nyc noise

~ always incomplete ~


i get lotsa msgs asking "is there an nyc noise for [city]??" & hey GOOD QUESTION; if you know of any experimental / avant / improv / noise / "underground" etc. show calendars, email me w/ subject line "SITES LIKE THIS"!

&& i know genre delineations are bs, but not looking for gigantor corporate sites, multi-city conglomerates, etc.*; hurray for curation + community <3 also other nyc lists yayyy  some highlights =
berlin (echtzeitmusik + field notes + stressfaktor) / brussels (bruxelles brûle t’il) london (london sound index + another subculture) / montreal (ce qui se passe + mtl ask a punk) / munich (mucnoise) / oaxaca (oaxaca events) / paris (agenda) / prague/brno (full moon zinequebec (musique pas d'air) / tokyo (tokyo gig guide) / vienna (schalltaucherin) +++ in THE STATES: the bay (bay improviser + the list) / birmingham (diy birmingham) / boston (boston shows) / chicago (now is) / columbus (cringe) / detroit (mi happenings) / l.a. (the scenestar + 19hz) / philly (philly shows + playin possum) / pittsburgh (arcane city) / portland (flyer escape) / seattle (seattle noise) / st. louis (stl show page)

[featured calendars]
[what's *not* here + START YR OWN!!]
[a few tips]
[related resources]
USA-CA-bay (san francisco, oakland)
USA-CA-los angeles
USA-MO-st. louis

*hint: if a site is raking in ad cash from Big Money spots / unethical promoters / gigantor venues & listing f*ckin talk-show host tours... they aren't here to help independent artists! there are people leveraging the cultural capital of an affiliation with ~the underground~ into hella financial capital, & it is weird & bums me out; plz don't encourage them!! exceptions to all-genre rule = sites covering places w/ TRULY SMALL scenes; i know how that goes, lol

many of these ppl have been doing this WAY LONGER than me, making nyc noise a site like theirs –– it's just a cutesy page title for easy recall ok :) non-bold = venues, labels, collectives, etc. in other places... lmk what's missing, & feel free to remind me if we talked a while back or u want something added to / subtracted from yr blurb!!

[featured calendars]

...featured here, at this moment, that is... just like, in this lil para lol... point is, if you're just poking around or looking for models, u should check out:, where u can filter out ticketmaster venues!!! :DDDDDD


london sound index substack, which focuses on "underground & independent operations" & includes access info symbols!!! :''''')

&, gloriously clean & OPEN SOURCE YEAH

&, where if you click thru to any given event listing lidija's often provided a pile of extra info (also luv the sketch archive)


[non-calendar] do diy, which has a SLEW of other links to check out!!!

[what's *not* here + START YR OWN!!]

this page is for event calendar websites / mailing lists / newsletters, specifically ppl listing more than just their own programming; at bottom of each section i'll add links to other art centers, venues, orgs, etc. in tiny text, but i don't even know ALL the spots in MY town, def not an authority on others –– which is why i'd rather direct you to lists!

if you don't know of a site like this for your zone, first TRY GOOGLE (& reddit, hashtags on instagram, texting friends, etc.), cuz it's possible something's out there!! if you really can't find a calendar site (or the only things that exist are weird commercial / algo / ticket-selling things), then i'd recommend looking around for ppl w/ adjacent resources who might be down to list events if they had some help –– or maybe start a site yourself???
if you want help, or even to just encourage someone else to start a calendar site, i recommend keeping an eye open for the type: people who are invested in knowing & telling pals about shows to a possibly weird degree –– not because of personal involvement or friendship w/ the artists, financial compensation, or any kind of social acknowledgment, just... because?? for some reason??? also people soothed by spreadsheets & lists (often including Computer Nerds)... these (/we) are PRIME CANDIDATES for running an event calendar website :D i'm happy to chat with anyone who would like to start a thing & has questions!!!
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[a few tips]

