nyc noise

~ always incomplete ~

2023 april

~ always incomplete ~
about | @nyc_noise
(w/ date, time, artists, address, age policy, access info, a link)
bandcamp roundup
paypal or venmo to donate (thnx!)

// [PREVIEW MAY] // faves = noise, jazz, avant-whatever, experiments & improvisations, "new music," punks, sludge, radicals, queers, collectives, Nice Pals, prison abolition & palestinian liberation, BANDS & also SONGS // tell me about neat things :D  

 ♿️ =wheelchair-accessible performance space & restroom
 ☑️ = partial; may require prior contact, lack ADA restroom
Venue has stairs. = stairs (sorry for icon; need stair emoji!!! 📶, ...??)
❓ = waiting on info (pretty sure i've contacted everyone)
😷 = active masking policy
thanks to dan palumbo (1987-2017); sorry for delay

plz send any updates + info for missing venues! // linking to access info when available; working on getting that for everyone + partnering with a group to make this more comprehensive // often those who most need accessible space are least able to afford or control it, so this is about INFO, not judgment! // thanks for yr help xoxo

occasional mailing list LAUNCHÉD;
sign up to receive RAMBLING MISSIVES :D


apr 1 (sat)


♿️ • 1pm-6pm: Kelly Moran performs in Tin Drum: Medusa, Sat #2/4 @ pioneer works (all ages), 159 pioneer st., red hook, bklyn // rsvp // support // originally 6 hrs, now i think 5 hrs, which, STILL MUCH

♿️ • 12pm-7pm: DUST: Jackson Pratt, Micaela Durand (Erotica Reading, live), Rachelle Rahme, Terrestrial Paradise (Live), Sausha, Designated Hitter, Cities Aviv @ sara's, 2 e. broadway, fl. 3, chinatown, mnhtn // ada entry via restaurant

♿️ • 2:30pm *&* 3pm *&* 6:30pm: Triple Canopy Symposium: Jeremy Toussaint-Baptiste (Solo & w/ Kamau Amu Patton, Taja Cheek) @ st. mark's church, 131 e. 10th st., mnhtn

♿️ • 6pm: A Celebration of Luqman Brown @ city winery, 25 11th ave, mnhtn // access

❓ • 7pm: Frank Hurricane, Samara Lubelski & Marcia Bassett, Masaaki @ secret project robot, 401 wythe ave, williamsburg, bklyn // might be 8pm but i don't see a time; either way 6-8 is closing reception for dean cercone's show, so if you're early you can look at some ~art~ :D // venue unresponsive to access inquiries (6+ weeks); plz email if you have info!

☑️ • 7pm-10:30pm: BadDance: nhyne, Emma Lee, Aimee Grumbach, Garden Of Hedon, Dominica Greene, Nola Sporn Smith, Speed Limit (DJ) @ trans-pecos (all ages), 9-15 wyckoff ave, ridgewood, queens // step to entry, ramp available, patio accessible from weirfield (checking on prior contact needs)

☑️ [SOLD OUT] • 7pm: Brainbombs, Secretors, Bloated Subhumans, Abism (fb | tix) @ tv eye (21+), 1647 weirfield st., ridgewood, queens // email to arrange no-stair access through patio

♿️ • 7:30pm *&* 9:30pm: Jacques Schwarz-Bart (fb) @ the jazz gallery (all ages), 1160 broadway (on w. 27th), fl.5, mnhtn **&** livestream // access

☑️ • 8pm: Endless Life Music Series: Lisa Hoppe's Third Reality (w/ Tal Yahalom, David Leon) @ endless life brewing (21+), 585 franklin ave, crown heights, bklyn // either prior contact ramp or fully accessible, checking

☑️ • 8pm: Charlie Chimi, TBA @ property is theft (all ages), 411 s. 5th st., williamsburg, bklyn // quick ramp setup; bathroom not accessible

♿️ • 8pm: Alec Spiegelman, Bim Tyler, Joseph Keckler @ the owl, 497 rogers ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // ramp for 1 step, accessible restroom

♿️ • 8:30pm: Rudolph Night #4/4: Dave Liebman / Billy Hart / Adam Rudolph Trio @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn

Venue has stairs. • 9pm: Charlie's 30th BDAY: babybaby_explores, Sunk Heaven, Lucy, Eel Tank, Swim, Itch Princess, Jack Propane @ seCret loCation (ask a pal), bklyn // 8pm doors ++ DJs Manny, Scotia, Sanna, Cookie, Bookworms // 1 flight stairs

☑️ • 11pm-4am: Clown Rave: Phagocyte, Mugwort Mugwort, Meronti, Kate Slauter, Nanoray, JESSXO, Creep-P, Cement, Hyper Operating System @ trans-pecos (all ages), 9-15 wyckoff ave, ridgewood, queens // step to entry, ramp available, patio accessible from weirfield (checking on prior contact needs)

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apr 2 (sun)


♿️ • 12pm-6pm: PTP x PUTF: BLOCK MARKET @ 109 montrose, williamsburg, bklyn // ptp & putf are putting together wkly outdoor markets in april; not sure about live performance, assuming cuz it's a whole bundle of wicked music ppl, will check

☑️ • 5pm: to and fro piano series: Dave Burrell (fb) @ 411 kent ave (all ages), williamsburg, bklyn // 4:30 doors // access: email or call 617-953-8356bathroom 26" wide

☑️ • 7pm: Strider (Record Release; Steve Long & Joanna Mattrey), Camilo Ángeles / Henry Fraser / Jason Nazary, Ashcan Orchestra @ the record shop (all ages), 360 van brunt st., red hook, bklyn // 1 short step, quick ramp setup; possibly accessible bathroom (checking!)

♿️ • 7pm: Excepter, Macomb County Brutes (mem. Mark Morgan), 86 Music, M. Maria, DJ Matt Arkel (mem. Gatekeeper) @ alphaville (21+), 140 wilson ave, bushwick, bklyn

♿️ • 7pm: Mivos Quartet: Steve Reich String Quartets (Record Release; with Elori Saxl) ($$) @ public records' sound room (21+), 233 butler st., gowanus, bklyn // for wheelchair access to sound room, enter via restaurant

♿️ • 7pm: Amir ElSaffar’s Two Rivers Ensemble (ft. Hamid Al-Saadi) @ drom (21+), 85 ave a, mnhtn

♿️ • 7:30pm: Jeremiah Lockwood (ft. Judith Berkson, Rachel Weston, Yula Be’eri) @ brooklyn conservatory, 58 7th ave, park slope, bklyn // access

♿️ • 8pm: Kenny Warren's Sweet World (w/ Christopher Hoffman, Nathan Ellman-Bell), Danny Fisher-Lochhead @ the owl, 497 rogers ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // ramp for 1 step, accessible restroom

☑️ • 8pm: Western Music presents: Jennifer Sapiro / Vivek Menon / Mario Fontes / Orchid McRae @ scholes st. studio (all ages), 375 lorimer st., e. williamsburg, bklyn // steps to entry, request ramp by email

Venue has stairs. • 8pm-11pm: Sunday Residency: Live Footage (Topu Lyo & Mike Thies) @ apotheke (21+), 9 doyers st., chinatown, mnhtn

☑️  • 10:30: Snack Mix: LIP TALK & Friends @ pete's candy store (21+), 709 lorimer st., williamsburg, bklyn // space wheelchair accessible, bathroom not

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apr 3 (mon)


Venue has stairs. • 6:30pm: Leonid Galaganov / Kenny Warren / Aquiles Navarro / David Cromwell @ downtown music gallery (all ages), 13 monroe st., chinatown, mnhtn // not listed on dmg site, but mentioned in recent mailing here // 1 flight stairs

☑️ • 7pm: Cookie Tongue, Nathan Repasz, Turtle Grenade, Two Raccoons, Werld @ rubulad (21+), [rsvp to rubulad at outlook dot com for address], bushwick, bklyn // accessible entry; lacks ada restroom, they recommend 3 diamond door (troutman & knickerbocker)

☑️ • 7:30pm: Judith Berkson, Mossenek (Mick Barr & Chuck Bettis), Jerry Lim @ sunview luncheonette (all ages), 221 nassau ave, greenpoint, bklyn // accessible entry, lacks ada bathroom

☑️ • 7:30pm: WAM: Jamie Kempers, Kevin Murray, Aliya Ultan @ the record shop (all ages), 360 van brunt st., red hook, bklyn // 1 short step, quick ramp setup; possibly accessible bathroom (checking!)

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apr 4 (tues)


Venue has stairs. • 6pm: Kelly Xio presents Readings + RaFia @ under st. marks, 94 st. marks place (btwn 1st & ave a), mnhtn

♿️ • 6pm: Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs @ mercury lounge, 217 e. houston, mnhtn

♿️ • 6pm: Miller Free Pop-Ups: Olivia de Prato @ miller theatre (all ages), 2960 broadway, morningside heights, mnhtn // access

Venue has stairs. • 6:30pm: DMG Free Tues: Thomas Heberer / Joe Fonda / Joe Hertenstein, Giacomo Merega / Andrew Smiley / Raf Vertessen @ downtown music gallery (all ages), 13 monroe st., chinatown, mnhtn // 1 flight stairs

♿️ • 7pm: Ava Mendoza 1st Free Tues: Mick Barr, Laura Ortman, Melvin Gibbs @ union pool (21+), 484 union ave, williamsburg, bklyn

♿️ • 7pm: Joanna Mattrey, Zosha Warpeha & Webb Crawford, Alyssa Rodriguez @ sisters (all ages), 900 fulton st., clinton hill, bklyn // quick ramp for access to back room

Venue has stairs. • 7pm: Buck Gooter (Album Release), Parlor Walls, Sin Barreras (Stuyedeyed), A Bunch of Dead People @ our wicked lady roof (21+), 153 morgan ave, e. williamsburg, bklyn // main space accessible, stairs to roof

♿️ • 7pm-10:30pm: PopGun Presents: Deerhoof, Sound of Ceres, Scarlet @ elsewhere (16+), 599 johnson ave, e. williamsburg, bklyn // access

♿️ • 7:30pm: Kate NV, Matt Evans @ public records' sound room (21+), 233 butler st., gowanus, bklyn // for wheelchair access to sound room, enter via restaurant

♿️ • 8pm-10pm: Levy Lorenzo presents TECH FORWARD: Robbie Nicolls, Arjan Dogra, Alexa Letourneau, Levy Lorenzo, Ofer Shouval, Noah Franche-Nolan, Victor Balzano, Ethan Cohn @ glassbox theater (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn

♿️ • 8pm: An Evening With Mark Stewart and Polygraph Lounge (fb) ($$) @ roulette (all ages), 509 atlantic ave, downtown bklyn **&** livestream // access

☑️ • 8pm *&* 9:30pm: Kevin Sun / Alon Near / Angus Mason @ lowlands (21+), 543 3rd ave, gowanus, bklyn // request wheelchair ramp by email; checking restroom

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apr 5 (weds)


♿️ • 6:30pm: Sound Off: Music For Bail x Talent Unlimited High School @ jrec auditorium, 300 e. 67th st., mnhtn // TEENS + Sound Off artists: Jay Julio, Yoon Jung Hwang, Kayla Williams, Malachi Brown // "accessible entrance at E 68th Street and 2nd Ave (address: 300 E 68th Street)"

♿️ • 7pm: Kalia Vandever, Joy Guidry @ national sawdust, 80 n. 6th st., williamsburg, bklyn // access

Venue has stairs. • 7pm: gaucimusic presents: Improvised Music Series (fb) @ main drag (all ages), 50 s. 1st st. (btwn kent & wythe), williamsburg, bklyn

☑️ • 7:30pm: Shift: Matthew Ostrowski & Ted Moore, Raoul Björkenheim & Anders Nilson (fb) @ 411 kent ave (all ages), williamsburg, bklyn // access: email or call 617-953-8356bathroom 26" wide

♿️ • 7:30pm *&* 9:30pm: Miki Yamanaka "Origami" @ the jazz gallery (all ages), 1160 broadway (on w. 27th), fl.5, mnhtn **&** livestream // access

♿️ • 8pm: Bar Laika presents Satellite 22: Camilo Ángeles & Joanna Mattrey @ bar laika by e-flux, 224 greene ave, clinton hill, bklyn

♿️ • 8pm: International Contemporary Ensemble: New Works by Mazz Swift and Murat Çolak (fb) ($$) @ roulette (all ages), 509 atlantic ave, downtown bklyn **&** livestream // ++ add't'l works by: Akiko Yamane, Brittany J. Green, Tyshawn Sorey, Yaz Lancaster, Aliya Ultan, Katinka Kleijn // access

☑️ • 8pm: Stice (Tour Kickoff), Gold Dime, Super Always (fb | tix) @ tv eye (21+), 1647 weirfield st., ridgewood, queens // email to arrange no-stair access through patio

☑️ • 8pm (2 sets): Adam O'Farrill's Stranger Days (w/ Xavier Del Castillo, Walter Stinson, Zack O'Farrill) @ lowlands (21+), 543 3rd ave, gowanus, bklyn // request wheelchair ramp by email; checking restroom

♿️ • 8pm: Synthesis: Sammy Weissberg (w/ Kana Miyamoto, Evan Wright), The Retrospective Quintet @ threes brewing (21+), 333 douglass st, gowanus, bklyn // threes site not yet updated, confirmed w/ tal; check here

❓ • 8pm *&* 9:30pm: Sabbagh Weds Jazz: Michaël Attias Quartet (w/ Ralph Alessi, John Hébert, Nasheet Waits) (fb) @ bar bayeux, 1066 nostrand ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // venue unresponsive to access inquiries (6+ weeks); plz email if you have info!

