what's happening
trying to keep track of what's happening here!!
scroll down for BLOGs, with excerpts to see if u care!
2025-03-04: /drone-party (partiful / palantir): still v mad/sad about this a16z-penny shit so added image & mini-rant about that... related: /jordan-neely.
alt text: my caps, "PARTIFUL'S LEAD INVESTOR IS ANDREESSEN HOROWITZ, AKA A16Z" above screenshots of two headlines: "Andreessen Horowitz just hired Daniel Penny, the ex-Marine who was acquitted after choking a man to death on a New York City subway," followed by "Major Tech Investor Calls Architect of Fascism a ‘Saint’ in Unhinged Manifesto," latter with visible "Janus Rose" byline.
2025-02-07: omg nyc noise has not been sending referrer info, which i only found out after setting up analytics for!!! big big thank you to KALEB for fixing it; i want venues to know my website luvs them, & now Website Ppl can see when traffic comes from here!!!
2025-02-04(ish): i have some overdue long rambling to send all of u, but for now, i've been thinking a lot about PUBLIC RESOURCES & how we need to work to keep them; this includes nyc noise, so plz submit yr events!!! (PAUL made that submission form, & he also cleaned it up a lil for you this week too!!) i also tracked down janet at (of course one person has been maintaining it for years) & got editing access / am updating that now too... so submit protests also!!
2025-01-29: update to ICAL + GCAL! this feature boost is as much for me as u lolol: /GREG added "ICAL" & "GCAL," for u to add events to your private calendars, & our new pal KALEB just tweaked it so those adds include a lil [nyc noise] tag... now you'll remember where you heard about the thing & remember to come back!!! :D
2025-01-27: fuckin MAP !!!!
yeah so this is a dream damn: KIRILL geocoded the... or, scraped the coordinates for...?? idk not sure how to say it, sorry still learning Computer Language –– he got us the latitudes & longitudes & then greg did /GREG & now u have MAP!!!
if u've looked at the /GREG page then u know greg did custom mapping to help the COAST GUARD save lives; now he's brought his life-saving skills to "i'm tired but wanna go out, what's near home???" what rules about greg is that he's a brilliant coder, very weird (if u used site late monday night, maybe you caught his first draft with no pins, just trippily-overlaid text???), & great at thinking about user experience (e.g., having events show at top on click); hurray for /GREG!!!
2025-01-21: u can now "SHARE"!!! thanks to KIRILL for this one; if u click the "SHARE" button by any event, you can send that event (by text, email, whatever); the preview shows all the important info (date, time, venue, artists), & when recipient clicks the link, they're taken to that listing (briefly highlighted) within the body of main page calendar. :D
2025-01-15: brainstorming for rent-rollback push via "rent-stabilized census"; to-do (KIRILL did!!!) = scrape city's rent-stabilized building lists (pdfs for mnhtn, bklyn, bronx, queens, staten island), then (still working on this part!!!) run addresses thru justfix who owns what tool to get approx number of TOTAL units per building.
2025-01-11: /radio: barely anything on "radio" rn, but adding here is a reminder to me also that it exists!! send me yr showz or otherwise tell me what to add
2025-01-04: /drone-party (partiful / palantir): + table of contents, p.s. to "gist" (partiful CEO continues to shill for palantir), palantir patents on which partiful CTO has inventor credits
2025-01-02: /tenants: under "if u rent here," good cause & local rent standard; under "having troubles?," tenant helpline + hotline, filing overcharge, free legal consults
––––––––– created /new, swapped w/ /misc in top menu (will think about where to put priority misc items; recently added insurance info, tho that's also on /covid...), updated /past
2025-01-01: /sites-like-this: + capeet (austria)
2024-12-31: /access: condensed top, misc cleanup
––––––––– mutual aid etc. info to /community; added rent refusers sweep defense, living gallery
2024-06-30 wooooof: just a general late-june note trying to stave off despair, i guess???? apology for being behind, thanks people who've donated, links to Great Thinkers like mariame kaba & brill bb (radio) & death panel (podcast) & books in folder like health communism. i was strugglin!! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
BLOG 2024-02-26 /half-access: "RIP half access; u were not gr8, but u were (in praise of the messy internet) ... this is a sad lil processing rant about name recognition, the fast-fading amateur internet, not letting resources die, & (scroll down) a set of bookmarks to state pages on the half access database as i back all of it up to the wayback machine. RIP to half access..."
BLOG / POST 2024-01-25 /drone-party: "WE DON'T USE PARTIFUL: on surveillance tech, disability (in)justice, & how war crimes funded a party app ... the cofounders of PARTIFUL worked for Thiel's most murderous baby, PALANTIR."
updating this page as new communities find & share the insta post (4.1k shares, as of 1/2/25); now includes palantir patents on which partiful's cto has inventor credits: tools of data aggregation, analysis, & display for a company that helps cops, the CIA, & the state of israel map social networks, "predict" who & what need policing, & lock people up...