...if you decide to make a site!!
• BE AVAILABLE OFF SOCIAL MEDIA: (with no offense to some of the great insta roundups out there!!!) yeah you should prolly have an insta so people can find you / are reminded you exist, but social media kinda sucks* & is hard to maintain over time, in part because those platforms rely on novelty; what *you* want is to build lists / spreadsheets / templates that make your archive EASIER to maintain over time.
*my rant was too long lolol but here are a few reasons social media sucks: funding terrorists like zuckerberg; making us reliant on centralized platforms for contact; enforcing unpredictable censorship; f*cking with our brains & ability to organize; you can never get back what you put in (literally: download your insta archive & it will be at a lower resolution!); most platforms hate long chunks of text; people who live on socials will just dm flyers, not send text you can copy/paste; lacks basic archival & organizational values like a search function... ++ lesson learned: for 2 years, i posted to instagram twice almost every single day, w/ a screenshots of the day's events –– but it *hindered* traffic, cuz people expected posts & had no reason to habitually check the site! it's a nice archive, but now i rarely post & have 6x the site hits.
• WORK IN PLAIN TEXT, probably!
• THINK ABOUT VALUES + COMMUNITY NEEDS: i waited way too long to do this, prolly cuz nyc noise started as a compulsive ptsd project lolol, but okay examples:
–– ...well this is less an example & more an overarching principle, but people need to know if they can literally get to + enter an event!!!!!!! NECESSARY INFO includes the date & time, location, general sense of cost, age restrictions, access restrictions.
–– i think accessibility is a big deal, but recognize that in nyc it's often tied to capital in f*cked ways; i'm not tryina shame the many DIY zones that can't afford to increase access, but do insist spaces provide info, & low-key give them sh*t in access notes if they don't respond. (eventually i plan to build out a venue accessibility database + add a thingy allowing people to only view accessible events; give me CASH & i'll speed it up!!)
• ORGANIZE YR SH*T: an organized archive makes your job easier *&* holds value for others even if you stop doing a thing, helping viewers confirm a memory, find their ppl, explore new names & affiliations & series... i recommend (& use) ISO 8601 format yyyy-mm-dd –– e.g., october 2018 =, all cc flyer archive images are "yyyy-mm cc.jpg" (including in the drive folder), most nyc noise presents shows are at their respective dates (e.g.,; when i googled to doublecheck the iso name i found this validating xkcd comic :') –– & think the *month* is a great unit of time.
• once you've existed for a minute, periodically SAVE PAGES TO THE WAYBACK MACHINE; there's an easy chrome extension here.
QR CODES (+ PHYSICAL STUFF, if u are too broke to Be Good & print locally):
use; most other qr code generators show their site name in camera preview, whereas this version shows *yours*. also idk who actually uses cards in the year 2023 other than ME, but i ordered mine thru vistaprint (even tho yes i SHOULD have a local printer hookup); reasonably-priced w/ frequent sales, they save yr past card designs for easy re-order, & the round corners feel nice :') NOW phones let us grab text & click links, but that wasn't the case when i made these or i would have written out full instagram url for ~clickability~... would take like 2mins to redesign/order new ones, but i'm broke & resentful about needing to use insta anyway lol so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ask people who actually know how to build websites!!! sadly that is not me, womp, & there are lots of things i would like but dunno how to build myself... for example, there's no shortcut or autofill for venues on this site??? i literally copy/paste a string of text for every single event, & only then can copy/paste in the specifics of that event, & –– omg it's so dumb it hurts!!! [THIS IS NO LONGER TRUE YAY, ty greg!!!] but my fave & most useful lil piece of html that anyone can use is #top, as in:

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[related resources] (insta) // gr8 site!!! "DoDIY exists to support DIY spaces, organizers, musicians, performers, writers, activists, and other like-minded folks. The site hosts resources for anyone interested in the DIY ethos, as well as maintains a catalog of event spaces and organizers from around the world." ... who: "DoDIY was founded in 2007 by Neil Campau, who put in countless hours of work for many years to create the expansive resource you see before you. Neil passed the site onto Alyssa Giannini in January of 2019. Andy Waldron signed on as the site’s janitor in June of 2019. Alyssa keeps the website up to date and Andy keeps social media active and relevant."

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schalltaucherin : music events + newsletter (signup) // "Weekly newsletter [AND NOW WEBSITE!] landing in your mailbox every Sunday with a few hand picked crisp local gigs, that you almost missed. Happening in Vienna, next week! Covering fusion/avant/free jazz whatever that may be, electronic, noise, punk, new classical, improvised music, dance performances, post genre, non genre, whatever genre… and more!!" // run by ROYAL SWEETHEART, exuberant fan, & physics grad student (!) lidija radovanovic, who went to so many shows during her 10 days here in september '22 it felt like she was a local aww :')

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[will ~investigate~ these sites a bit later, just typing in for now...]

bruxelles brûle t’il // [thanks to charlotte & catherine at magasin4 for knowing this is exactly what i was looking for lolol –– also for foods!!!] // [thanks to lavallée for providing free community stuffs; saw this on the wall while ~perusing~]

kagan kalender //

les atelier claus /insta (saint-gilles) • beursschouwburg /insta (boulevards du centre) • café central (boulevards du centre) • le chaff (marollen) • haekem (boulevards du centre) • lavallée (molenbeek) • le lac (ste catherine) • magasin 4 /insta (anderlecht) • rock classic • super fourchette