♿️ • 8:30pm: Marsella Night #1/4: Eye for the Critical Puzzle Piece (Brian Marsella, Sae Hashimoto, Cyro Baptista, Tim Keiper) @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn

Venue has stairs. • 9pm: Dean Cercone, Mizzgendered, Octogon, djLamby88, Swirlix, & MUCH ART @ seCret loCation (ask a pal), bklyn // reception 7pm-9pm, performances 9pm // 1 flight stairs

❓ • 9pm *&* 10:15pm: Or Bareket Quartet (w/ Savannah Harris, Jeremy Corren, Godwin Louis) @ lunàtico (all ages), 486 halsey st., bed-stuy, bklyn

♿️ • 10pm-4am: Signal Route: Porkchop (SSPS), Bookworms, Sweater On Polo @ bossa nova civic club (21+), 1271 myrtle ave, bushwick, bklyn

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apr 6 (thurs)


♿️ • 2pm: JFA Presents: Ronnie Burrage Trio @ the national jazz museum in harlem, 58 w. 129th st., harlem, mnhtn *&* livestream

♿️ • 7pm: Claire Rousay, FUJI||||||||||TA @ national sawdust, 80 n. 6th st., williamsburg, bklyn // access

☑️ • 7pm-10:30pm: Cel Genesis, Estoc, Océane, DDR (Guido b2b Dani Rev), Kissbreaker, Zacarama! @ trans-pecos (all ages), 9-15 wyckoff ave, ridgewood, queens // step to entry, ramp available, patio accessible from weirfield (checking on prior contact needs)

Venue has stairs. • 7pm: Timothy Archambault ($$) @ blank forms, 468 grand ave #3d, clinton hill, bklyn // 2 flights stairs

♿️ • 7:30pm: Sara Caswell & Julian Shore, Caleb Wheeler Curtis Trio (w/ Michael Sarin, Rashaan Carter) @ the owl, 497 rogers ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // ramp for 1 step, accessible restroom

♿️ • 7:30pm: Faye Driscoll: Weathering, Night #1/6 @ new york live arts theater, 219 w. 19th st., mnhtn // performers: James Barrett, Kara Brody, Miguel Alejandro Castillo, Amy Gernux, Shayla-Vie Jenkins, Jennifer Nugent, Cory Seals, Eliza Tappan, Carlo Antonio Villanueva, Jo Warren // access

Venue has stairs. • 8pm: Many Many Girls (RETURN!), Nymph, Sodomahigomorra, Theia, Pieri @ seCret loCation (ask a pal), bklyn // 9pm start // 1 flight stairs

☑️ • 8pm: Loren Conners, Electric Nature @ property is theft (all ages), 411 s. 5th st., williamsburg, bklyn // quick ramp setup; bathroom not accessible // electric nature "includes Michael Potter, Michael Pierce, Thom Strickland, Jeff Tobias"

☑️ • 8pm (2 sets): Tim Berne / Herb Robertston / Gregg Belisle-Chi / Tom Rainey @ lowlands (21+), 543 3rd ave, gowanus, bklyn // request wheelchair ramp by email; checking restroom

❓ • 8pm: Organon Quartet (Joe Morris, Hery Paz, Juan Pablo Carletti, Kenneth Jimenez) @ zürcher gallery (all ages), 33 bleecker st., mnhtn // venue unresponsive to access inquiries (6+ weeks); plz email if you have info!

♿️ • 8pm: WHAT ARE THE CHANCES?: Words & Music From the Poetry of James Tate (ft. Eve Beglarian, Jim Fletcher, James Moore, Andie Tanning), Andrew Yee @ sisters (all ages), 900 fulton st., clinton hill, bklyn // quick ramp for access to back room

♿️ • 8pm: Ivan Julian (Record Release), Sweet Baby Jesus @ union pool (21+), 484 union ave, williamsburg, bklyn

♿️ • 8pm: LVL GRIND: Artificial Scarcity, Stopping Power, Concrete Caveman, Cendiate, Zaku, Sisyphus on Ecstacy @ wonderville (21+), 1186 broadway, bushwick, bklyn

♿️ • 8:30pm: Marsella Night #2/4: Brian Marsella Solo @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn

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apr 7 (fri)


☑️ • 7pm-10:30pm: CfPT Presents: Milkman's Molotov, Purity Control, faradayribcage, Zacarama!, Glockteau Twins, Kitty Empire @ trans-pecos (all ages), 9-15 wyckoff ave, ridgewood, queens // step to entry, ramp available, patio accessible from weirfield (checking on prior contact needs)

♿️ • 7pm: Kate Finley, Maax Power, Proninny, Brian kish's lounge pants @ caffeine underground (all ages), 447 central ave, bushwick, bklyn // ramp to entry, main space + bathroom accessible, basement gigs not

♿️ • 7pm-8pm: BAE Presents: The Alfredo Colón Quartet (w/ Lex Korten, Steve Williams, Connor Parks) @ bronxartspace, 700 manida st., the bronx

♿️ • 7pm: Brandee Younger (w/ Rashaan Carter, Makaya McCraven) ($$) @ public records' sound room (21+), 233 butler st., gowanus, bklyn // for wheelchair access to sound room, enter via restaurant

♿️ • 7pm: Sara Serpa: Encounters and Collisions @ the national jazz museum in harlem, 58 w. 129th st., harlem, mnhtn

♿️ • 7pm: AdHoc presents: caroline, Wendy Eisenberg & Ryan Sawyer @ national sawdust, 80 n. 6th st., williamsburg, bklyn // access

♿️ • 7pm: Homecoming: Sofia Zarzuela, Silvia K, Tits Dick Ass @ wonderville (21+), 1186 broadway, bushwick, bklyn

♿️ • 7:30pm-9:30pm: IRADAC presents: Matthew Shipp: Solo Piano @ cuny elebash hall, 365 5th ave, mnhtn // reminder to self: finish reading shipp's lecture at link! // access

♿️ • 7:30pm: The Flushing Remonstrance live scores films by Kenneth Anger (fb) @ freddy's (21+), 627 5th ave, south slope, bklyn

♿️ • 7:30pm: Faye Driscoll: Weathering, Night #2/6 @ nyla, 219 w. 19th st., mnhtn // access

♿️ • 8pm: ISSUE presents: Jean Carla Rodea: All Your Sojourns Have Led to This (fb) @ cpr (center for performance research), 361 manhattan ave, williamsburg, bklyn // support // aw dang i had the wrong venue listed for this; V SORRY, must have gotten it confused with another issue gig –– always double-check links!!

Venue has stairs. • 8pm: PAGEANT Presents: Lucy Lie + C Spencer Yeh (tix) @ pageant, 70 graham ave #3, williamsburg, bklyn // 2 flights stairs

☑️ • 8pm: Elliott Sharp & Scott Fields @ ibeam (all ages), 168 7th st., gowanus, bklyn // flat throughout, bathroom not accessible

❓ • 8pm: Soup & Sound: Ken Filiano & Santiago Leibson, Horse's Mouth (Ricardo Gallo, Ben Goldberg, Sam Kulik, Rodrigo Recabarren) @ 292 lefferts ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn

♿️ • 8pm: Sam Sadigursky's Solomon Diaries, Danny Fox Trio (Record Release) @ the owl, 497 rogers ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // ramp for 1 step, accessible restroom

♿️ • 8:30pm: Marsella Night #3/4: Trio (Brian Marsella, Trevor Dunn, Kenny Wollesen) @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn

☑️ • 8:30pm: KRIGSHODER, Indre Krig, Salvaje Punk, Secretors, 80HD (fb | tix) @ tv eye (21+), 1647 weirfield st., ridgewood, queens // email to arrange no-stair access through patio

☑️  • 9pm-3am: ESCAPE: Silent Servant, Debit, Goth Jafar, Tama Gucci @ paragon (21+), 990 broadway, bushwick, bklyn // portable ramp, ada restroom; mezzanine & basement not accessible

❓ • 10pm-4am: 3afak presents: DJs Miho Hatori, DJ Sanna, Bergsonist @ mood ring (21+), 1260 myrtle ave, bushwick, bklyn

♿️ • 10pm: Hearing Things (Matt Bauder, Vinnie Sperrazza, JP Schlegelmilch) @ barbès, 376 9th st., park slope, bklyn

☑️ • 10pm-4am: DJ RENNESSY X BODY BAG Present: OLTH, Xhris2easy, Shiverboard, Xaviersobased, Zayguap, Dj rennessy, Capoxoxo, Evil Gianni, Knives, Body bag, Keyblayde808, Number1Fairytale, Babyxd, Lexxy jax, Rain1 @ market hotel (18+), 1140 myrtle ave, bushwick, bklyn // elevator available, checking on contact for access

Venue has stairs. • 10:30pm-2am: Eros Tunnel, Ruby Lou, Quartz Casino Band @ the broadway (21+), 1272 broadway, bushwick, bklyn

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apr 8 (sat)


♿️ • 1pm-6pm: Kelly Moran performs in Tin Drum: Medusa, Sat #3/4@ pioneer works (all ages), 159 pioneer st., red hook, bklyn // rsvp // support

♿️ [SOLD OUT] • 4pm-2am: ERIC ANDRE'S 40TH ($$$) @ knockdown center, 52-19 flushing ave, maspeth, queen // idk full lineup but dude has taste // email recommended for access

❓ • 6pm-1am: CLUB CODE @ persona, 202b plymouth st., dumbo, bklyn // darn i fully missed this one, but adding late so i remember to check for it next month, looks wicked

Venue has stairs. • 6pm: gaucimusic presents: Cisco De la Garza & Thomas Swindel, Stephen Gauci / Keisuke Matsuno / Tim Dahl / Kevin Shea, Jeong Lim Yang / Christopher Hoffman / Billy Mintz @ downtown music gallery (all ages), 13 monroe st., chinatown, mnhtn // 1 flight stairs

Venue has stairs. • 7pm: Fall Line Salon Vol.10: The Ghost (Michael Foster, Joey Sullivan, John Moran), Lucie Vitková & Jalalu-Kalvert Nelson, Clocks or Clouds, Topu Lyo, Clouds Happening (Cole Blouin+6) @ terrarium, 500 central ave, bushwick, bklyn // Clocks/Clouds: David Cromwell, Andrew Smiley, Kate Gentile; Clouds Happening = Cole Blouin, Thomas Giles, Zosha Warpeha, David Mirarchi, Kyle Motl, Jon Starks, Matei Predescu

