covid-19 resources + efforts
note: there are ~1 million mutual aid, grant, etc. lists; i'm just including stuff for/by musicians + venues, cuz... i'm one person & that's what this site is? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ // note2: it's now august 2021 & many grant links are i'm sure wildly outdated (moving them below, will hopefully update again someday) ~but~ VENUES/HUMANS ARE STILL STRUGGLING, so def donate to spots if you have the cash! // note3: offer to make contact for community contact tracing still stands, but we've had *so* many breakthrough cases that it seems a dash lost-cause-y, woof… keep getting tested plz!!!
Donate: NYC Venues + Staff
if using paypal, make sure it's "family / friends" so they aren't charged a fee // bolded & venmos are links // various means of support, including directly funding employees, memberships, & purchasing merchandise. very incomplete; if you'd like your venue &/or info added, use the submission form. i'll rotate highlights, but here are a few small spots that could use your help: [edit aug'21: well that's depressing, 2 of the "highlights" have now closed :'( okay well will just leave full list for now—&& even if a spot's closed, its people still (maybe even especially) need help!! & hey hold out hope: some are pulling a jesus & ~rising again~][fundraising estimates updated 2020-07-01]
ABC No Rio [in Exile] [donate link on site]
Alphaville | Gift Certificates & Employee Tips
Anyone Comics [buy!]
Areté | GoFundMe (~$2.6k)
Babycastles | Subscribe to Twitch | Memberships
Bar Bayeux | GoFundMe (~$4.8k)
Barbès | Buy Records | GoFundMe ($30k+)
The Bell House | The Bell House & Union Hall Staff GoFundMe (~$43k)
Bowery Ballroom | Bowery Ballroom & Mercury Lounge Staff GoFundMe (~$19k)
Brooklyn Bowl | Staff Relief Fund IndieGoGo (~$35k)
C'mon Everybody | Virtual Drinks & Community Support GoFundMe (~21k)
Cobra Club | staff venmo; specify CC or SJ @cobra-sweetjanes
Danspace Project | Donate + Membership
The Deep End | GoFundMe ($2.7k)
Downtown Music Gallery (buy musics!) | paypal
DROM | Drom Staff Relief GoFundMe (~$15k)
Elsewhere | Gift Cards | Staff Support Gofundme (~$49k)
El Taller Latino Americano | [paypal link]
[RIP] Flowers For All Occasions | Bartender Venmos: @UlaKinder • @Lily-Chambers • @DeanCercone • @Dooll-Chao • @Ben-Pagano-1 • @dixvdt (Katya) • @MelissaCha • @Dead_Guy (Tomi) • @laura-perez-harris • @TwinkleToadToes (Gigi) • @JentleThumb (Jen)
Freddy's | Support Freddy's Staff GoFundMe (~$8k)
Good Room | Merch & Gift Cards | paypal @goodroombk | venmo @goodroombk
Greenwich House Music School | Donate
Hart Bar | GoFundMe ($1.8k)
Hartstop | Patreon ($57/month; monthly donations *down*)
H0L0 | Memberships | Cash App: $h0l0c4sh | @h0l0_nyc
House of Yes | Staff Support GoFundMe (~$44k)
Issue Project Room | Support
JACK | Donate
The Jazz Gallery | Donate
The Kitchen | Donate / Membership
Knitting Factory | Employee Fund GoFundMe (~$1.4k)
(le) poisson rouge | LPR Staff / Future Drinks GoFundMe (~$22.7k)
The Living Gallery | GoFundMe ($410) // *providing community support*
Lunàtico | Gift Cards | Staff Relief GoFundMe (~$26.7k)
Magick City | | Membership
Market Hotel | @markethotel
[RIP] Max Fish | Employee Fund GoFundMe (~$25.3k)
Mercury Lounge | Bowery Ballroom & Mercury Lounge Staff GoFundMe (~$19k)
Metropolis Ensemble [Pop-up]| Donate, Membership, More
[RIP] Muchmore's | Staff GoFundMe ($0)
National Sawdust | Donate | Membership
Nowadays | Virtually Nowadays memberships
Old Stone House in Brooklyn | Donate
Our Wicked Lady | Gift Cards | Staff Support GoFundMe (~$11.9k)
Outpost Artist Resources | Donate / Membership
The Park Church Co-op | Membership
Pioneer Works | Donate + Membership
The Record Shop (buy musix!) | @benecoop | paypal
Rockwood Music Hall | Staff Support GoFundMe (~$13.2k)
Roulette | Donate + Membership
Saint Vitus | Staff Tip Jar @Saint-Vitus-Bar |
Soapbox Gallery | Donate to Livestreams
Spectrum | paypal
Sunview Luncheonette | Donate / Subscribe
Thousands Of Dead Gods (buy musics!)