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i feel like i talked to some great brazilian curator ppl a couple years ago, but my memory is so fried ?? if this was you plz send me yr info to include here!

minas gerais: seminal records

rio de janeiro: qtv (label, lee says they've done gr8 events)

são paulo: brava (label/curation) • leviatã (venue) • musica insolita (label)

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@ce_qui_se_passe + google doc [ for access] // subtitled "I crawl thru fb so u don’t have to," which if you've ever run a site like this will make you lol-groan haahaha... run by sasha tимошенко!!

montreal ask a punk // [only glanced so far, ty to sasha for link in gdoc!!]

[just pulling these from a couple @ce_qui_se_passe posts]: casa del popolo / la sala rossa / la sottereneal'escogriffemai/son mtlsystèmethe traxideturbo haüs

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CA-quebec-city // "Québec City's "Musique pas d'air" DIY free improv organizers make sure all local concerts from experimental to new music are listed in this worksheet and official calendar hybrid. Also includes shoutouts and contact info for anyone coming this way. We tried to quit gafam and landed on a google doc, give us a break."

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CZ-prague/brno // "about" according to google translate (heh sry): "Full Moon is the original Czech multi-genre music magazine. ... published regularly since 2010 and reflects the music scene here and abroad, with overlaps in film, comics, literature and design. ... graphic studio Carton Clan." // [thanks to someone from nachttante (i think jiří??) for the tip, & also for helping me load the calendar at punctum lolol]



(my trips) // "The term 'Echtzeitmusik' was first introduced in the mid-1990s in order to distinguish the musical practices of a younger Berlin scene from music referred to as 'Improvised Music', 'Free Jazz', 'New Music', 'Experimental Music' and so on. The website was launched in 2001 by Gregor Hotz and Kai Fagaschinski to announce concerts at Labor Sonor, the discontinued Raumschiff Zitrone, and the venue ausland (Prenzlauer Berg) and its biegungen series. ... The calendar offers related events and other improvised and experimental music concerts in many venues all over Berlin." // [thanks to great pal + big site helper paul feitzinger for the tip!] // "The field notes program by inm – initiative neue musik berlin e.V is a central point of contact for Berlin's contemporary music scene."

telegram for <€20 euro gigs // i think brutal noise drum-slayer + cat-herding multiversal organizer extraordinaire utku showed me this one, dunno if it's share-able // Der Stressfaktor ist der Terminkalender für linke Subkultur und Politik in Berlin. Wir wollen Informationen und Termine zu Demos, Kundgebungen, Infoveranstaltungen, Küfas, Filmen, Ausstellungen, Theater, Konzerten, Partys, Kneipen veröffentlichen. Politische Veranstaltungen sind wichtig, aber genauso Spaß und Kultur. Die Onlineversion des Stressfaktors ist aus der (immer noch monatlich erscheinenden) Papierausgabe hervorgegangen und erscheint nun schon so etwa seit Juli 1998. // such a new add i haven't even sent a thank you email to the person who shared yet––i'll do that & add blurb later but for now tysm!!!!!

venues: ://aboutblank (thurs-sun; friedrichshain) • anagram (kreuzberg) • arkaoda (neukölln) • ausland (prenzlauer berg) • ballhaus ost (prenzlauer berg) • berghain (friedrichshain; Th-M) • bUm (kreuzberg) • cashmere radio (wedding) • donau 115 (neukölln) • exploratorium berlin (kreuzberg) • fitzroy (mitte) • hošek (mitte) • KLAK (~kreuzberg) • km28 (neukölln) • koma f • kraftwerk (~mitte) • kühlspot (prenzlauer berg) • kunstquartier bethanie (kreuzberg) • kirche von unten (prenzlauer berg) • laborsonorloophole (neukölln) madame claude (kreuzberg) • monommorphine raum (kreuzberg) • ms hoppetosse (friedrichshain; F-Su) • panda (prenzlauer berg) • p.a.s. (moabit) • radialsystem (friedrichshain) • richten25 (new summer '24, will check) • satellit • schokoladen (mitte) • sisyphos (friedrichshain / rummelsburg; F-M) • sowieso (neukölln) • subversiv (mitte) • supamolly • trickster • villa kuriosum (prenzlauer berg / lichtenberg) • west germany (kreuzberg) • zukunft am ostkreuz

series / festivals / collectives / misc: a'larme! festival (aug @ radialsystem) • atonal (@ kraftwerk) • black truffle fest (@ arkaoda) • bruital events (series, various) • good night outjazzfest berlin (nov @ haus der berliner, various) • klangwerkstatt (nov @ kunstquartier bethanie) • multiversal ("hard listening" DIY'ers, various) • photomusix (christina marx pix) • radical sounds latin america • refuge worldwide (broadcast from neukölln) • spatial (nov @ monom) • spiral times (&& solispiral fundraising for palestine)