☑️ [SOLD OUT] • 7pm-10:30pm: AdHoc Presents: Black Eyes (20th Anniversary Reunion), Trophy Hunt, Blacks' Myths @ market hotel (all ages), 1140 myrtle ave, bushwick, bklyn // someone lemme know if being bratty &/or sweet will get me a list spot // elevator available, checking on contact for access

♿️ • 7:30pm: Amina Claudine Myers, Archie Shepp, Linda Sharrock, Claudia Rankine ($$) @ bam opera house, 30 lafayette ave, downtown bklyn // not exactly slackers, lol! // The Linda Sharrock Network w/ Mali, Albey Balgochian, Marc Edwards, Nick Gianni, Glynis Lomon, Vance Provey, Tor Snyder, Eric Zinman // access

♿️ • 7pm-10pm: PopGun Presents: Uniform, Dälek @ zone one at elsewhere (16+), 599 johnson ave, e. williamsburg, bklyn // access

♿️ • 7:30pm *&* 9:30pm: Sicilian Defense (Jonathan Finlayson, Matt Mitchell, Miles Okazaki, John Hebert, Craig Weinrib) (fb) @ the jazz gallery (all ages), 1160 broadway (on w. 27th), fl.5, mnhtn **&** livestream // access

♿️ • 7:30pm: Faye Driscoll: Weathering, Night #3/6 @ nyla, 219 w. 19th st., mnhtn // access

♿️ • 8pm: Hal Willner's Amarcord Nino Rota (fb) ($$) @ roulette (all ages), 509 atlantic ave, downtown bklyn **&** livestream // performers & arrangers = Steven Bernstein, Giancarlo Vulcano, Steve Weisberg, Karen Mantler, Bill Frisell, Laurie Anderson, Sean Edmonds, Reginald Chapman, Art Baron, Bob Stewart, Marty Ehrlich, Craig Handy, Doug Wieselman, Emily Pecoraro, Curtis Stewart, Fung Chern Hwei, Karen Waltuch, Marika Hughes, Rob Schwimmer, Gary Lucas, Brian Carrot, Tony Scherr, Kenny Wollesen, Teddy Thompson, Jennifer Charles, Carla Bley, Michael Gibbs // access

❓ • 8pm: Clara Joy presents: Stella Wave, Aliya Ultan, Cal Fish, Special Guest @ [dm hosts], williamsburg, bklyn

☑️ • 8pm: Tamarask (ft. Christina Carter, Davis Menestres, Andrew Weathers) @ property is theft (all ages), 411 s. 5th st., williamsburg, bklyn // quick ramp setup; bathroom not accessible

♿️ • 8pm: Katy Pinke, Keyanna Hutchinson, Irrevery & Katy The Kyng, Dida Pelled, Joanna Sternberg @ the owl, 497 rogers ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // ramp for 1 step, accessible restroom

☑️ • 8pm: Endless Life Music Series: Bergamot Quartet @ endless life brewing (21+), 585 franklin ave, crown heights, bklyn // either prior contact ramp or fully accessible, checking

♿️ • 8:30pm: Marsella Night #4/4: Quartet (Brian Marsella, Ben Goldberg, Michael Formanek, Ches Smith) @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn

Venue has stairs. •10pm-4am: Jilted vol.ii: Rose Kourts, DJ Warning, Boiled Angel @ seCret loCation (ask a pal), bklyn // 1 flight stairs

☑️ • 11pm-4am: Blueshifted: Qualiatik, Dasychira, Dani Rev, Rage.Inald, Akafae, Pent, Janus rose, Dj Infohazard, Oceane, Heavy Halo Hardware, Astral Dejection @ market hotel (?), 1140 myrtle ave, bushwick, bklyn // elevator available, checking on contact for access

♿️ • 11pm: Sonic Messengers: AceMo, Savile, YunieMo, Shenel Johns, DJ OOOCHILD @ public records' sound room (21+), 233 butler st., gowanus, bklyn // for wheelchair access to sound room, enter via restaurant

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apr 9 (sun)


♿️ • 12pm-6pm: PTP x PUTF: BLOCK MARKET @ 109 montrose, williamsburg, bklyn // ptp & putf are putting together wkly outdoor markets in april; not sure about live performance, assuming cuz it's a whole bundle of wicked music ppl, will check

☑️  • 12pm-7pm: Second Sundays @ pioneer works (all ages), 159 pioneer st., red hook, bklyn // 1-5pm drop in on matt evans' workshop + 5-7pm 8 ball radio djs, & more // ground floor & main hall fully accessible, 2nd & 3rd floors by stairs

☑️ • 4:30pm: to and fro piano series: Sylvie Courvoisier (fb) @ 411 kent ave (all ages), williamsburg, bklyn // access: email or call 617-953-8356bathroom 26" wide

♿️ • 7pm: Emma Ruth Rundle, Patrick Shiroishi (fb) @ lpr (16+), 158 bleecker st., the village, mnhtn

☑️ • 7pm-10:30pm: Bella Litsa, Anjali Rose, Kira McSpice @ trans-pecos (all ages), 9-15 wyckoff ave, ridgewood, queens // step to entry, ramp available, patio accessible from weirfield (checking on prior contact needs)

♿️ • 7:30pm: Elsa Nilsson, Michael Sarian @ the owl, 497 rogers ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // ramp for 1 step, accessible restroom

Venue has stairs. • 8pm: C. Lavender, Jake Meginsky, Chris Williams & Booker Stardrum @ seCret loCation (ask a pal), bklyn // 9pm start // 1 flight stairs

Venue has stairs. • 8pm: Web Hex, Pleaser, Your Next Pie, Snow Caps (fb) @ hart bar (21+), 538 hart st, bushwick, bklyn // 1 flight stairs

Venue has stairs. • 8pm-11pm: Sunday Residency: Live Footage (Topu Lyo & Mike Thies) @ apotheke (21+), 9 doyers st., chinatown, mnhtn

Venue has stairs. • 8pm: A Bunch Of Dead People, Sun Smash Palace, Nature Creeps Beneath, Citrus @ bar freda (21+), 801 seneca ave, ridgewood, queens // 1 flight stairs to basement

☑️  • 10:30: Snack Mix: LIP TALK & Friends @ pete's candy store (21+), 709 lorimer st., williamsburg, bklyn // space wheelchair accessible, bathroom not

Venue has stairs. • 11pm: Indigaux, malcriado, reya flowers, WORMMOTHER @ purgatory (21+), 675 central ave, bushwick, bklyn

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apr 10 (mon)


♿️ • 7pm: RENKU (Michaël Attias, John Hébert, Satoshi Takeishi) @ barbès, 376 9th st., park slope, bklyn

♿️ • 7:30pm: Tactus performs works by Bobby Ge, inti figgis-vizueta, George Crumb, George Lewis, Carlos Simon, Saad Haddad, Gabriella Smith @ msm greenfield hall, 130 claremont ave, mnhtn // access

♿️ • 8pm: MAX VJOLTRON (A/V): Hot Love Messenger, Spaceoctupus & Imma, Viz_wel & Joeymachina, Hypnojerk, Spawater, & more @ wonderville (21+), 1186 broadway, bushwick, bklyn

♿️ • 8pm: Forward Music Project 3.0: fever dream (fb) ($$) @ roulette (all ages), 509 atlantic ave, downtown bklyn **&** livestream // access

Venue has stairs. • 9pm: Eve Essex, NOPE, X Harlow & Kate Mohanty @ seCret loCation (ask a pal), bklyn // 8pm doors // 1 flight stairs

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apr 11 (tues)


Venue has stairs. • 6:30pm: DMG Free Tues: Danny Kamins / Max Kutner / James Paul Nadien, Cheryl Pyle's Beyond Music Group (& Bday; w/ Michael Eaton, Gene Coleman, Haruna Fukazawa), Brad Henkel / Joanna Mattrey / Lesley Mok @ downtown music gallery (all ages), 13 monroe st., chinatown, mnhtn // 1 flight stairs

♿️ • 7pm: False Harmonics #14: Clone Decay (Mary Halvorson, Kalia Vandever, Weston Olencki), SYMPHONY vs. GNR8RZ @ pioneer works (all ages), 159 pioneer st., red hook, bklyn // SYMPHONY = Peter Evan, Alice Teyssier, Nick Jozwiak, Levy Lorenzo; GNR8RZ = Anthony Coleman, Simon Hanes, Aliya Ultan, Calvin Weston

♿️ • 7pm: Alternative Guitar Summit Day #1: Max Light Trio, Wendy Eisenberg, Joel Harrison & Marvin Sewell, Max Kutner's Partial Custody (w/ Ben Stapp, James Paul Nadien) @ drom (21+), 85 ave a, mnhtn

♿️ • 7pm: Dave Heumann & Mike Kuhl, Seawind of Battery, 12,090 A.D. (Tim Kuhl) @ union pool (21+), 484 union ave, williamsburg, bklyn

♿️ • 7pm: Peter Manheim (EP release), Super Yamba Quartet, Wood River (fb) @ the sultan room (21+), 234 starr st., bushwick, bklyn

☑️ • 8pm *&* 9:30pm: Kevin Sun / Henry Fraser / Henry Mermer @ lowlands (21+), 543 3rd ave, gowanus, bklyn // request wheelchair ramp by email; checking restroom

❓ • 9pm *&* 10:15pm: Užupis (Kenny Wollesen, Dalius Naujo, William Shore) @ lunàtico (all ages), 486 halsey st., bed-stuy, bklyn

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apr 12 (weds)


☑️ • 7pm-10:30pm: Issei Herr, OHYUNG, Princess Princess, The Illustrious Pearl, Ex Wiish, Concrete Husband @ trans-pecos (all ages), 9-15 wyckoff ave, ridgewood, queens // step to entry, ramp available, patio accessible from weirfield (checking on prior contact needs)

Venue has stairs. • 7pm: gaucimusic presents: Improvised Music Series (fb) @ main drag (all ages), 50 s. 1st st. (btwn kent & wythe), williamsburg, bklyn // 7:00pm Marc Edwards Quartet (w/ James McKain, Danny Kamins, Brenna Rey); 8:00pm Hans Tammen / Steve Swell / Luke Stewart; 9:00pm Stephen Gauci / Adam Lane / Kevin Shea; 10:00pm Igor Lumpert / Rubin Kodheli / Billy Mintz; 11:00pm MAIN DRAG PHILHARMONIX Conduction Orchestra curated by Darren Johnston, w/ Nora Stanley, David Leon, Travis Sullivan, Jeff Pearring, Peter Hess, Avram Fefer, Yuma Uesaka, Aaron Bennett, Kenny Warren, Steven Bernstein, Steve Swell, Rick Parker, Colin Hinton, Jeff Davis, Marc Edwards, Patrick Golden, Lim Yang, Santiago Leibson, Matt Moran, Aaron Quinn, Will Bernard

♿️ • 7:30pm *&* 9:30pm: Tomas Fujiwara's 7 Poets Trio (w/ Patricia Brennan, Tomeka Reid) (fb) @ the jazz gallery (all ages), 1160 broadway (on w. 27th), fl.5, mnhtn **&** livestream // access

☑️ • 7:30pm: Shift: Austin Larkin, Sean Meehan & Leslie Ross (fb) @ 411 kent ave (all ages), williamsburg, bklyn // access: email or call 617-953-8356bathroom 26" wide

❓ • 7:30pm: Pleaser, Hit, Salamander, Yard @ berlin under a (21+), 25 ave a, mnhtn

♿️ • 8pm: ISSUE x Ergot Records present: Annea Lockwood & Ruth Anderson: Tête-à-tête (LP Release) (fb) @ the poetry project at st. mark's church, 131 e. 10th st., mnhtn // support // access

♿️ • 8pm: Synthesis: Ledah Finck & Eli Greenhoe, Emma Frank @ threes brewing (21+), 333 douglass st, gowanus, bklyn // threes site not yet updated, confirmed w/ tal; check here

♿️ • 8pm: Muyassar Kurdi: A Daughter of Isis (ft. Chris Williams) (fb) ($$) @ roulette (all ages), 509 atlantic ave, downtown bklyn **&** livestream // access

❓ • 8pm *&* 9:30pm: Sabbagh Weds Jazz: trioTrio ft. Sheila Jordan (CD Release; Jacob Sacks, Dave Ambrosio, Vinnie Sperrazza) (fb) @ bar bayeux, 1066 nostrand ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // venue unresponsive to access inquiries (6+ weeks); plz email if you have info!

