nyc noise

~ always incomplete ~


i always wanna give a link when thanking paul feitzinger but he has NO public-facing website or social media???? WILD anyway i made this page for if you ever wanna tell someone about PAUL: :D i will add stuff about his ~light skills~ soon, email me if u have any good pix/vids of that at wrath or wherev!

• contact paul
• ~fancy stuff~ paul's done
• what paul said when i asked how to tell a pal what he does "in Computer Language"
• a few shows paul's played that turned up when i searched nyc noise, prefaced by rambling
• look at paul
• also paul

tiny text by raschin says "also cool text person"
alt text: pic of PAUL & "also cool tech person" raschin, both slender with dark hair & dressed head-to-toe in black, in front of the red brick of a building across the street from chaos computer the morning after the space's last night, we had rolled out at 9 or 10am after Hella Dancing. paul's in profile & mid-stride, white person with very LUSH curly hair piled on top of their head, also a beard, narrowly missing stepping on a bright red can on the grey sidewalk; raschin's sitting on the ledge of a big industrial-looking metal door, wearing shades & smoking a cigarette. a city sign says NO PARKING ON SIDEWALK.

• contact paul


• ~fancy stuff~ paul's done

• Senior Research Scientist + Machine Learning Engineer @ VUI, Inc.
• Adjunct Instructor (co-taught computational linguistics) @ NYU
• Technical Research Assistant @ CUNY
• Research Software Engineer @ Princeton
• ...almost finished college, lololol

• what paul said when i asked how to tell a pal what he does "in Computer Language"

(btw paul, promise i did not plan on making this page when i asked!!!)

[3:56 AM, 9/15/2023] paul feitzinger: I guess I'd say I used to be more of a programming language nerd but lately I'd been doing mostly python and typescript for stuff that mostly dealt with natural language processing
[3:57 AM, 9/15/2023] paul feitzinger: and Supercollider and stuff for audio synthesis

• a few shows paul's played that turned up when i searched nyc noise, prefaced by rambling

did u forget that all the listings used to be TEAL??? & then during pandemic i switched to livestreams, & then i started making in-person listings the darker color to differentiate them (cuz for ages there were only a few!), & then over time i began associating "teal" with both "online" & also more broadly ~accessible,~ like outside events, & that is the unnecessary/boring story of why access-related text is teal & listings are not!!!, the end

2018-11-06 • 7pm: Jeff Carey & friends will destroy your ego @ h0l0 // Jeff Carey, Bob Bellerue, Laura Ortmann, JoAnn J. McNeil, Sandy Ewen / Paul Feitzinger / John McCowen

2018-12-09 • 3pm: Eighty-pound Pug w/ Steve Dalachinsky @ otto's shrunken head // Alex Lozupone / Paul Feitzinger / David Tamura / Ayumi Ishito / guest Charles Waters

2019-03-06 • 9pm: Limited Resources #27 @ muchmore's // Marcia Bassett & Sandy Gordon, Ben Bennett / Jack Wright / Zach Darrup, Michelle Yom / Marc Hannaford / Ted Gordon / Paul Feitzinger / Erica Dicker

2019-11-04 • 8pm: Dario Fariello (w/ Lucie Vítková, Paul Feitzinger, Matt Mottel, Michelle Yom) (fb) @ areté, 67 west st. #103, bklyn // DF, alto & soprillo saxes, vcv rack / LV, accordion, hichiriki, synthesizer / PF, percussion / MM, keyboards / MY, flutes

2022-12-02 • 7pm: Cornelius Cardew's Treatise (Hans Tammen, Monica Rocha, Jess Rowland, Paul Feitzinger, Arthur Sheehy, Andy Pitcher, Meg Schedel), Margaret Schedel's Typologies (w/ Midjourney, Kevin Yager) @ spectrum at bwac, 481 van brunt st., door 7a, red hook, bklyn // possibly outdated instructions: "go to the end of van brunt st. & look for a sign"

• look at paul

some pix:
peter gannushkin's archive is insane & SO satisfyingly organized, check this psychotic full artists page

• also paul

tiny text by tony says "not to be confused with (tho similar ~genre~)"
alt text: pic of 3 Pals –– tony, paul, & jeff –– sitting on the roof of a building, though you can't tell it's a roof from the picture; they're on a step or ledge in front of a stained metal door & more brick, some red & some covered in tar or something. tony's on the left, & like paul he's slender & white in a black tee & they both have this like Extremely Voluminous curly brown hair & are even both wearing thin-framed glasses in this pic lolol, hence my Genre commend; jeff is more close-shorn & tank top'd (SUMMER)