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DE-munich // "This is an overview of events subject to personal taste, inspired by, with a focus on more off-kilter and left-field music-related selections." // clean & just *pretty* affff, also OPEN SOURCE!!! :D built by max // [thanks to gr8 pal & excellent sound-boards-man / percussionist / noise-ster tony for telling max about nyc noise; u made a new thing happen!! :D]

[~editorial note~: over the years i've met w/ a few people about designing an open source site for their city (i'm always happy to give input, in part hoping to adopt the results myself!), but the pandemic threw lots of plans... then in june '23 i heard from max & learned that IT HAPPENED: someone built an open source live music calendar website!!!! :'''') before moving to nyc i lived in various small towns in south-central & central pennsylvania, & Back In The Day used to send emails / print flyers for events in "the tri-state area" (lol) cuz it broke my heart to see low turnout for shows in a place w/ so little happening... so yeah i'm deeply invested in local scenes, & the idea of anyone being able to start a calendar for their town just like :''''') makes me profoundly happy –– mucnoise is lovely & clean & works with local calendar apps & maybe i will end up stealing stuff for here??? && tl;dr: HURRAY OPEN SOURCE YAYYYY]

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agenda concerts (formerly @ agenda concerts; ty to musique pas d'air for updated link!!) // "« nébuleuse des amateurs de musique hors-piste » ( © MAB )" → (according to google translate) "nebula of off-road music lovers" ok SOUNDS CORRECT! still need to poke around + find out who runs this [marvelously minimalist site], but it looks like they might track other things, too?? // [thanks to sarah bahr for both this tip & berlin recs!!]

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tokyo gig guide // very clean / simple, has genre tags, lots of experimental & improvised musics!! [thanks to mark kerrigan of seattle noise for the tip; he found the site on dodiy & used it to find noise / experimental gigs in a sept '24 trip!]

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[ mini '24 trip ]

contratiempo jazz agenda // roughly-weekly updates that appear to be on the more capital-J Jazz side, but enough overlap that it was mentioned by ~avant~ ppl! no links woof, but v detailed lineup + price info. [thanks to duncan pinas (at a v. boozy back-room pasagüero) & alexander bruck (la tehuanita experimento) for insisting that there IS a calendar here!!]

316centro (relatedly, vyctoria) • abjetiva • café jazzorca • casa del lagoccemx (centro cultural de españa)la cloaca records • departamento (in) • encorto circuito (fb) • el escudo y el espejo blog • foro indie rocks • japan (in) • bar malaidëa • maquiladora studiomutek fall fest • rafael arriaga zazueta photo • ruido horrible (in) • la tehuanita • venas rotas (in) • sunday sunday (in) • yuyu (in)

THNX = ernesto del puerto for being BEST HOST, & TVL pal camilo ángeles for putting us in touch!!

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MX-oaxaca // "sponsored by The Oaxaca Lending Library (OLL), who provided funds for this nifty software"; has a solid / basic accessibility page giving info on different spots.

las brujas espacio culturalcasa bestia • casa de los perros • la clínicaequinoxxio bar centroel espacio (bar) • espacio luvina • espacio zapatagothic oaxaca undergroundhumito cocina & foro 8 temblorbar ilegalIAGO (instituto de artes gráficas de oaxaca) • la jícara librespacio • konexion musical • MACO (museo de arte contemporáneo de oaxaca) • matamoros 404oaxaca lending libraryred dot art galleryson de aqui • taller-popularteatro macedonio alcalá • herr tlacuache oaxaca • txalaparta

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desterrodisgraçaflurmusicbox patch pointzaratanzdb