♿️ • 8:30pm: Thomas Night #1/4: TRIO (Micah Thomas, Kalia Vandever, Lesley Mok) @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn

Venue has stairs. • 9pm: HERE, Sword II, Saturn Lavender, Sam Newsome, DJ JP XI @ seCret loCation (ask a pal), bklyn // 8pm doors // 1 flight stairs

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apr 13 (thurs)


♿️ [SOLD OUT] • 7pm: Yasunao Tone performs Music for Reed Organ, A Radio Music, Molecular Music @ artists space (all ages), cortlandt alley between walker st. & white st., mnhtn // this one was postponed from march; i tried to go then but didn't hear about this in time either! // access

♿️ • 7pm: Simone Baron + Arco Belo (fb) @ chelsea table + stage, 152 w. 26th st., mnhtn

❓ • 7pm: WORM (fb) @ saint vitus, 1120 manhattan ave, greenpoint, bklyn

♿️ • 7:30pm: Ethan Philbrick x CPR present Open Studios: Listening-Writing with Sol Cabrini, Isaac Jean-François, Meesh Fradkin, Isaac Silber @ cpr (center for performance research), 361 manhattan ave, williamsburg, bklyn // access

♿️ • 7:30pm: Faye Driscoll: Weathering, Night #4/6 @ nyla, 219 w. 19th st., mnhtn // access

Venue has stairs. • 8pm: Thousands Of Dead Gods presents: Ploughshare, Fever Spell, Imminent Death, White Rhino Taxidermy, DJ Kmkmkmok @ 355 [dm hosts], bklyn

Venue has stairs. • 8pm: Soless Dialtone, Wish / Lilic, Pent, Xexexe @ [dm hosts], bed-stuy, bklyn // ~2.5 flights stairs

☑️ • 8pm (2 sets): Tim Berne / Oscar Noriega / Gregg Belisle-Chi / Tom Rainey @ lowlands (21+), 543 3rd ave, gowanus, bklyn // request wheelchair ramp by email; checking restroom

♿️ • 8pm: Interpretations: Alexandra Gardner / Johannes Sidenius (fb) ($$) @ roulette (all ages), 509 atlantic ave, downtown bklyn **&** livestream // add't'l performers = Elizabeth Brown, Jeff Stern, Edwin Kaplan, Doug O’Connor // access

☑️ • 8pm: Sō Laboratories: Noise Catalogue, Gabriel Garcia, Jemina Brechoire (fb) @ sō percussion's space, 20 grand ave, bk navy yard, bklyn // access; email for elevator assistance, bathroom not accessible

♿️ • 8pm: Matt Bachmann, Brittain Ashford @ the owl, 497 rogers ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // ramp for 1 step, accessible restroom

☑️ • 8pm: Obliteration, IMPURE, Nekromantheon, MANĀT (fb | tix) @ tv eye (21+), 1647 weirfield st., ridgewood, queens // email to arrange no-stair access through patio

Venue has stairs. • 8pm: Sweet Dreams Nadine, Youbet, Frances Chang @ purgatory (21+), 675 central ave, bushwick, bklyn

♿️ • 8pm: Nathan Xander & Friends, Olivia Ellen Lloyd @ alphaville (21+), 140 wilson ave, bushwick, bklyn

♿️ • 8:30pm: Thomas Night #2/4: TRIO (Micah Thomas, Thomas Morgan, Bill Stewart) @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn

Venue has stairs. • 8:30pm: The Footlight Presents: Jenny Alien, Pop Music Fever Dream, Uncle Pizza @ the windjammer (21+), 552 grandview ave, ridgewood, queens

Venue has stairs. • 9pm: Weeping Icon, Muscle, Little Banshee, Mike Videopunk, DJs 777 @ seCret loCation (ask a pal), bklyn // lani's bday! 8pm doors // 1 flight stairs

❓ • 9pm *&* 10:15pm: Ourida @ lunàtico (all ages), 486 halsey st., bed-stuy, bklyn

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apr 14 (fri)


♿️ • 6-8pm: Harris Rosenblum Opening: Readings & Performances by Nate Sloan, Em Brill, Blepharon, Diana Dragonetti @ sara's, 2 e. broadway, fl. 3, chinatown, mnhtn // ada entry via restaurant

☑️ • 7pm-12am: Dave's Waves Sonic Luncheonette GRAND REOPENING, Day #1/3: Schumann Resonance Sonic Luncheonette House Band (Jessica Pavone, Tristan Kasten Krause, Erin Rogers, Dave "David" First) @ sunview luncheonette (all ages), 221 nassau ave, greenpoint, bklyn // 8:30pm = "house band" performance, 7pm-12am = drone sounds, video, & "intermittent interjections by david first on various electronic & acoustic instruments" :D // accessible entry, lacks ada bathroom

☑️ • 7pm: Fake Names, Her Head's On Fire, Space Cadet (fb | tix) @ tv eye (21+), 1647 weirfield st., ridgewood, queens // email to arrange no-stair access through patio

♿️ • 7pm: Jeffrey Martin w/ Bridget Kearney (fb) @ the sultan room (21+), 234 starr st., bushwick, bklyn

♿️ • 7pm: Uwade + People Museum @ public records' sound room (21+), 233 butler st., gowanus, bklyn // for wheelchair access to sound room, enter via restaurant

Venue has stairs. • 7:30pm: Quadraphonic Drone: Octonomy, Sync Sapro, Alene Marie, Glyn Maier @ stone circle theatre (all ages), 59-14 70th ave, ridgewood, queens // since people have asked, not my gig; church cut me out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ // 2 flights stairs

♿️ • 7:30pm *&* 9:30pm: Matt Mitchell Duos (Album Release; w/ Kate Gentile, Ches Smith) (fb) @ the jazz gallery (all ages), 1160 broadway (on w. 27th), fl.5, mnhtn **&** livestream // set 1 w/ kate, set 2 w/ ches // access

Venue has stairs. • 7:30pm: Mise-En x Areté: Sokio: Soliloque for a Sanctuary City @ mise-en_place (all ages), 341 calyer st., greenpoint, bklyn

♿️ • 7:30pm: Faye Driscoll: Weathering, Night #5/6 @ nyla, 219 w. 19th st., mnhtn // access

Venue has stairs. • 8pm: Boys Against the State presents: Bookworms Ensemble, Axine M b2b Deflector, Annihil x Mercury Symbol, Lucy York, Saturn Lavender @ seCret loCation (ask a pal), bklyn // 9pm start; benefit for uganda lgbtq emergency fund // 1 flight stairs

❓ • 8pm: RAGE THORMBONES, Lauren Tosswill, Stefan Maier @ figure 8 studios (all ages), 188 underhill ave, prospect heights, bklyn // limited capacity; will sell out! // ~6" step between foyer & performance space; checking on bathroom + ramp

☑️ • 8pm: Molto Ohm, Nava Dunkelman & gabby fluke-mogul (Record Release) (fb) @ microscope gallery, 525 w. 29th st., 2nd fl., mnhtn **&** livestream // portable stairclimber; checking on prior access contact

Venue has stairs. • 8pm: A Country Western, Ruth in the Bardo, Fasting, Cal Fish @ the broadway (21+), 1272 broadway, bushwick, bklyn

Venue has stairs. • 8pm: Live Skull, Highly Effective People, The Whimbrels (fb) @ main drag (all ages), 50 s. 1st st. (btwn kent & wythe), williamsburg, bklyn // current LS (i'll double-check) = Mark C, Rich Hutchins, Kent Heine, Dave Hollinghurst; HEP = R.B. Korbet, Vern Woodhead, Alex Baker; Whimbrels = Arad Evans, Norman Westberg, Luke Schwarz, Matt Hunter, Steve DiBenedetto

♿️ • 8pm: Ryan Dugre, Chelsea Crabtree, Kitba @ the owl, 497 rogers ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // ramp for 1 step, accessible restroom

♿️ • 8pm: RBA: Bassekou Kouyate & Ngoni Ba: Blues from Mali (fb) ($$) @ roulette (all ages), 509 atlantic ave, downtown bklyn // access

♿️ • 8:30pm: Thomas Night #3/4: QUARTET (Micah Thomas, Spencer Whitfield, Kalia Vandever, Taja Cheek) @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn

☑️ • 9pm-3am: ESCAPE: Joey Beltram, Kris Baha, COTTON, Lu2k, SPYWARE @ paragon (21+), 990 broadway, bushwick, bklyn // portable ramp, ada restroom; mezzanine & basement not accessible

❓ • 10pm-4am: Rare Frequency Transmissions: Devoye, Ma Sha, Zara Dekho, Dynoman @ mood ring (21+), 1260 myrtle ave, bushwick, bklyn

☑️ • 11pm-4am: Meat Market x INTIMA: Kevin Aviance, Lustsickpuppy, Goth Jafar, Naija Couture, DJ Thank You, Joni @ market hotel (?), 1140 myrtle ave, bushwick, bklyn // elevator available, checking on contact for access

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apr 15 (sat)


♿️ • 1pm-6pm: Kelly Moran performs in Tin Drum: Medusa, Sat #4/4 @ pioneer works (all ages), 159 pioneer st., red hook, bklyn // rsvp // support

☑️ • 12pm-12am: Dave's Waves Sonic Luncheonette GRAND REOPENING, Day #2/3: Schumann Resonance Sonic Luncheonette House Band (Jessica Pavone, Tristan Kasten Krause, Erin Rogers, Dave "David" First) @ sunview luncheonette (all ages), 221 nassau ave, greenpoint, bklyn // 8:30pm = "house band" performance, 12pm-12am = drone sounds, video, & "intermittent interjections by david first on various electronic & acoustic instruments" :D // accessible entry, lacks ada bathroom

☑️ • 4:30pm: Shift: Peter Kerlin, Jack Cooper's "Arrival" (Sam Morrison, Jeff Tobias, Karen Waltuch, ft. Kerlin) (fb) @ 411 kent ave (all ages), williamsburg, bklyn // access: email or call 617-953-8356bathroom 26" wide

♿️ • 6pm: Max Johnson Quartet (w/ Alfredo Colón, Kazemde George, Connor Parks) @ barbès, 376 9th st., park slope, bklyn

♿️ • 6:30pm: Mill, Amatoxis, Johnnie and the Foodmasters, Wallfacer, G.T. Arpe @ caffeine underground (all ages), 447 central ave, bushwick, bklyn // ramp to entry, main space + bathroom accessible, basement gigs not

Venue has stairs. • 6:30pm: Gamelan Dharma Swara & Concetta Ensemble x David Orr present Springtime Super Nova @ stone circle theatre (all ages), 59-14 70th ave, ridgewood, queens // church cut me out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but we like the gamelan crew // 2 flights stairs

Venue has stairs. • 7pm: Matthew Regula, COMPULSORY, p0rt0 x ecstacy police, Bad Trips @ skinny apt [dm hosts], ridgewood, queens // drucker passes on that it's "Gonna be LEGENDARY!" // first floor, steps to entry

♿️ • 7pm: International Anthem x Qobuz pres: Jeff Parker, Caroline Davis' Alula (w/ Chris Tordini, Savannah Harris) (fb) @ public records' sound room (21+), 233 butler st., gowanus, bklyn // for wheelchair access to sound room, enter via restaurant

☑️ • 7pm-10:30pm: New York Modular Society presents Electric Abyss: Luciform, Metamyther, Void, Necco Moon, Carnal Ex (visuals) @ trans-pecos (all ages), 9-15 wyckoff ave, ridgewood, queens // step to entry, ramp available, patio accessible from weirfield (checking on prior contact needs)

♿️ • 7pm: dragonchild (Album Release) @ national sawdust, 80 n. 6th st., williamsburg, bklyn // access

Venue has stairs. • 7:30pm: Ekmeles performs works by LI Qi, Nick Dunston, Arash Yazdani, Erik Oña, Zosha Di Castri @ st. peter's church in chelsea (all ages), 346 w. 20th st., chelsea, mnhtn // ~personnel~: Charlotte Mundy, Elisa Sutherland, Timothy Parsons, Steven Bradshaw, Jeffrey Gavett, Steven Hrycelak

♿️ • 7:30pm: Faye Driscoll: Weathering, Night #6/6 @ nyla, 219 w. 19th st., mnhtn // access

♿️ • 7:30pm *&* 9:30pm: Arta Jēkabsone & Erik Leuthäuser (fb) @ the jazz gallery (all ages), 1160 broadway (on w. 27th), fl.5, mnhtn **&** livestream // access

♿️ • 8pm: Limited Resources #56: Mark Edwards / James McKain / Danny Kamins, Masayo Koketsu, Steve Baczkowski / Martin Freeman / TJ Borden, Nick Neuberg (fb) @ freddy's (21+), 627 5th ave, south slope, bklyn

❓ • 8pm *&* 9:30pm: Darius Jones Quintet (w/ Christopher Hoffman, Nick Saia, Tyrone Allen, Jason Nazary) @ bar bayeux, 1066 nostrand ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // venue unresponsive to access inquiries (6+ weeks); plz email if you have info!