Threes Brewing | Merch & Gift Cards
Trans-Pecos | @trans-pecos | Staff GoFundMe (~$5.5k)
Trevorshaus | @trevorshaus // *providing community support*
Triskelion Arts | Family Fund GoFundMe ($4.5k)
Union Hall | The Bell House & Union Hall Staff Fund GoFundMe (~$43k)
Union Pool | Employee Support GoFundMe (~$29k) // *providing community support*
Support: (mostly!) NYC Music
downtown music gallery • the record shop (dm)
thousands of dead gods (discogs) • relative pitch records
Livestreaming Guide (Twitch)
Twitch Broadcast: Artist Guide // by Jeremiah Chiu of Lumpen Radio (

Petitions & Surveys
• NY State Senate S8125A + A10224A for 90 day rent suspension & forgiveness• Contact Cuomo via Form + 1-518-474-8390 supporting passage of S8125
• Petition + Petition to Suspend NYC Rent
• NY State Senate S.8190 / A.10318: Emergency Coronavirus Affordable Housing Preservation Act
• NYC Office of Nightlife: Survey on Lost Income for Nightlife, Freelance, Businesses
• Arts For Art COVID-19 Artist Impact Survey
• Artists' Literacies Institute COVID-19 Gig/Event Economy Survey [spreadsheet]
Mutual Aid
[WEDS] • 11am–2pm: Union Pool Pantry Wednesdays @ union pool, 484 union ave, bklyn // Rethink provides hot premade meals, UP provides pantry bags of nonperishable items (courtesy St. John's Bread & Life, Crest Hardware)[M/W/F] • 5pm: Non-perishable food & sanitary products @ the living gallery, 1094 broadway, bklyn
[M/W/F] • 1-5pm: DONATE: Non-perishable food & sanitary products @ the living gallery, 1094 broadway, bklyn // $ donations to @thelivinggallerybk
Grants + Financial Resources
[2020-07-01 note: stopped updating application acceptance status cuz stuff changes too quickly; sorry!! just cross your fingers & click through]
• NYFA Emergency Resources Directory
• NYFA Emergency Grants List
• COVID-19 Freelance Artist Resources
• Women Arts emergency funds link/list
• ALJA (Afro Latin Jazz Alliance) Emergency Artist Fund | apply
• Artist Relief Tree | apply
• Arts Leaders of Color Emergency Fund | apply
• CERF+ emergency assistance | submit inquiry
• Dance/NYC Freelance Dance COVID-19 Relief Fund | apply
• Early Music America Relief Fund
• The Equal Sound Corona Relief Fund | apply
• Foundation for Contemporary Arts COVID-19 Relief Fund
• Foundation for Contemporary Arts Emergency Grants Program | apply
• The Ghostlight Fund for Financial Recovery & Assistance
• The Mayer Foundation Economic Relief Grant | apply
• Musicians Foundation
• The New Music Solidarity Fund
• NYC Low-Income Artist / Freelancer Relief Fund for Low-Income, BIPOC, Trans/GNC/NB/Queer Artists
• The South Asian Arts Resiliency Fund
• The Soze Agency Artist + Activist Relief Fund
• Actors Fund Emergency Financial Assistance // requires union membership
• The AGMA Relief Fund | apply // requires union membership
• The Lester Petrillo Memorial Fund for Disabled Musicians | apply // only mems of American Federation of Musicians
• The Episcopal Actors' Guild // requires unpaid bills, checking & savings account balances, tax returns...
• The Jazz Exchange Relief Fund// accepting applications w/ only $3.3k raised, $500 from gofundme grant...?
• Jazz Foundation of America
• The Max’s Kansas Project Emergency Funding• Patreon Covid-19 Artist Grant // on hold & they're firing staff, so... // lol gone
• Recording Academy MUSICARES // "6 'commercially released' recordings or videos ... applicants required to investigate all other possible sources of aid."
• Sweet Relief Musicians Fund // encouraging applicants to start their own fundraisers affiliated w/ & giving a cut to sweet relief; funds dispersed to "third parties" (e.g., they won't give you money for rent –– they'll want your landlord's address to send them the check)
• Twenty Summers Emergency Arts Fund // you send them content, promote the content hosted on their platform, & then they redistribute donations...?
Community Contact Tracing
update sept 2021: rates are high & delta's spreading fast, making it extremely likely that any given audience includes *at least* one person with covid. communication is VITAL, whether it's about a show being canceled due to potential spread (see von w/ some great notes on importance of testing in nightlife) or sharing info about confirmed cases following a show (see P.E. post after 8/21 trans-pecos). below is still up for situations where no one is comfortable making a public announcement, but the tl;dr is KEEP GETTING TESTED, K?? xoxorecently a number of local vaccinated artists have contracted covid-19. WE NEED TO KEEP US SAFE—& that means finding ways around stigma, professional concerns, etc. this is a no-judgment initiative through which you can anonymously inform your community of potential exposure.
if you test positive for covid-19, please email with:
• the date + a picture of your positive test (i will not share the image, but you can crop out your name or any other identifying information)
• shows you have attended in the last two weeks
• names of anyone who you know attended those shows; include any known means of contact (e.g., email, instagram, phone number).
i'll then contact anyone i can track down from your list + anyone who i personally know attended those shows.
unless you ask me to do so, i will not include your name or the specific show; i will not post this information anywhere publicly. the email (/text/dm) will say something like, "a person at a show you attended in the last week [/two weeks] has tested positive for covid-19. please stay masked & get tested as soon as possible; it would be greatly appreciated if you would send me your test results when you do." i'll then (~meta moment~) include the same information i've outlined above, giving the option for sharing information on show attendance, anyone they'd like contacted, etc.
thanks so much to those who have publicly / on socials let people know when they've contracted covid-19; transparency is the best way to keep us safe. this service is for those who want to maximize the reach of that information &/or who, for whatever professional or personal reason, are not comfortable sharing the information publicly. this is a very recent (8.6.21) experiment & there's no way of knowing how many will share their test results, so do not assume that you have not been exposed simply because you haven't heard from me!
good luck, stay masked, & keep getting tested, okay? even if you don't take this seriously, the information's relevant on a practical level for travel, jobs that require testing, etc. more importantly? many musicians live with, or are, immunocompromised people; awareness + communication are vital.
if you'd like to share, you can use the image above &/or insta post here.