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london sound index substack // "... we tend to avoid large scale events with lots of money behind them in a bid to concentrate on underground and independent operations. In regards to genre we have no editorial position: you’ll find everything from singer-songwriters to free improvisation, opera to DIY/hardcore featured here." // LSI provides ♿️ access info!!!!!! // [i think they launched this the DAY i figured out how to find referral urls in google analytics, so thanks to LSI crew for linkin me –– & even more for adopting (& improving???) nyc noise's accessibility info listing practices :''') i'm tearin up at a coffee shop lol]

another subculture (@anothersubculture) // "Another Subculture has been putting out cassette magazines, gig listings and wallet destroying pandemic printer zines since 2013, trying to signal boost London DIY punk and hardcore in whatever format makes sense at the time. In 2024, the plan is to create monthly A3 newsletters that combine a comprehensive listing of punk, hardcore, DIY, weirdo and perhaps radical gigs & events in London with reports, photos and gossip from what’s been going on, all on a big fun page that you can put in your pocket, fridge or turn into compost. ... Ben Perkins is your editor. He can also be found on Balamii as one half of Repetitive Strain, with more racket in the pipeline." // if u live closer, u can also get this in print for cheap!! // [thanks to beautiful genius activist artist wordsmyth & friend-of-decades bb for sharing this one!]

diy listings london // [thanks to london sound index for sharing!]

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diy birmingham (insta) // "DIY Birmingham is a grassroots collective that exists to promote alternative expression in alternative spaces in the city of Birmingham, AL. The DIY movement aims to break out of the social and economic hierarchies of the traditional music industry to make creative expression and creative experience available to all people. This site is for folks who want to know what's happening around our city." [thanks to!]

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USA-CA-bay (san francisco, oakland) // "Experimental, Improvised, Noise, Electronic, Free-Jazz, Avant Garde, Modern Composition, and Other Forms of Contemporary Sound in the San Francisco Bay Area" // curated by i think john lee tho i need to check that // venues incl. bird & beckett, ccrma, center for new music, the lab, the laundry, various mills zones, temescal

the list // punk shows! "This is a WWW version of Steve Koepke's excellent (San Francisco) Bay Area concert guide. All of the content is Steve's, I've just HTMLized everything. Please send Steve mail if you have questions or corrections related to the list content. My program automatically converts Steve's listings into HTML, so please mail him if you'd like to add or update a show. You can contact Graham Spencer if there's a bug in translation from Steve's flat file to this version."

@whitecratesf // bay area show recs + interviews & reviews thru substack, newsletter, radio show, & more! (we'll forgive the sp*tify playlists) // started by ronny kerr, i think live stuff's maybe curated by elliot engel // venues incl. the lab, el rio, uc theatre, public works, ivy room, center for new music, the chapel (just from aug 26-27 recs) // [thanks to ryen banihashemi for rec!]

diy sf bay area (list of spaces)

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USA-CA-los angeles // primarily house & techno, but includes some experimental electronic, which you can skim for cuz there are v helpful "tags" yay! still need to ask who runs this // [thanks to the redditer who sent me a link, sorry i didn't see the msg for so long whoops!!]

the scenestar // seems to be trying to list everything, which is kinda bonkers for a place as big / sprawl-y as the suburb-cluster of los angeles, & there's no shortcut to a given date, but it's v simple & clean w/ links, so... ???

1642 bar2220 arts (insta) • amoebaautomatabananas • barnsdall gallery theatre (site inactive?) • the echo + echoplexestuariogenghis cohengold-diggers (insta) • the goldfishgold linehealing force (insta) • heavy manners (insta) • hollywood forever cemeterylaundry wandlittle secretlodge room (insta) • montymoroccan lounge (insta) • non plus ultrathe offbeatthe paramountpermanent records (insta) • philosophical research societyredcat (insta) • redwood (insta) • the regentresidentscribble (insta) • shit art clubsilverlake lounge (insta) • the smell (insta) • solarc brewingsomething poeticstoriestee geeteragram ballroomla tierra de la culebra parktroubadourwasteland (insta) • zebulon (insta)

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send a cal plz!

diy casual (denver *&* boulder) • seventh circle music collective (denver)

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haven't found an active event calendar... email me if you know or start it!! some new haven stuffs:

cafe 9ct scramblect versesfirehouse 12 • never ending books (@v0lume_tw0) • new haven independentnhv noise

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USA-IL-chicago // jazz realmz! + new music, improv, noise, performance & sound art // curated by tushar samant since late 2006

anagram series • beat kitchen • bim bom studiosthe.blkroombottom loungecolor clubcomfort stationcompound yellowconstellationco-prosperitydorian'selastic artsempty bottleepiphanyexperimental sound studio (ESS)facility theatrefulton street collectivethe green millthe hideoutthe hungry brainlampolincoln hall + schubas • madlener house • marmalademetrosleeping villagesugar mapletritrianglethe whistler

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USA-MA-boston // solon gordon's calendar of live music in the greater boston area (easily filter-able by location); not delineated by genre / communities –– includes "all the live music [Solon] can find" –– but a marvelously clean / minimalist site that prioritizes independent / house shows & has FAVE feature (EVERYONE TAKE NOTE) of allowing u to filter out ticketmaster venues!!! :D // "local music happening in Boston!"; at a glance –– which glance includes malaby, beam splitter, leo chang, PEK, forbes graham –– seems to highlight experimental / avant-jazz rippers & has perhaps the most appealing submission form i've ever seen [thanks to solon for incl. other cals w/ submission!!] [this may be inactive now...? will confirm asap] // "the wmbr rock/pop/punk concert report" [thanks to solon for incl. other cals w/ submission!!]