☑️ • 8pm: Talea Ensemble performs works by Gordon Beeferman, Elizabeth Hoffman, Louis Karchin, Hannah Kendall, Tania Leon, Jaime Oliver @ tenri institute, 43a w. 13th st., mnhtn // talea = Barry Crawford, Emmalie Tello, Sam Jones, Karen Kim, Steve Beck, Sae Hashimoto, James Baker + guest artists Alice Teyssier, Pauline Kim Harris // wheelchair lift to venue, checking on prior contact + restrooms

☑️ • 8pm: Orbital Resonance Solo Drum Series: James Paul Nadien, Aaron Edgcomb, P. M. A. (Portugal) (fb) @ ibeam (all ages), 168 7th st., gowanus, bklyn // flat throughout, bathroom not accessible

☑️ • 8pm: Wednesday Knudsen & Willie Lane, Matt Krefting, Rootless @ property is theft (all ages), 411 s. 5th st., williamsburg, bklyn // quick ramp setup; bathroom not accessible

♿️ • 8pm: CRITICAL MASS @ wonderville (21+), 1186 broadway, bushwick, bklyn

♿️ • 8pm: Marissa Davis, Chase Elodia's Perennials, Chris Morrissey Band @ the owl, 497 rogers ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // ramp for 1 step, accessible restroom

♿️ • 8pm: RBA: Sahba Motallebi (fb) ($$) @ roulette (all ages), 509 atlantic ave, downtown bklyn // access

♿️ • 8:30pm: Thomas Night #4/4: TRIO (Micah Thomas, Zoh Amba, Kweku Sumbry) @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn

Venue has stairs. • 8:30pm: Jalopy x Footlight present: Sabine McCalla, Ali Dineen, The Boxcutter Collective @ the windjammer (21+), 552 grandview ave, ridgewood, queens

Venue has stairs. • 9pm: CC Benefit: Otto, Camilo Ángeles, Flesh Mecha, Fabric, SEVEN @ seCret loCation (ask a pal), bklyn // benefit for cc; <donate> // 1 flight stairs

Venue has stairs. • 9pm: Products, Kolb, Zero Point Energy @ the tubs (dm hosts), bushwick, bklyn // 1/2 flight stairs to basement space, 1 flight to bathroom

☑️ • 11pm-4am: Bacterial Lawn X DaniRev, Gall Sac, Grav3s + DJS Hatechild., Nurse, Grooming, DJ Infohazard  @ trans-pecos (all ages), 9-15 wyckoff ave, ridgewood, queens // step to entry, ramp available, patio accessible from weirfield (checking on prior contact needs)

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apr 16 (sun)


♿️ • 10:30am: GatherNYC: Blackbird IV: Lisa Kaplan & Matthew Duvall @ museum of arts & design, 2 columbus circle, mnhtn // couple running the series look cheesy af here lol but hey if churches are gonna keep sucking i'm v pro-replacements // access

❓ • 11am-1pm: Let Music Be Your Brunch: William Hooker w/ Monica Rocha, On Ka'a Davis, Shoko Nagai, Ayumi Ishito, Dave Sewelson, Federico Balducci & more @ funkadelic studios, 209 w. 40th st., 5th fl., mnhtn

☑️ • 12pm-6pm: Dave's Waves Sonic Luncheonette GRAND REOPENING, Day #3/3 @ sunview luncheonette (all ages), 221 nassau ave, greenpoint, bklyn // all day = drone sounds, video, & "intermittent interjections by david first on various electronic & acoustic instruments" :D // accessible entry, lacks ada bathroom

♿️ • 12pm-6pm: PTP x PUTF: BLOCK MARKET @ 109 montrose, williamsburg, bklyn // ptp & putf are putting together wkly outdoor markets in april; not sure about live performance, assuming cuz it's a whole bundle of wicked music ppl, will check

☑️ • 4:30pm: Shift: Eva Sidén Solo + Duo with Marcia Bassett (fb) @ 411 kent ave (all ages), williamsburg, bklyn // access: email or call 617-953-8356bathroom 26" wide

☑️ • 4:40pm: Me, Myself and Eye: Joe Fiedler @ 440 gallery, 440 6th ave, bklyn // fiedler's not listed on site, but was in last cw email, which also revealed that he's music director of sesame street??? // no-stair entry, lacks accessible bathroom

☑️ • 7pm-10:30pm: Voluminous Arts presents THE REAL EASTER: Omarilove, Jentlemen, Soless Dialtone, Crystal Peñalosa (DJ) @ trans-pecos (all ages), 9-15 wyckoff ave, ridgewood, queens // step to entry, ramp available, patio accessible from weirfield (checking on prior contact needs)

Venue has stairs. • 7pm-11pm: Vito Ricci & Lise Vachon, Asha Sheshadri, Grout, Pent, DJ Bookworms @ seCret loCation (ask a pal), bklyn // i know what u're thinking: 7pm???? there??? but that's their plan okay, 7pm doors 8pm music, & as an early show fan I BELIEVE // 1 flight stairs

❓ • 7pm: Couch Slut, Sunrot (Release Show) Quiet Man, Rugirugz (fb) @ saint vitus, 1120 manhattan ave, greenpoint, bklyn

Venue has stairs. • 7:30pm: Experimental for the End Times: Arc Skell, Dysonant, Holy Wisdom LLC, Corpse Meditation @ hart bar (21+), 538 hart st, bushwick, bklyn // sometimes hart bar's website doesn't like me, if that doesn't work here's an insta // 1 flight stairs

☑️ • 7:30pm: Columbia Composers presents: Dani Dobkin, Yarn/Wire performs works by Joshua Mastel, Alyssa Regent, Anna-Louise Walton, DMR (fb) @ tenri institute, 43a w. 13th st., mnhtn // wheelchair lift to venue, checking on prior contact + restrooms

♿️ • 8pm: Terry Jenoure and The Portal: Letters From Papa (fb) ($$) @ roulette (all ages), 509 atlantic ave, downtown bklyn **&** livestream // w/ Angelica Sanchez, Wayne Smith, Avery Sharpe, Joe Fonda, Reggie Nicholson // access

Venue has stairs. • 8pm-11pm: Sunday Residency: Live Footage (Topu Lyo & Mike Thies) @ apotheke (21+), 9 doyers st., chinatown, mnhtn

♿️ • 8pm: Diamond Grinder, Wila Frank, Verboten @ the owl, 497 rogers ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // ramp for 1 step, accessible restroom

❓ • 9pm *&* 10:15pm: Peter Bernstein / Steve Cardenas Quartet Play Monk @ lunàtico (all ages), 486 halsey st., bed-stuy, bklyn

• 9:30pm: Nick Lyons / Dmitry Ishenko / Dave Miller @ the keep, 205 cypress ave, ridgewood, queens

♿️ • 10pm: Tim Berne (w/ Matt Mitchell, Kate Gentile) @ barbès, 376 9th st., park slope, bklyn

☑️  • 10:30: Snack Mix: LIP TALK & Friends @ pete's candy store (21+), 709 lorimer st., williamsburg, bklyn // space wheelchair accessible, bathroom not

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apr 17 (mon)


♿️ • 6:30pm: Unfiltered Music Festival, Night #1/3: Eighth Blackbird: Works by Viet Cuong, Valerie Coleman, Julius Eastman, Andy Akiho, & more ($$$) @ fotografiska, 281 park ave south, mnhtn // Eighth Blackbird: Lisa Kaplan, Matthew Duvall, Lina Andonovska, Zachary Good, Maiani da Silva, Laura Metcalf // elevator to 6th floor loft performance space

♿️ • 6:45pm: The Colloquium for Unpopular Culture presents: Cisco Bradley Book Talk + Jessica Pavone @ room 106, 244 greene st. (btwn washington & waverly place), mnhtn // rsvp

♿️ 😷 • 7pm-8pm: Movement Research: New work by Valentina Baché Rodriguez, Cayleen Del Rosario (music by Cal Fish), Kensaku Shinohara @ judson church, 55 washington sq south, the village, mnhtn // access + masking

♿️ • 7pm: Jeff Rum (Ryan Dugre, Jeremy Gustin, James Buckley) @ barbès, 376 9th st., park slope, bklyn

♿️ • 8pm: APNM presents: Bent Duo (Bill Solomon & David Friend; ft. guests Christopher Oldfather, Mariel Roberts, Ha Young Jung) perform works by Glaser, Korf, Merryman, Miura, Nakamura, Pace, Williams @ the dimenna center (all ages), benzaquen hall, 450 w. 37th st., mnhtn /access

♿️ • 8pm: Topu Lyo, Phong Tran, Wavy Enneper @ wonderville (21+), 1186 broadway, bushwick, bklyn

♿️ • 8pm: Beat Detectives, Kevin Kenkel, Samantha Vacation @ sisters (all ages), 900 fulton st., clinton hill, bklyn // quick ramp for access to back room

☑️ • 8pm-10pm: Arabic For Beginners (Santiago Leibson, Jeong Lim Yang, Deric Dickens), Elsa Nilsson / Jacqueline Kerrod / João Grilo / P.M.A. (fb@ ibeam (all ages), 168 7th st., gowanus, bklyn // flat throughout, bathroom not accessible

☑️ • 8pm: Matt DeMaria, Alina Jacobs @ the makers' space (all ages), 117 grattan st. studio 120, e. williamsburg, bklyn // space accessible, restroom likely not

Venue has stairs. • 9pm: Joey Agresta, Toulouse Control, Agua Viva (solo) @ seCret loCation (ask a pal), bklyn // 8pm doors // 1 flight stairs

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apr 18 (tues)


Venue has stairs. • 6:30pm: DMG Free Tues: Masayo Koketsu, James McKain, Aidan O'Connell, Watergh0st @ downtown music gallery (all ages), 13 monroe st., chinatown, mnhtn // semi-rare all solos night! // 1 flight stairs

♿️ • 6:30pm: Unfiltered Music Festival, Night #2/3: Curtis Stewart ($$$) @ fotografiska (6th fl. loft), 281 park ave south, mnhtn

♿️ • 7pm: Sawyer's 3/2/1: Heart of the Ghost (Luke Stewart, Ian McColm, Jarrett Gilgore), Eileen Myles & Ryan Sawyer, Devin Hoff @ union pool (21+), 484 union ave, williamsburg, bklyn // this series is consistently gr8!

