nyc noisecore
recently referred to some musician friends (who i def over-post) & sam "sam" hafferty promptly responded, "oh, right: nyc noisecore" // lol, but i also like "cores" –– as community, not exclusivity –– & it was a good reminder that the thing i'm best at is shamelessly & transparently promoting my own taste & friends ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ // this page = links to buy music from &/or donate to artists on @nyc_noise insta (so far, just listing some ppl i've posted at least 3x) // keep checking in + submit releases to be added to full bandcamp roundup.
also now have NYC NOISE STUFF I LIKE compilations (yes thank u it is a profound name!), & all june proceeds go to COVID BAIL OUT NYC // they're great, & along w/ bailing medically-vulnerable Black & brown ppl outta rikers, they also offer great post-release support; i've posted bail for them 2x (all you can do per month) @ the brooklyn detention center by issue project room & they make it v easy for you :D // ppl on the comps are ALSO great, i mean ffs look at those lineups!! // for ~full transparency~ i'm including bandcamp payouts here (updating every 2-3 days; as of 6/16, $552.57) & will post all receipts for payments to them end o'month! :D
Table of Contents |
jessica pavone |
brandon lopez |
weasel walter |
dreamcrusher |
avenue / mr. truelove |
nicholas jozwiak |
samantha riott |
c. spencer yeh |
leila bordreuil |
FOR COVID BAIL OUT NYC (Vol.1) (name your price) // Ft. Charmaine Lee, Ishmael Ali, Cecilia Lopez, Lester St. Louis, Victoria Shen, Daniel Carter, Javier Areal Vélez, Nat Baldwin, Weston Olencki // fundraiser for COVID Bail Out NYC (100% proceeds through june): "We bail out our Black & brown siblings in NYC jails, prioritizing those who are medically vulnerable."
FOR COVID BAIL OUT NYC (Vol.2) ($10) // Ft. Matteo Liberatore, Violeta García, Carlos Quebrada, Matt Nelson, C. Spencer Yeh, gabby fluke-mogul, Weasel Walter, Aaron Dilloway // fundraiser for COVID Bail Out NYC (100% proceeds through june): "We bail out our Black & brown siblings in NYC jails, prioritizing those who are medically vulnerable."
jessica pavone
J. Pavone String Ensemble, Brick and Mortar ($12-14)
In the Action ($7)
TEACHING SITE // teaches (now obvs remotely) viola, violin, & piano // jessicapavone at gmail dot com for (reasonable) rates
brandon lopez
violent starts at the tongue ($10)
quoniam facta sum vilis ($5 at this link?!?!)
site // full-ish discography // instagram: @bantlopez // he might not like that i did this, but he's one of my very faves & i don't want him moving away, so please buy his music // if you paypal him, i'd recommend a note like "hush"
TEACHING // teaches (now obvs remotely) guitar, bass, "fretted instruments of all kinds, and :::improvisation:::" // b.ant.lopez at gmail dot com
weasel walter
Mary Halvorson & Weasel Walter, Opulence ($7)
The Flying Luttenbachers, Greatest Hits (name your price (rec $7+))
ugEXPLODE records // instagram: @weasel_walter // i mean... it's weasel // also v worried about this one leaving town so go sift through ugEXPLODE & paypal
Rarities (2003-2016) ($20) // a classic w/ ridic range
Hackers All of Them Hackers ($10)
dreamcrusher MERCH is a secret handshake; dm them a selfie if you get a shirt // instagram: @drmcrshr // venmo $6.66 to @drmcrshr
avenue / mr. truelove
MY MURDER ($6-8)
instagram: @grossbeyonce // forgot how profoundly weird & great this is? but you should also hit their venmo @grossbeyonce just cuz
nicholas jozwiak
Nightingale's Reasoning (name your price)
Empathogen, Infinite Lies in the Now (name your price)
site // instagram: @nykjawz // i know, i think of him as "primarily" bassist sometimes, too, but solo albums are cello & electronics ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ buy &/or hit venmo @Nicholas-Jozwiak
samantha riott
Bloodletting ($7)
Rodenticide ($7)
site // instagram: @samantha.riott // nyc had already put sam through the wringer even before all... *this*
c. spencer yeh
The RCA Mark II ($7-16)
Burning Star Core, Statue of Trust 2004-2007 ($7)
burning star core // instagram: @cspenceryeh // between two linked vid posts you can hear him do Every Thing // venmo: @cspenceryeh
leila bordreuil
Headflush ($7)
site // instagram: @variousartists_ // venmo: @LeilaBordreuil // leila had some long euro gigs lined up & they're all gone now so send some $$