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michigan happenings .org // "shows & other events in southeast Michigan (Detroit / metro Detroit / Ypsilanti / Ann Arbor etc)"; very streamlined –– not even links!! in keeping w/ xerox'd past –– but updated often (& if u hit "past" you get everything they've listed since 2018 all on one page wow v satisfying!!!).

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USA-MO-st. louis // "primarily indie, punk & experimental with an emphasis on smaller touring bands" // my BIG VOUCH is that site mod mabel suen was in town for like a day & during that trip located an illegal midtown rooftop noise show by FOLLOWING THE SOUND FROM HER HOTEL & trying an unmarked stairwell: 1000% who you want running the show calendar lolol

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triangle music and movement .org // more info asap; run by daniel levin of synchronicity arts!!

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lmk what's happening here?? some omaha stuffs:

bemis centerno coast noise collectiveomaha under the radarproject project

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i hear about lotsa great nj house shows, lemme know who's listing them plz!!

flemington diythe grander canyon (nb)

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<NYC REGULARS> + COMMUNITY: 3afak (bc | insta) Black Science Fiction (insta) • brooklyn trans core (insta) Chaos Computer (gofund | insta) CfPT (insta) • LiveCode.NYC (insta) PTP (bc | insta) • Relative Pitch (bc | insta) • Synth Library (insta) • TrevorshausVoluminous Arts (bc | insta) + LABOR & ACTIVISM: Artists Against Displacement (insta) Bandcamp United (insta) • Music Workers Alliance (insta) • United Musicians & Allied Workers (insta) • W.A.G.E. (insta) + OBJECTS: Downtown Music Gallery (insta) • Ergot Records (insta) • The Record ShopThousands of Dead Gods (insta)

nonsense nyc // weekly mailing list: "a discriminating resource for independent art, weird events, strange happenings, unique parties, and senseless culture in New York City." // curated by jeff stark for a ZILLION YEARS (started in september 2000!! mad respect), hits yr inbox every friday // very explicitly not for "just music" events, but hell interdisciplinary / rule-of-3-style stuff is becoming more the norm anyway // you can donate here & also the FAQ-style "about" page is really excellent, i would like to copy large chunks of it lol

NYGHT discord // "NYGHT is a new community hosted on Discord creating space for people across all scenes of nightlife to convene outside of the social media "algorithmic platter." NYGHT is a living work in progress that aims to meet people however it is most useful." spearheaded by ciela / @gatebreaking & the admin of @new_york_underground

new music calendar // "Your resource for new music in New York" + helpful gloss of new music as "contemporary concert music"; about specifies "concert music events at which the majority of work presented is by living composers" // curated & updated by todd tarantino "to replace the old paper Calendar for New Music that Bill Hellerman used to mail out"; v good site!! spreadsheet-style, super clean & minimalist, no ads or trash, scroll right for links & prices; to support new music calendar, you can send a tip // reader, i know you prolly want price listings on this site, too; i'm ambivalent cuz i think people should pay for stuff if they can, & often free events have more funding/support, but as a Poor Person i def see the appeal (hence "$$" warnings)… maybe i'll start marking which events are NOTAFLOF?? ...I DID

not *fully* public, but... dada strain / bklyn sounds // piotr orlov is a nyc writer who goes to lots of gr8 stuff (also curation + radio!), tho he's been doing this stuff way longer than me –– what a nice lil interview here :') –– he says [somewhere, where did i find this] he "launched Dada Strain as an outlet for [his] thinking about rhythm, improvisation and community - and about the importance of 'local'," which threads also organize the weekly substack show recs. full listings are ~subscribers only~!! but big swaths (including some great profiles) are free; worth following & pay-to-subscribe if u can!! [thanks to piotr orlov, who didn't actually send me this but links to nyc noise sometimes; i found the substack in referrers!] // yay for PACBI CALENDARS!!! sign up, it's a newsletter

night after night // i keep forgetting to add steve smith's gr8 substack roundup for "contemporary classical music & jazz, electronic & electroacoustic music, & idioms for which no clever genre name has been coined" –– prolly cuz it used to be subscriber-only, but as of july '24 it's open to all yayyy