♿️ • 7pm-11pm: PopGun Presents: YHWH Nailgun & Chanel Beads, Nourished by Time @ zone one at elsewhere (16+), 599 johnson ave, e. williamsburg, bklyn // access

❓ • 7pm: Sacred Music: Raffi Boden: Bach & Klezmer for cello @ st. paul’s chapel at columbia university (117th & amsterdam), morningside, mnhtn **&** livestream

♿️ • 7:30pm *&* 9:30pm: The Living Collection (Lesley Mok Record Release; w/ MANY) (fb) @ the jazz gallery (all ages), 1160 broadway (on w. 27th), fl.5, mnhtn **&** livestream // Mok w/ David Leon, Yuma Uesaka, Milena Casado, Kalun Leung, Elias Stemeseder, Ledah Finck, Aliya Ultan, Florian Herzog, Weston Olencki, all avant/jazz/noise ~Instrumentalist~ heavies (tho i haven't seen milena play yet!) // access

Venue has stairs. • 7:30pm-1am: SU$HI, Lava Life, Greg Lou @ nublu 151 (21+), 151 ave c, mnhtn // email for this said "big freakazoid session at the end until late!!!" & "no songs allowed!" lol :')

♿️ • 7:30pm: Argento x icarus Quartet present works by Lang Chen, Amy Beth Kirsten, Marcos Balter, Chaya Czernowin, Beat Furrer, Manuela Meier @ the dimenna center (all ages), benzaquen hall, 450 w. 37th st., mnhtn /access

Venue has stairs. • 8pm: Sweet Dream, Elijah Shiffer’s Dada Bebop Quartet, Chaser, Open Eye Trio (fb) @ bar freda (21+), 801 seneca ave, ridgewood, queens // SD = Julian Creech-Pritchett, Ramon Garcia, Xavier Ware; ESDB4 w/ Hayoung Lyou, Dmitry Ishenko, Colin Hinton; CHASER = Dominika Michalowska, Chris Welcome, Shayna Dulberger, Oran Canfield // 1 flight stairs to basement

♿️ • 8pm: EXO-TECH ($$) @ public records' sound room (21+), 233 butler st., gowanus, bklyn // Sophia Brous & Kimbra's big improv band, this round with Trevor Dunn, Grey Mcmurray, Qasim Naqvi, Cleek Schrey, Jeremy Gustin, Lea Bertucci, Mauro Refosco, Danny Meyer, Douglas Wieselman, Cole Kamen-Green, & i think more?? // for wheelchair access to sound room, enter via restaurant

Venue has stairs. • 8pm: Jack Propane, Food Corps, SNXXXIS, Afterlife.Online, Diego Cohen @ purgatory (21+), 675 central ave, bushwick, bklyn // a V Legit Crew

☑️ • 8pm *&* 9:30pm: Kevin Sun / Beckstead-Craan / Curtis Nowosad @ lowlands (21+), 543 3rd ave, gowanus, bklyn // request wheelchair ramp by email; checking restroom

Venue has stairs. • 9pm: Namesake, Wallet (EP Release), Huffers, Raisalka @ seCret loCation (ask a pal), bklyn // 8pm doors // 1 flight stairs

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apr 19 (weds)


• 5pm-11pm: CCC Radio: Lojai, Girl IRL, Heidi Sabertooth, Connor Wrong, Ketamine Cowboy @ xpizza, 190 front st., mnhtn

♿️ • 6:30pm: Unfiltered Music Festival, Night #3/3: Jenny Lin ($$$) @ fotografiska, 281 park ave south, mnhtn // elevator to 6th floor loft performance space

☑️ • 7pm-10:30pm: Luke Stewart / Samantha Kochis / Tcheser Holmes / gabby fluke-mogul, Zoh Amba & Tamio Shiraishi, Melvin Gibbs, Samantha Riott @ trans-pecos (all ages), 9-15 wyckoff ave, ridgewood, queens // step to entry, ramp available, patio accessible from weirfield (checking on prior contact needs)

Venue has stairs. • 7pm: gaucimusic presents: Improvised Music Series (fb) @ main drag (all ages), 50 s. 1st st. (btwn kent & wythe), williamsburg, bklyn // if i ever forget to list lineup, it's on the fb event!! // 7:00pm Kenny Warren, Nathan Ellman, Chris Hoffman; 8:00pm Alex Beckmann, Mara Rosenbloom, Ken Filiano; 9:00pm Stephen Gauci, Adam Lane, Colin Hinton; 10:00pm Yoni Kretzmer & Juan Pablo Carletti's BIGGISH (w/ Rick Parker, Andrew Hadro, Christof Knoche, Peter Bitenc, Thomas Heberer, Kenny Warren); 11:00pm Hery Paz, Pedro Melo Alves, Joao Grilo, Henry Fraser

☑️ • 7pm: PROCESS/YES/PROCESS 3: Nicole L'Huillier, René Véron, poets/choir, Mindy Seu @ bowery poetry club, 308 bowery, mnhtn // poets/choir = Edwin conducts Bob Holman & Sheila Maldonado & Urayoan Noel & Kristin Prevallet // flat access, stairs to bathroom

❓ • 7pm-10pm: SEM Ensemble: Preview of works by Roscoe Mitchell, Chaloupka, Kotik, Bakla, Christian Wolff, Vörösová, Novák, Philip Glass, Rychlik @ willow place auditorium, 26 willow place, brooklyn heights, bklyn // their site says 8pm but click thru & ticket link say 7pm; checking!

Venue has stairs. • 7pm: Kira Metcalf, Linda Gardens, Sick Din, Nebula The Velvet Queen @ bar freda (21+), 801 seneca ave, ridgewood, queens // 1 flight stairs to basement

♿️ • 7pm: The Dead Tongues @ public records' sound room (21+), 233 butler st., gowanus, bklyn // for wheelchair access to sound room, enter via restaurant

♿️ • 7pm: Xiu Xiu, Gift, Godcaster (fb) @ lpr (16+), 158 bleecker st., the village, mnhtn

❓ • 7pm: The High Stride, Dr. Ex & the Breakups, The Lookout Honeys, Hekla @ berlin under a (21+), 25 ave a, mnhtn

☑️ • 7:30pm: CT::SWaM @ Shift: Sari Carel, Mike Bullock, Claudia Robles-Angel (fb) @ 411 kent ave (all ages), williamsburg, bklyn // access: email or call 617-953-8356bathroom 26" wide

Venue has stairs. • 7:30pm: Anthony Vine + andPlay performs works by Andrew McIntonsh, Zeynep Toraman, Vine (fb) @ the crypt at church of the intercession, 550 w. 155th st., mnhtn // vine plays solo *&* w/ andplay (duo Maya Bennardo & Hannah Levinson)

☑️ • 8pm: J.R. Bohannon, Lake Mary @ property is theft (all ages), 411 s. 5th st., williamsburg, bklyn // quick ramp setup; bathroom not accessible

❓ • 8pm: Heroes of Toolik (Jennifer Coates, Evans Wohlforth, Moppa Elliott, Rohin Kehmani, John Speck) @ zürcher gallery (all ages), 33 bleecker st., mnhtn // venue unresponsive to access inquiries (6+ weeks); plz email if you have info!

♿️ • 8pm: Synthesis: Paul Bedal Quartet, Kavita Shah @ threes brewing (21+), 333 douglass st, gowanus, bklyn // threes site not updated, confirmed w/ tal; check here

❓ • 8pm *&* 9:30pm: Sabbagh Weds Jazz: Ethan Silverman Quartet ft. Peter Bernstein (TBD, Joe Farnsworth) (fb) @ bar bayeux, 1066 nostrand ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // venue unresponsive to access inquiries (6+ weeks); plz email if you have info!

♿️ • 8:30pm: Greene Night #1/4: QUARTET (Will Greene, Anna Abondolo, Jon Starks, Kenny Wollesen) @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn

Venue has stairs. • 9pm: Din Ra, Water Gh0st, Holy People, DJ Pinky (live) @ seCret loCation (ask a pal), bklyn // 8pm doors // 1 flight stairs

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apr 20 (thurs)


☑️ • 2-4pm: Supracosm presents: Experimental Improvisation Workshop @ the living gallery (all ages), 1094 broadway, bushwick, bklyn // i don't usually list workshops, but for the moment have decided to include if they're 1) daytime & 2) free :D led by jade // if someone who goes sees this, wanna measure bathroom width for me?? // flat entry, restroom likely inaccessible

Venue has stairs. • 6:45pm: Echo Moth (Yana D, Dmitry Ishenko, Poyraz Aldemir), Open Question (Ayumi Ishito, Daniel Carter, Zach Swanson, Erik Plaks, Jon Panikkar), John Colonna (fb) @ bushwick public house, 1288 myrtle ave, bushwick, bklyn

☑️ • 7pm-10:30pm: Quitty Wap’s 1 Year Sober Anniversary: How I Quit Ketamine, Bayht Lahm (Album Release), Grooming, Purity Control, Skinkitten, Adixion @ trans-pecos (all ages), 9-15 wyckoff ave, ridgewood, queens // full event name = “Sober Since Last October (Except For Poppers),” which made me lol (it was like, a ~chuckle~) // step to entry, ramp available, patio accessible from weirfield (checking on prior contact needs)

❓ • 7pm: SEM Ensemble performs works by Philip Glass, Jan Rychlík, Frederic Rzewski, Phill Niblock, Jana Vörösová, Roscoe Mitchell @ brooklyn college's buchwald theater, 2920 campus road, flatbush / midwood, bklyn

☑️ • 7pm: Kathy Westwater: Revolver + Choreomaniacs (music composed by Ava Mendoza & Mike Baggetta), Night #1/6 @ the chocolate factory theater, 38-33 24th st., long island city, queens // live dance, but not sure if live music?? // access: accessible entry, restroom not

♿️ • 7:30pm: Fire Over Heaven: Amirtha Kidambi & Luke Stewart, Raven Chacon @ outpost artists resources (all ages), 1665 norman st., ridgewood, queens // support for free entry (a v good series curated by che chen) // access

☑️ • 7:30pm: CT::SWaM Workshop Evening Presentation (fb) @ 411 kent ave (all ages), williamsburg, bklyn // i don't include workshops, so yay for workshop ~presentations~ :D // access: email or call 617-953-8356bathroom 26" wide

♿️ • 7:30pm *&* 9:30pm: Hannah Marks Quartet (w/ Nathan Reising, Lex Korten, Steven Crammer) (fb) @ the jazz gallery (all ages), 1160 broadway (on w. 27th), fl.5, mnhtn **&** livestream // access

❓ • 7:30pm: TV Moms, Tits Dick Ass, Choked Up @ gold sounds (21+), 44 wilson ave, bushwick, bklyn

Venue has stairs. • 8pm: Crisis Harp, ADAA, Dreamcrusher, Libby Leola, Nymph @ seCret loCation (ask a pal), bklyn // 8pm-9pm letter-writing to people incarcerated for weed possession, 9pm banger show start // 1 flight stairs

♿️ • 8pm: Wendy Eisenberg's Eye Music (w/ Chris Williams, Zekkereya El-magharbel, Andrew Links, Tyrone Allen, Booker Stardrum + Richard Lenz video) (fb) ($$) @ roulette (all ages), 509 atlantic ave, downtown bklyn **&** livestream // access

❓ • 8pm: Conditioner: Ahnnu, 7038634357 + Drumloop, Apt Complex (Pamela_ and her sons), DJ Healthy @ mansions (21+), 46-63 metropolitan ave, ridgewood, queens // live sets start 9pm

☑️ • 8pm: CRY9C, Cal Fish, Dewey.Nothing, Din Ra, DJ Pinky, & more @ the living gallery (all ages), 1094 broadway, bushwick, bklyn // if someone who goes sees this, wanna measure bathroom width for me?? // flat entry, restroom likely inaccessible 

☑️ • 8pm (2 sets): Tim Berne / Mark Helias / Tim Angulo @ lowlands (21+), 543 3rd ave, gowanus, bklyn // request wheelchair ramp by email; checking restroom

♿️ • 8pm: Razor-N-Tape Presents: A Joyful Noise, Phenomenal Handclap Band (Live), Each Other @ public records' sound room (21+), 233 butler st., gowanus, bklyn // A Joyful Noise is led by JKriv; add't'l performers for this one = Aaron Dae, Brandon Markell Holmes, Disgonuts, Domenica, Jason Lindner, Jim Orso, Keytaro, Olatunji Ojore, Peter Matson, Stuart Bogie // for wheelchair access to sound room, enter via restaurant

