nyc noise

~ always incomplete ~

submit shows / releases



preferred way to get events, much easier for me!!! will prolly update submit links to go to just that soon... big luv 2 site besties greg & paul, & lmk about any glitches! if you have multiple submissions u can email the batch; plz put dates in subject line & include date / time / artists / location / age & access / link(s) for each, ty!



google submission form


google calendar


email with the subject line "EVENT [date]." 

if you rly don't have ANY public link, plz include a flier, but i v appreciate WRITTEN-OUT TEXT!!! flyer-only [yeah idk how it's spelled] means i have to type everything out myself, & half the time it's illegible lol... looking for:

• date & time
optional: "xxx presents," name of series/fest, etc.
• artists
• location (venue + address, url if livestream)
• age policy (e.g., all ages or 21+)
• accessibility info (e.g., wheelchair accessible or 2 flights stairs)
• link(s) to anything confirming the show (can include social media)
i only list gigs in the 5 boroughs; also welcome livestreams, though now it's narrowed to those w/ some kinda local (or arbitrary!) affiliation.
thanks to PAUL for form fixes & helps, GREG TECHNOLOGY for new form & auto-filled gcal invite link, & max of for idea to have gcal submission option!!


again, email > form!! with the subject line BANDCAMP ROUNDUPplease restrict links for the bandcamp (& more!) roundup to recordings featuring nyc-based musicians. include artist, title, price, link, & any fundraiser / benefit info; i'll pull embed codes myself if adding to bandcamp features. you can submit non-bandcamp releases, as long as there's a link & an option to pay (f*ck spotify 4eva!!!).