max levin's radar // max levin is *also* a nyc writer who goes to lots of GR8 STUFF, & this is a list of ~plans~ on max's site (also a "past" page w/ the events he attended) –– max has v good taste, avant sounds + some film, & since it's one person's plans there's a helpful ~slimming~ (that is, unlikely to see more than 2 events per day) // [thanks to shredding vox/drumster andrya ambro (of gold dime), who thought *i* told *her* about this page (i did not!!) (...except wait max says maybe i did??? wow my memory is SO BAD wtf)]

extended techniques // "new music" + contemporary classical + jazz zones // list curated by alex minkin, who usually recs ~30 events at start of each month; leans a liiittle fancier than me, but i def check this to make sure i'm not missing anything important cuz it's solid! // venues incl. barbés, dimenna center, the jazz gallery, roulette, the stone, zürcher; sometimes breaks for summer

researching ridgewood substack // occasional event roundups in "A collaborative project that explores the everyday life, lore, history, events, encounters and scandals of Ridgewood, Queens" // [found this thru a referral link & was *extra* excited bc I LIVE HERE!!!! :D YAY NEIGHBORHOOD!!!]

go out! // [possibly inactive or subscriber-only since april '24?] weekly list for music, dance, opera, theater, performance (& food!!) w/ a v pretty website! // also trends ~fancier~ but great range, jazz & new music & experimental, includes some soundwalk stuffs // list curated & (v thoroughly annotated!) by barry michael okun

kevin reilly // kevin runs relative pitch records, a "NYC-based independent record label specializing in avant-garde, free jazz, free improvisation, experimental" musics, & his monthly email recommendations are very in-line with the kinda music he puts out (& documents on his youtube channel) // he's stopped sending those, but if you wanna make sure you get any future mailings (or encourage him to start again?? cuz c'mon kevin i'm bad at checking insta!!) you can write him: // he also v helpfully used to include a pdf of monthly listings from the...

new york city jazz record // …jazz! both ~avant~ & cap-J; they include listings at the end of every (monthly) issue (tho since you can't update a print pub you'll obvs wanna confirm elsewhere)

jazz generation // this is the ~parent entity~ (i think??) for keyed up, which i think is a booking entity pairing jazz artists & venues…? sorry i didn't fully check background on this yet––point is Jazz of a more capital-J persuasion, including some sessions & jam-type things // venues include williamsburg music center, the flying lobster, rebar chelsea, 11th st. bar, lowlands, bar bayeux

resident advisor // "A platform to discover electronic music, artists and events." // if you found nyc noise, you've likely seen the way-more-popular resident advisor––they're a multi-city site, & that + ticket cuts makes me nervous… but for their size, these days they seem to do a decent job of staying "independent" & supporting locals (tho y'know tell me if there's f*ckery behind the scenes).. ??? idk i would LOVE for someone *else* to cover dance music culture who isn't taking cuts; lmk if this is you!!

nyc insta roundups: most post w/in 24 hrs of events, but worth following if you're on insta lots (&& send those i've missed!): @new_york_underground_official (sermon3-affiliated, curated by sweet + nymph, gr8 electronic-leaning weirdo selections), @tappedinnyc (piles!), @performanceart_nyc (bet u can guess!!)
inactive: @chaoscalendarnyc (punk gigs!), @kharaxresidency (dance / electronic / dj-based music)

FILMS // i only list screenings if there's a live component, but screen slate has the full rundown if you're looking for that kinda thing! // "It’s difficult to define exactly what we feature, but generally: arthouse, repertory/restoration titles, radical film, genre cinema, pornography, experimental film, media art, and more. Throughout our history we have placed an emphasis on historically under-represented filmmakers, genres, modes of expression, and filmmakers." // founded (& run!) by jon dieringer // [one of my fave soundsters (*&* big film nerd) c. spencer yeh first tipped me off to screenslate; ty pal!!]

++ cc sometimes does screenings on mondays & tuesdays; i don't list those on the main site, but if you send me a flyer i'll include it on the cc page. [update: RIP CC]

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send a cal! some cleveland spots:

blk punx pressnew ghosts (insta)

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USA-OH-columbus // " focuses on music in the central Columbus, Ohio area. It began in 1995 as an extension of the Live Shows Calendar. The Live Shows Calendar began in 1990. The calendar is updated every Sunday with the next 4 weeks of events. Inquiries, contributions and submissions can be sent to [or]." // run by Joel Treadway! (& only joel treadway, since literally can u *believe* 1990???) // [thanks to wicked photographer / artist pal alexander perrelli for this one!!]