♿️ • 8pm-4am: Dripping: Ulla, Ma Sha, K Wata (live), Baby Leo, Relaxer b2b aka-Sol, Ley @ nowadays (21+), 56-06 cooper ave, ridgewood, queens // rsvp // for wheelchair entry, ask staff at street entrance

Venue has stairs. • 8pm: ISSUE presents: 51717, Torn Hawk (fb) @ emily harvey foundation (all ages), 537 broadway #2, mnhtn // support

Venue has stairs. [POSTPONED] • 8pm: Musical Ecologies: Jerome Harris (fb) @ old stone house (all ages), 336 3rd st., park slope, bklyn // member + donate // 2 short flights stairs

♿️ • 8pm: Andreas Arnold, Burtone Rosenblum Belo Trio @ the owl, 497 rogers ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // ramp for 1 step, accessible restroom

♿️ 😷 • 8pm: Gibney Presents: Ogemdi Ude, Night #1/3 @ gibney arts center, 280 broadway (enter at 53a chambers st.), civic center, mnhtn // access + masking

♿️ [SOLD OUT?] • 8pm: Nils Frahm ($$$) @ kings theatre, 1027 flatbush ave, flatbush, bklyn // access

♿️ • 8:30pm: Greene Night #2/4: TRIO (Will Greene, Elias Stemeseder, Raf Vertessen) @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn

Venue has stairs. • 10pm: Foodcorps, Wallet, Selda Wyatt, Glob, Skeeter de Milo @ hart bar (21+), 538 hart st, bushwick, bklyn // 1 flight stairs

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apr 21 (fri)


♿️ • 7pm: LEYA, Liam Benzvi, DJ Rachika Nayar @ public records' sound room (21+), 233 butler st., gowanus, bklyn // u know how much i luv them :') limited tix at door // for wheelchair access to sound room, enter via restaurant

❓ • 7pm: SEM Ensemble performs works by Chaloupka, Bakla, Komorous, Oliveros, Wolff, Novák, Kotik + Improvisation by Roscoe Mitchell / Thomas Buckner/ Guests @ bohemian national hall ballroom, 321 e. 73rd st., mnhtn

☑️ • 7pm: Scenic Presents: Richard Lloyd Group (Television) , Martin Bisi band, The Final Sound (fb) @ the kingsland (21+), 269 norman ave, greenpoint, bklyn // checking prior contact

❓ • 7pm: Red Pen Death Omen, Qirl, Big Band, Sentiment @ the loft, 248 mckibbin st., apt 10a, e. williamsburg, bklyn

♿️ • 7pm-9:30pm: Muzosynth Orchestra x Live Code x Vogue UniverCity @ carroll hall, 2 vandervoort place, e. williamsburg, bklyn // performers = Katherine Kyu Hyeon Lim, Joey Chang, Kengchakaj Kengkarnka, Nitcha Fame Tothong, Pony Zion, & more // access

☑️ • 7pm: Works by Kathy Westwater, Night #2/6 @ the chocolate factory theater, 38-33 24th st., long island city, queens // access: accessible entry, restroom not

♿️ • 7:30pm: Radical Adornment, Day #1/2: Wild Up presents the Music of Julius Eastman: Femenine @ 92nd street y, lexington ave at 92nd, mnhtn **&** livestream // access

♿️ • 7:30pm *&* 9:30pm: Kevin Sun (fb) @ the jazz gallery (all ages), 1160 broadway (on w. 27th), fl.5, mnhtn **&** livestream // w/ Adam O'Farrill, Dana Saul, Walter Stinson, Simón Willson, Kayvon Gordon, Matt Honor // access

♿️ • 8pm: Black Aesthetics 4.0: BriFrei, Meadow Le Elle, PinkTacos @ grace exhibition space, 182 ave c, alphabet city, mnhtn // 9pm start // access

☑️ • 8pm: Wes Buckley, Kyp Malone, Dusty Miller @ property is theft (all ages), 411 s. 5th st., williamsburg, bklyn // quick ramp setup; bathroom not accessible

☑️ • 8pm-10pm: Carol Liebowitz / Ken Filiano / Patrick Holmes, Liebowitz / Nick Lyons / Filiano / Vijay Anderson @ ibeam (all ages), 168 7th st., gowanus, bklyn // flat throughout, bathroom not accessible

♿️ • 8pm: Stephen Becker, Stranger Cat, Charlotte Jacobs @ the owl, 497 rogers ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // ramp for 1 step, accessible restroom

♿️ 😷 • 8pm: Ogemdi Ude, Night #2/3 @ gibney arts center, 280 broadway (enter at 53a chambers st.), civic center, mnhtn // access + masking

♿️ • 8:30pm: Greene Night #3/4: DUO (Will Greene & Webb Crawford) @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn

Venue has stairs. • 9pm: Blu Anxxiety, Cel Genesis, Dahjyn, Secret Guest @ seCret loCation (ask a pal), bklyn // 8pm doors // 1 flight stairs

♿️ • ~11pm-7am: Mutual Rytm Nite: SHDW & Obscure Shape, Lars Huismann, Chontane, The Carry Nation, Eli Escobar, Cosmo b2b DJ RAQX @ basement at knockdown center, 52-19 flushing ave, maspeth, queens // house rules // email recommended for access

☑️ • 11pm-5am: Meat Market: Baseck, DJ Flapjack, Umru, Tama Gucci, Sonikku, Angel Health Center, Lexxy Jax, Oceane, Wheresthepsychs @ market hotel (18+), 1140 myrtle ave, bushwick, bklyn // elevator available, checking on contact for access

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apr 22 (sat)


♿️ • 2pm (early show): Radical Adornment, Day #2/2: Wild Up presents the Music of Julius Eastman: Stay On It, Piano 2, & other chamber works (ft. Devonté Hynes, Adam Tendler) @ 92nd street y, lexington ave at 92nd, mnhtn **&** livestream // access

❓ [OUTDOORS!] • 3pm-7pm: Sleeping Giant Glossolalia x Record Grouch present: Masaaki, Lame Driver, Dr. Evilletown @ antidote outpost apothecary (all ages), 381 mcguinness blvd, greenpoint, bklyn // "This event is somewhat in opposition to Record Store Day, celebrating community over commerce." :')

☑️ • 6pm: XFR Collective Fun-raiser: Jim McHugh, Cool Whip, & more @ property is theft (all ages), 411 s. 5th st., williamsburg, bklyn // quick ramp setup; bathroom not accessible

♿️ • 6pm: Cerberus Quintet (Max Johnson, James Brandon Lewis, Hery Paz, Neta Raanan, Jason Nazary) @ barbès, 376 9th st., park slope, bklyn

♿️ [NEW LOCATION] • 7pm: Reflections presents: Suso Sáiz: Resonant Bodies + Qasim Naqvi @ st. ann & the holy trinity church (all ages), 157 montague St, bklyn // Reflections = new series fka Ambient Church

♿️ • 7pm (eve show): Radical Adornment, Day #2/2: Wild Up presents the Music of Julius Eastman: Buddha @ 92nd street y, lexington ave at 92nd, mnhtn **&** livestream // access

Venue has stairs. • 7pm: 60lb.Pug, Nick Lyons / Cheryl Richards / Claire de Brunner, Entropic Hop @ aron's, 1372 greene ave, bushwick, bklyn // 60lb.Pug = Alex Lozupone, David Tamura, Ayumi Ishito, Marcus Cummins, Bruce Mack, Steve Moses; Entropic Hop = Ayumi Ishito, Kevin Shea, Aron Namenwirth ft. guest Federico Balducci

♿️ • 7pm: Garcia Peoples, Chris Forsyth, Purling Hiss, Night #1/2 @ union pool (21+), 484 union ave, williamsburg, bklyn

Venue has stairs. • 7pm-late: FINAL PARTY + Brian's Bday! @ satellite art club (21+), 961 fulton st. (buzz for entry), clinton hill, bklyn // i think @satelliteartshow is shifting to be a mostly-miami venture now?? but whatever the sitch, the clinton hill art club is closing *&* it's @brian_andrew_whiteley's bday, so a good time for a likely-debauched last hurrah </3 // not listed on the art club site, but i saw a note in their mailing list & brian's insta stories, just poke around for confirmation

♿️ • 7pm: KOKOKO! ($$) @ public records' sound room (21+), 233 butler st., gowanus, bklyn // for wheelchair access to sound room, enter via restaurant

☑️ • 7pm: Works by Kathy Westwater, Night #3/6 @ the chocolate factory theater, 38-33 24th st., long island city, queens // access: accessible entry, restroom not

♿️ • 7:30pm *&* 9:30pm: Peter Evans Being & Becoming (w/ Joel Ross, Nick Jozwiak, Michael Ode) (fb) @ the jazz gallery (all ages), 1160 broadway (on w. 27th), fl.5, mnhtn **&** livestream // access

☑️ • 8pm: Matt Nelson, Alejandro Florez / Brandon Lopez / Carlo Costa, Laura Cocks & Madison Greenstone @ sunview luncheonette (all ages), 221 nassau ave, greenpoint, bklyn // accessible entry, lacks ada bathroom

Venue has stairs. • 8pm: Altimetry, Blisspoint, Rose Blanshei, Salma Zenia @ the tubs (dm hosts), bushwick, bklyn // 1/2 flight stairs to basement space, 1 flight to bathroom

♿️ • 8pm-4am: [Hex90 Queer Hacker Salon] @ wonderville (21+), 1186 broadway, bushwick, bklyn

♿️ • 8pm: Rich Saunders, Jake Sherman, & special guests @ the owl, 497 rogers ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // ramp for 1 step, accessible restroom

☑️  • 8pm-10pm: Wide Open Works: Michel Gentile Flow @ ibeam (all ages), 168 7th st., gowanus, bklyn // flat throughout, bathroom not accessible

♿️ 😷 • 8pm: Ogemdi Ude, Night #3/3 @ gibney arts center, 280 broadway (enter at 53a chambers st.), civic center, mnhtn // access + masking

♿️ • 8:30pm: Greene Night #4/4: PEAVEY (Will Greene, Kevin Murray, Teté Leguía) @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn

Venue has stairs. • 9pm: Grace AV presents: 3000 AD, Sobolik, DJ Christmas @ seCret loCation (ask a pal), bklyn // 1 flight stairs

♿️ • ~11pm-7am: FIST: Schwefelgelb, Andi, Word of Command, DJ Clone, Ketia, MoMA PS5, 8ULENTINA @ basement at knockdown center, 52-19 flushing ave, maspeth, queens // house rules // email recommended for access

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apr 23 (sun)


♿️ • 12pm-6pm: PTP x PUTF: BLOCK MARKET @ 109 montrose, williamsburg, bklyn // ptp & putf are putting together wkly outdoor markets in april; not sure about live performance, assuming cuz it's a whole bundle of wicked music ppl, will check

❓ • 3pm-5pm: Supracosm presents: Experimental Improvisation Workshop @ collective focus, 1046 broadway, bushwick / bed-stuy, bklyn // i don't usually list workshops, but for the moment have decided to include if they're 1) daytime & 2) free :D led by jade

☑️ • 4:30pm: to and fro piano series: Alexis Marcelo (fb) @ 411 kent ave (all ages), williamsburg, bklyn // access: email or call 617-953-8356bathroom 26" wide

♿️ • 6pm: The Kitchen presents: Letters to the Future: Dream House Quartet ft. Arooj Aftab & Ash Fure ($$$) @ town hall, 123 w. 43rd st., mnhtn // DH4 = Katia & Marielle Labèque, Bryce Dessner, David Chalmin; 4:30pm panel // access

Venue has stairs. • 7pm-10pm: Alternative Guitar Summit: Brandon Seabrook, Joel Harrison & Anthony Pirog (Album Release; ft. Stephan Crump, Dan Reiser), David Gilmore Trio (w/Kyle Miles, Rudy Royston) @ nublu 151 (21+), 151 ave c, mnhtn