BLOG 2023-11-16: closing tabs: i had TOO MANY TABS open & they all felt v ~important~; blogged to share & also reassure myself that i wouldn't forget their contents i guess??? dispatches from gaza, tabs for contacting representatives (ask them to demand a ceasefire), tabs for contacting white house (ditto), For the People: A Leftist Library Project, REBUILD Transformative Justice Calendar, Anne Boyer resigns as poetry editor of NYT Magazine, Indictment Against #StopCopCity Organizers, grumpy tabs abt instagram, & way more
BLOG / POST 2023-08-25: gr8 wknd mask up: "this is just a long meandering i'm putting as a caption on an insta post w/ screenshots of 8/25-27, an ABSURDLY GOOD WEEKEND FOR MUSIC ... alas i will be there for none of it bc i have been bested by covids :'( ... # for getting paxlovid even if you don't have a doctor (212-268-4319)" plus a lil about my ~personal health journey~
alt text: pic of kwami winfield angled so you mostly see the three frankenstein'd trumpets in front of her, & text saying "WHY IS NASDAQ PRESENTING THIS?" the trumpets have been FUCKED WITH: one's missing valves & partially-wrapped in duct tape, there are extra lil spirals of wire, colorful thread & remnants of stickers... kwami has her hands on two of the trumpets (nails have a few specks of red nail polish, most has chipped off) & in the background's her dark, curly hair, but no face cuz she's looking down. trumpets are sitting on top of i think a mixer, with a cigarette & joint by the bells. pic was taken at trans-pecos, though you can't really tell; it was an early sound check, so there's light in the room.
this started as a rant under a few events, & turned into an insta post about nonprofits presenting events in partnership with big banks. initial site text was a bit more uhhh ~aggro~ (e.g., "if you really respect a person, don't say their name with your mouth still dirty from the sisyphean task of trying to suck a big bank's dick clean!"), but by the time i took it to insta i had chilled out enough to be (i think) more measured & earnest, & didn't name specific orgs (tho i guess it was v clear who i meant lol). i never heard from roulette, but seems they stopped presenting events w/ bank of america –– & pioneer works' music director (legend justin frye, aka pc worship) was very cool, said PW didn't initially know about the partnership & took nasdaq off their website (indicated in follow-up post, tho it turned out they couldn't get signage taken down in-person, alas...).
alt text: flyer, full text on rent rollback page; all caps & a QR code going to justfix's rent request tool. starts with "WE NEED INFO TO FIGHT DISPLACEMENT!!! REQUEST YOUR RENT HISTORY IN 30 SECONDS..."
BLOG 2023-07-07 /rent-rollback: blog about how we desperately need to fight rent overcharges before it's too late for anyone but rich people to live here; most of the city is being illegally overcharged, & you owe it to your self, your neighbors, & all who have been & will be displaced to at least take a minute to request your rent history & find out if you're overpaying by thousands a year!!! this led to the /tenants page.
alt text: all caps: "ARE YOUR DEAD FRIENDS RESTING OR WRITHING IN THEIR GRAVES." side note: it's pretty much always all-caps with me, though this one's black text on white background; i usually do the opposite these days, thinking black images likely to stick out more on phones...
BLOG 2023-06-17: organize & die / honor yr dead: ...uhh woah forgot this one! i think it was related to the /rent-rollback stuff, the /summerstage horror-epiphany, & ambivalence about starting work on an accessibility database after the friend who would have most appreciated it had already died; looks like i rightly realized it was A Bit Heavy (maybe even melodramatic, tho it didn't feel it!) for insta & put it here instead... "ARE YOUR DEAD FRIENDS RESTING OR WRITHING IN THEIR GRAVES? I THINK MY MOMENTS OF DREAD ARE THAT QUESTION NEEDING AN ANSWER I CAN HEAR WITHOUT WINCING: WOULD MY ACTS OF REMEMBRANCE SETTLE OR DEVASTATE? I'M TIRED OF BREAKING MY OWN HEART... IT'S MAYBE FUNNY, BUT NOT A JOKE, TO SAY MY DEAD CAN'T REST WITH RENT THIS HIGH OR ADAMS IN OFFICE; THE TRAJECTORY OF THE CITY IS UNSUSTAINABLE, & HOW FUCKED WOULD IT BE TO LOSE WHAT WE LUV WITHOUT TRYING 2 SAVE IT? HONOR YOUR DEAD WITH THE DREAM OF LOWER RENT & PLEASURE OF COLLECTIVE POWER! ... I WISH US LUCK BUILDING LIVES THAT DO NOT MAKE US SAD!"
BLOG 2023-06-11: on access: long thing about wanting to build a venue accessibility database. a lot of anticipatory apologetics: i felt like it would be presumptuous for me to try to build something like this by myself, & was trying to find someone more informed or better-resourced who could head the project... i was also frustrated with half access, a nonprofit that seemed to be getting hella funding for an out-of-date resource; i think i was hoping that if i shamed them a lil they would let me fix their website instead of making a new thing from scratch, but they fully disbanded ~8 months later.