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USA-OR-portland // covers both portland, or & vancouver, wa with a slew of FLYERS & links & also heavy geocities vibes... // curated by vern avola, who founded ems records & had a pioneer works residency in nyc! :D // "Please submit all JPG IMAGES along with a short text description (band names, time, date, ages, cost) for events to"

bitter half booking (corvallis) • black water (pdx) • bud tapes (pdx) corvallis diycorvallis experiments in noiselose yr mind fest (pdx) • mud house (pdx) • my vinyl underground (pdx)

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USA-PA-philadelphia // noise, avant-jazz, "new music," weirdo hangs, shared ~areas of interest~ w/ wonderfully minimal site, gr8 job (just add a page for the past!!!) // venues incl. century bar, philly argentine tango school, solar myth (boot & saddle), big farma, ukie club, johnny brenda's, evangelical lutheran church of the atonement, philamoca, haw den // [ty to captivating weirdo ben bennett for the tip!] // like playin possum, also v new (looks like august 2022)??? technically goes against my own rules to include it bc about says the aim is to list *EVERY* show, but it's minimalist + no ads + seems to skew avant / experimental / indie concert calendar // "WPRB Recommends… Some concert recommendations in the NJ, Philly, and NYC areas from wprb to you."

philly insta roundups: @labelrockers (inactive; hip hop!)

4333 collective (insta) • AnthornaArs Nova Workshop (insta)The BarbaryBeautiful World SyndicateBowerbird (insta)Building BokCherry Street Pier (insta) • Common Beat MusicDear Life Records (insta; nyc & philly) • Electric FactoryFoto ClubHaus (fka Haus of Yarga) House Cat PresentsInstitute of Contemporary Art (insta) Johnny Brenda's (insta) • Kung Fu NecktieMaasBuildingMilkBoyPhilaMOCA (insta)philly fringe festR5 Productions (insta)Ramp Local (insta; philly & nyc) • The Rotunda (insta)Sera Phi (insta)Underground Arts (insta) • Union Transfer (insta)Vox Populi (insta) • The WoodlandsWXPN (insta) • World Cafe Live (insta)

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USA-PA-pittsburgh // more OPEN SOURCE woooo!!! "The site is an open source project built by Geoff Maddock, using Laravel, PHP, MySQL and Javascript. You can view and contribute to the code base on Github." // [ty to pittsburgh sound preserve [below] for listing other local calendars like this one!!]

pittsburgh sound preserve // "Pittsburgh Sound Preserve is a community music organization dedicated to finding, promoting, and celebrating creative music in Pittsburgh." ... thru "A fortnightly community improvisation series, presented every other Monday at Telephone" + zine + calendar, which "compiles creative music events around Pittsburgh," incl. those hosted by PSP & more // ppl = Theresa Seguritan Abalos, Mai Khoi, Mark Micchelli, Eli Namay, Jay Rauch // [ty to soon-to-be-pittsburgh-er ethan isaac for this –– i met jay after grein played cutelab, but didn't know abt calendar til ethan put us in touch!!]

collisionthe delidiy tour networkinverted musicmr. roboto project (insta) • never tell me the odds

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USA-SC-columbia // "A selective listing of experimental and otherwise groovy sound events in what some call ‘the magic city.’" // run by hollis beach, who i met at trans-pecos summer '22 (& who a few months later fatefully texted "I need to launch a website for Columbia shows"...)!

capital city cola // my usual rule against "pages that list everything" doesn't apply when there's v little happening, so for now, a link to ambree's contribution!

701 cca • 711 saluda • all good booksart barcola town bike collectivegardener's outpostif art galleryjam room music festivalkoger centerthe looney bin • mike williams art (1221 lincoln) • new brookland tavernthe senatesouthern exposure new music seriesthe spazeusc school of music eventsusc jazz festivalwusc

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buoyant heart (patreon)

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USA-WA-seattle // "Music blog about noise and experimental (not just noise) music events in Seattle by Mark Kerrigan"; hella curated weekly roundups w/ genre notes (i love the idea of doing that on nyc noise, tho current feel is that there are Too Many hmm...) *&* monthly gcal view, also on insta! @seattlenoisemusic // [ty to ridgewood rippers painted faces, who told mark to get in touch after he played on a bill this spring!! also "not just noise" is def unofficial tagline here too lol]

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USA-WA-vancouver // covers both portland, or & vancouver, wa with a slew of FLYERS & links & also heavy geocities vibes... // curated by vern avola, who founded ems records & had a pioneer works residency in nyc! :D // "Please submit all JPG IMAGES along with a short text description (band names, time, date, ages, cost) for events to"

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