefferson men's shelter, scott ave btwn flushing ave & jefferson st.); updates on insta, ISO translators, cooks, drivers // donate via paypal / venmo, dm to zelle

hell's kitchen community cupboard (insta)
// hell's kitchen, mnhtn (MAP)

DAILY –– & a community fridge that's still reliable in 2025 is tbh RARE!!! volunteer + donate

les food not bombs
// tompkins square, mnhtn (MAP)

SUN 4:30pm, more info asap

mass mutual aid
// kensington/flatbush, bk (MAP)

SAT ~4pm or 5pm, seems to differ across posts / weeks (will confirm, feb '25) more info asap

rain or shine diaper distro
// bushwick / bed-stuy (MAP)

MON day give diapers & wipes to families in broolyn (from the living gallery, check-ins early & distro 1pm); check 'em out on insta, sign up to volunteer or donate money / supplies here

south brooklyn mutual aid
[more asap –– this is a reminder to look up more info]

• sunnyside & woodside mutual aid (SWMA) (insta)
// sunnyside & woodside, queens

"We are neighbors in Queens, New York, acting collectively to address community needs and take care of each other. Formed in Spring 2020 at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Sunnyside & Woodside Mutual Aid (SWMA) began as a response to our neighborhoods’ increasing and urgent need for grocery deliveries, medical deliveries, food relief, and community support. As the months passed, we have continued to seek out and build sustainable models to address needs in our neighborhoods through collective care."

• tompkins distro
// east village, mnhtn (MAP)

SAT, help 9:30am-12pm, distro 11am-1pm:

"Volunteers can join us for sandwich making & food prep nearby starting at 9:30am (dm if you'd like to join) & setup volunteers can meet us at 10:45 on the corner of 7th & B. Bring food, bring a friend, we'll slot you in-- our system is pretty organized at this point! We can also always use people who speak French, Arabic, Spanish, Wolof, Cantonese or Mandarin to help translate, make conversation & keep the line running smoothly.

"Dropoff donations of food & goods can be received at distro 10:45-noon (the earlier the better). Family-size dishes are welcome & we're always seeking individually packaged ready-to-eat food & snacks like granola bars & whole fruits/bagels/pastries, as well as bottled drinks (water, Gatorade, juice boxes, etc).

"For goods think: hygiene items like soaps & lotions (mini/hotel are always good), deodorant, wipes, sanitizer, razors, toothbrushes, masks, socks, gloves, individual packets of cough medicine & painkillers-- please NO clothes or large items at this distro as we don't have the capacity to handle these at the park."

we the people
// bed-stuy, bklyn (MAP) *&* harlem, mnhtn (MAP)

THURS 1pm brooklyn & SAT 1pm harlem; "Food support always needed! What can you help cook this week? We need chicken, chili, corn bread, pasta no meat, veggies, dessert!!!! Please sign up in our linktree to help cook! ... We are always accepting warm clothes, toiletries, books any good resources to share! We also have our community call outs on our page any specifics you may have please DM us to coordinate drop off so we can share it back w these memebers."

• woodbine
// ridgewood, queens (MAP)

MON & WEDS a.m. food distro, volunteer to help &/or drive for pickups! they also have weekly dinners, a seed library, events, & way more, check out site or insta

wsp mutual aid
// washington square park, mnhtn (MAP)

FRI 5pm-8pm, more info asap

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• interference archive
// park slope, bklyn (MAP)

"The archive contains many kinds of objects that are created as part of social movements by the participants themselves ... Through our programming, we use this cultural ephemera to animate histories of people mobilizing for social transformation." check out upcoming events to volunteer with or otherwise check out this "nonhierarchical community archive"!! cant' find link rn but pretty sure they've also committed to 🇵🇸 PACBI!

• libraries for the people *REMOTE*

"For The People is an explicitly political project aimed at building power on the Left(s) to protect, defend, & expand public libraries" –– they have info on concrete, specific actions you can take in your community; seek contributors for a wide range of roles, including help with data collection (i did some of this cuz i luv a spreadsheet) & creative skills; & will give advice & training if you wanna join your local library board. check out basics on their 10 ways to help postcard.

prison library support network *REMOTE*

"an information-based collective founded to support incarcerated people & the library workers who serve them"; they have regular (& great!!) remote volunteer orientation meetings so u can learn to find prison mail policies, handle confidential docs, evaluate info, & do all the other stuff needed to answer incarcerated ppl's research questions! (nyc insta)

 community action toolkit *REMOTE*

"The Get Ready, Stay Ready: Community Action Toolkit is an effort by a group of parents & librarians... curated resources including scripts for public speaking & writing, video presentations, training materials equipping you to learn more about (& fight back) censorship's impact on education & society, tools for civic engagement, & a network of organizations ... determined to preserve your child's right to a high-quality education through intellectual freedom."

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CASH any of the above groups, &/or...

SUPPORT DIY SPACES! :D double dutchthe laundromatthe living gallery (donate via venmo @cal-fish or zelle (631-377-1998) w/ note “winter fundraiser") • sunview luncheonette (withfriends to get stuff in ~print~ for a few bucks a month, or venmo) // ...can't remember what else i've seen lately, plz send

rent refusers sweep defense: get survival supplies to the street! venmo @sweepdefensenyc

rachael uhlir (& austin sley julian): legal $$s!!

gofundme // the legal system's fucked; a person can sue you for speaking about their violence, & even if you "win" you can end up w/ hella legal fees :/ sucks v much!! & in this case affects both our pals rachael & austin, aka sunk heaven, aka married to rachael!!

books through bars nyc: books & postage for incarcerated people!!

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nyc noise github: poke around!! :D

last year greg technology led a big recurse project to rebuild ENTIRE SITE & made it way better AND easier to maintain (while keeping the look of Made Forev Ago lolol) bc he's a hero :'') he now has a Real Job & 100 new projects so it would rule if there were more code-y hands in the mix along w/ him & o.g. site bestie paul & new site pal kirill... check out overview (python, django, render) & look thru issues for some basics (need page-specific "social share" images) & more ambitious ideas (daily map!!!), & lmk if you wanna help!!!

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