BLOG / POST 2023-06-08 /summerstage: you know that thing in movies or a christmas carol or whatever, where Money'd Guy is visited by ghosts or has a time wharp or is otherwise made to realize how fully & terribly he has been A Fucked Up Capitalist, & then when he's returned to ~the present~ he's so relieved he gets mildly hysterical, yelling at everyone about how it's all going to be okay & he'll be different now??? okay well this was me doing that about the fact that for years, i listed summerstage (sponsored by capital one) events on nyc noise... & then one day, evidently during the weird hellish bad air of june 2023, i woke up in an extreme panic about it: i personally directed people to summerstage, sponsored by capital one –– & since capital one is a uniquely bad bank, it might have ruined someone's life. outta-nowhere horror experience of Stomach-Dropping Moral Clarity; my only comfort was that i still had time to tell everyone i know about how fucked up capital one is. yeah anyway page is "fuck capital one" & "fuck live nation / ticketmaster" links, plus this insta post: "ON SUMMERSTAGE, SPONSORED BY CAPITAL ONE, & OTHER BAD DREAMS. ... LET'S TRY SOMETHING: ENTER THE NIGHTMARE OF FEELING CULPABLE FOR [CAPITAL ONE'S] ONGOING REIGN OF TERROR & HAVING NO TIME LEFT TO SAY YOU DIDN'T MEAN IT. …BUT IT'S ONLY A DREAM! YOU CAN SHAKE YOURSELF AWAKE; SHUDDER WITH RELIEF THAT THERE'S STILL TIME; DECIDE YOU MUST CHANGE YOUR LIFE; & GO ON REASSURED BY THE DEPTH OF YOUR OWN SOBERING FEAR. ... I WISH US ALL CLARIFYING NIGHTMARES ABOUT THE CHOICES WE MAKE IN THE POISON AIR! BE GAY. DO CRIME. MAKE NOISE."
2023-check: on stickers & deferral: i'm v weird & avoidant about asking for donations, & this is one of 10,000 dumb things i did to postpone asking people to please give me money
alt text: all caps, "AFTER JORDAN NEELY"
BLOG / POST 2023-05-06 /jordan-neely: excerpts of this made it to insta; it's meandering thinking through christina sharpe's writing on hysterical whiteness, whiteness & white people as police & the violent protection of property –– & what "we" can do, or anyway what i need to do, to stop being the kind of people who let jordan neely down.
"...some rambling abt the importance of radicalization, whiteness & complicity, carceral logics & abolition, & direct intervention. ... to first establish some norms:
• it is bad to kill people.
• even if they upset or frighten you; even if you are a scared b*tch; even if they cause you Actual Physical Harm (which neely did not).
• the pandemic has exacerbated the poisonous effects of white-supremacist capitalist patriarchy.
• there are sick people walking around looking for an excuse to kill someone.
• christina sharpe calls it "hysterical whiteness," this move from 'someone is upset & yelling' to 'i am in danger that justifies violence.'
• "Hysterical whiteness makes blackness the provoking agent of the mass hysteria that is the province of whiteness itself." (Ordinary Notes)
• the solution is not (yet still!) more cops. this happened because daniel penny [believed he] was being a cop, doing their work. this is how the carceral state operates.
• [sharpe:] 'Whiteness being a name for property and its violent protection.' ...
• for me, “accountability” means, when i’m able, responding to harm with questions; honest self-reflection; admitting both limits & capacity for harm.
• further: an understanding of what sh*t is By Design, & the ways i’m Caught Up.
• for me, EASY TRUTHS include: i would never put a person in a chokehold; i do not have violent impulses toward those i read as unwell or distraught.
• HARDER TRUTHS: when i read men like penny as “healthy” but violent (!), i am less likely to be patient or measured. i’ve had the experience of being (tho the word irks me) “triggered” by white men behaving violently. when this happens, i am less ~cool~ / commanding & more angry / shaky –– meaning, more likely to escalate, or to be dismissed. some of my attempts at intervention have not seemed 'successful.'
(though: you will rarely know if you succeed in saving someone's life, & you will definitely know if you fail.)
• TRUTH THAT SHOULD BE HARDEST BUT FEELS PRETTY NORMAL: when i see a lone stranger in crisis that doesn’t appear immediately life-threatening, i often walk away. (meaning: i would likely have avoided entering the same car as jordan neely if he seemed unwell.)
• idk what it means to see someone as both healthy & violent––or tbh what it means to see anyone as “healthy.” under any reasonable definition of the word, penny's actions were those of someone sick; people didn't intervene loudly & forcibly because they couldn't see it.
• i am trying to move toward an operating stance of something like, inappropriate behavior may mean a person is unwell. if they are causing harm, i will note this; if that harm is acute, i will do so loudly.
• there are lotsa things out there on de-escalating; hollaback's 5 Ds (Distract, Delegate, Document, Delay, & Direct) = a classic. (if you haven't already, go read that instead.)
• ... in this case that could have been something like, (loudly) say what seems wrong (& why); ask if they intend this wrong; suggest alternatives. [wrong] chokeholds can be fatal; [ask] are you trying to kill this person? [alternatives] if you need to restrain someone, it should be by their wrists.
... we need to get better. i luv our town & trains & am very, very, sorry we let jordan down."