♿️ • 7pm: Garcia Peoples, Chris Forsyth, Purling Hiss, Night #2/2 @ union pool (21+), 484 union ave, williamsburg, bklyn

♿️ • 8pm: Morton Subotnick's 90th Birthday Celebration (fb) ($$) @ roulette (all ages), 509 atlantic ave, downtown bklyn **&** livestream // performers = SooJin Anjou, David Behrman, Shelley Burgon, Miguel Frasconi, Earl Howard, John King, Joan La Barbara, Chris McIntyre, Ikue Mori, David Simons // access

♿️ • 8pm: PW x Outer Ear Projects present: Sona Jobarteh ($$) @ pioneer works (all ages), 159 pioneer st., red hook, bklyn // support

Venue has stairs. • 8pm-11pm: Sunday Residency: Live Footage (Topu Lyo & Mike Thies) @ apotheke (21+), 9 doyers st., chinatown, mnhtn

☑️ • 8pm-11pm: Mind Mirage, Creatrx, Crosslegged, India Sky @ the living gallery (all ages), 1094 broadway, bushwick, bklyn // flat entry, restroom likely inaccessible (checking dimensions)

♿️ • 8pm: Shahzad Ismaily, Samora Pinderhughes, Joshua Crumbly @ the owl, 497 rogers ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // ramp for 1 step, accessible restroom

Venue has stairs. • 9pm: Queer Wrestlemania x Housing Stability Benefit: Cisne, Meliss, Micah, Sp3cial K, Sailor Malice, Ex-DJ, Nymph @ seCret loCation (ask a pal), bklyn // 8pm doors; actual wrestling??? // 1 flight stairs

♿️ • 10pm-11:30pm: Keenan Ruffin Dance Band (w/ Kevin Sun, David Mirarchi, Isaiah Johnson, Jonathan Starks) @ young ethel's (21+), 506 5th ave, park slope, bklyn // quick mobile ramp for performance zone, email access qs

☑️  • 10:30: Snack Mix: LIP TALK & Friends @ pete's candy store (21+), 709 lorimer st., williamsburg, bklyn // space wheelchair accessible, bathroom not

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apr 24 (mon)


♿️ • 7:30pm: Meitar Ensemble performs works by Uri Kochavi, Sivan Cohen Elias, Yair Klartag & Yoav Barel, Amos Elkana, Talia Amar, Ruben Seroussi (fb) @ kaufman music center, 129 w. 67th st., mnhtn // Meitar: Hagar Shahal, Jonathan Hadas, Nadav Cohen, Talia Herzlich, Yoni Gotlibovitch, Amit Dolberg // access

♿️ • 8pm: Dafna Naphtali: DUOS++OCTET (fb) ($$) @ roulette (all ages), 509 atlantic ave, downtown bklyn **&** livestream // additional performers = Jen Baker, Gordon Beeferman, Chuck Bettis, Ras Moshe Burnett, Hans Tammen, Eidth Lettner, Andrew Drury // access

♿️ • 9pm: Los ALiENs (Andrés Jiménez, Stomu Takeishi, Sebastián Cruz, Ricardo Gallo) @ barbès, 376 9th st., park slope, bklyn

❓ • 9pm *&* 10:15pm: Lex Korten Quartet @ lunàtico (all ages), 486 halsey st., bed-stuy, bklyn

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apr 25 (tues)


Venue has stairs. • 6:30pm: DMG Free Tues: Odon (Daniel Carter, Takuma Kanaiawa, Primus Luta, Jonathan William Wilson), Hans Tammen & Marco Cappelli, Sha, Keyna Wilkins @ downtown music gallery (all ages), 13 monroe st., chinatown, mnhtn // 1 flight stairs

♿️ • 7pm: Vinnie Sperrazza Quartet (w/ Michael Formanek, Chet Doxas, Brandon Seabrook) @ barbès, 376 9th st., park slope, bklyn

♿️ • 7:30pm: Marissa Nadler, Constant Smiles @ public records' sound room (21+), 233 butler st., gowanus, bklyn // for wheelchair access to sound room, enter via restaurant

♿️ • 8pm: Adam O'Farrill: Flatbush Blue, The Man from the Sea (w/ O'FARRILL FAMILY) (fb) ($$) @ roulette (all ages), 509 atlantic ave, downtown bklyn **&** livestream // additional performers = Alison Deane (adam's mom!!!), Arturo O’Farrill (adam's dad!!!), Liany Mateo, Zack O’Farrill (adam's bro!!!), Grey Mcmurray, Ledah Finck :') // access

❓ • 8pm: Zoh Amba / Steve Gunn / gabby fluke-mogul / Ryan Sawyer @ zürcher gallery (all ages), 33 bleecker st., mnhtn // venue unresponsive to access inquiries (6+ weeks); plz email if you have info!

☑️ • 8pm *&* 9:30pm: Sunhyun Yoo Quartet (w/ Lex Korten, Adam Olszewski, JK Kim) @ lowlands (21+), 543 3rd ave, gowanus, bklyn // request wheelchair ramp by email; checking restroom

Venue has stairs. • 9pm: Mother Cell, Ouija,, Skullfucker + Afterlife.Online, Jock Itch (Rugirugz, DJ Rozwell, Milkman's Molotov) @ seCret loCation (ask a pal), bklyn // 8pm doors // 1 flight stairs

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apr 26 (weds)


Venue has stairs. • 7pm: gaucimusic presents: Improvised Music Series (fb) @ main drag (all ages), 50 s. 1st st. (btwn kent & wythe), williamsburg, bklyn

♿️ • 7:30pm: Ellis Ludwig-Leone ft. Attacca Quartet, Eliza Bagg, special guest Darian Donovan Thomas ($$) @ public records' sound room (21+), 233 butler st., gowanus, bklyn // for wheelchair access to sound room, enter via restaurant

☑️ • 7:30pm: Shift: Tropos (Philip Golub, Mario Layne Fabrizio), Mariel Roberts & Tomas Fujiwara (fb) @ 411 kent ave (all ages), williamsburg, bklyn // access: email or call 617-953-8356bathroom 26" wide

♿️ • 7:30pm *&* 9:30pm: Rudy Royston (Album Release) (fb) @ the jazz gallery (all ages), 1160 broadway (on w. 27th), fl.5, mnhtn **&** livestream // access

♿️ • 8pm: DJ Haram, Lea Bertucci, Nate Wooley’s Mutual Aid Music, N.H Niles @ sisters (all ages), 900 fulton st., clinton hill, bklyn // ASSEMBLY = curated by Luke Stewart & Lester St. Louis // quick ramp for access to back room

☑️ • 8pm: Zoh Amba / Shazhad Izmaily / Steve Gunn @ property is theft (all ages), 411 s. 5th st., williamsburg, bklyn // quick ramp setup; bathroom not accessible

♿️ • 8pm: Synthesis: Daniel Prim y su Parampampan, Rasmus Sørensen Trio @ threes brewing (21+), 333 douglass st, gowanus, bklyn // threes site not yet updated, confirmed w/ tal; check here

❓ • 8pm *&* 9:30pm: Sabbagh Weds Jazz: Caroline Davis Quartet (w/ Matt Mitchell, Chris Tordini, Allan Mednard) (fb) @ bar bayeux, 1066 nostrand ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // venue unresponsive to access inquiries (6+ weeks); plz email if you have info!

♿️ • 8pm: Curtis Hasselbring and his Curhachestra @ barbès, 376 9th st., park slope, bklyn

♿️ • 8:30pm: Gates Night #1/4: QUARTET (Sally Gates, Andromeda Anarchia, Brandon Lopez, Kate Gentile) @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn

Venue has stairs. • 9pm: Eteraz, Persona, XXRosa, Acid Casualties @ seCret loCation (ask a pal), bklyn // 8pm doors // 1 flight stairs

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apr 27 (thurs)


☑️ • 7pm: ENDE TYMES 13 – Festival of Noise & Sonic Liberation – Day #1/3 @ trans-pecos (all ages), 9-15 wyckoff ave, ridgewood, queens // become a member ($100) for 4-show weekend pass // thrilled the entry membership level is "zealot"??? one of my fave things to call myself, up there with (more sadly true) "equal-opportunity punisher" // times approx but bob (this year co-producing w/ JHK) runs a TIGHT SHIP: 7:00 PM doors open; 8:00 PM Chuck Bettis; 8:30 PM Yvonne LeBien & Lauren Tosswill; 9:00 PM Avola; 9:30 PM Robert Fuchs; 9:55 PM Andrea Pensado; 10:30 PM The Shape of Minds to Come (John Duncan, Scot Jenerik, Schneider TM, Chandra Shulka); 12:30 AM Stinkmeat; 1:00 AM Centennial Gardens (Dreamcrusher x King Vision Ultra); 1:40 AM Única Forma; 2:10 AM Ende // step to entry, ramp available, patio accessible from weirfield (checking on prior contact needs)

♿️ • 7pm: Steve Gunn & David Moore, Lester St. Louis / Wendy Eisenberg / Ryan Sawyer (fb) @ lpr (16+), 158 bleecker st., the village, mnhtn

☑️ • 7pm: Raven Chacon: solos @ e-flux, 172 classon ave, clinton hill, bklyn // "For elevator access, please RSVP to"; has ada-compliant bathroom

♿️ • 7pm-11pm: Experimental Electronic Meetup: 13baap.yourdad, metacara, latebitmu.sic, baroque_hoe,, fabii_obando, darkmagic2k20 @ wonderville (21+), 1186 broadway, bushwick, bklyn

☑️ • 7pm: Works by Kathy Westwater, Night #4/6 @ the chocolate factory theater, 38-33 24th st., long island city, queens // access: accessible entry, restroom not

♿️ • 7pm: Jaguar Sun, Similar Kind @ public records' sound room (21+), 233 butler st., gowanus, bklyn // for wheelchair access to sound room, enter via restaurant

Venue has stairs. • 7:30pm-8:30pm: Carnegie Hill Concerts x Experiential Orchestra present: EXO Chamber: Works by Iannia Xenakis & Julius Eastman @ church of the advent hope, 111 e. 87th st., mnhtn // performers: Xavier Smith, Samuel Yulsman, Mike Godbole, Pauline Kim Harris, Nicolee Kuester, Dan Peck, Kalun Leung

♿️ • 7:30pm *&* 9:30pm: Ravi Coltrane, Night #1/3 (fb) @ the jazz gallery (all ages), 1160 broadway (on w. 27th), fl.5, mnhtn **&** livestream // i *think* 3 nights // access

♿️ 😷 • 8pm: Gibney Presents: ∞therside collective / Sarah Chien, Night #1/3 @ gibney arts center, 280 broadway (enter at 53a chambers st.), civic center, mnhtn // "cast & collaborators" = Agata Gregorkiewitz, Sarah Chien, Susanna Grob, Sokratis Votskos, Caitlin Cawley + Mirko Lancerotto, Francesca Caselli, Alessio Bettoli, Vicky Angelidou // access; masks recommended

♿️ • 8pm: Kyle Morgan, Sean Cronin, Noah Harley @ the owl, 497 rogers ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // ramp for 1 step, accessible restroom

♿️ • 8:30pm: Gates Night #3/4: TRIO (Sally Gates, Zoh Amba, Dan Weiss) @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn

Venue has stairs. • 9pm: SNL, Cal Fish, Gabriela Rassi, Hoca Christ Devil, Web Hex @ seCret loCation (ask a pal), bklyn // 8pm doors // 1 flight stairs

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apr 28 (fri)


• 11am-4:45pm: Regen Circuit: LiveCode.NYC Residency Opening Wknd @ harvestworks art & technology at building 10a, nolan park, governors island // livecode insta says fri/sat/suns thru 5/14

♿️ • 4pm: Ethan Philbrick's GROUP WORKS Release, Work by Anh Vo @ nyu performance studies michelson theater, room 640, 721 broadway, mnhtn

♿️ • 6:30pm-10:30pm: PopGun Presents: Screaming Females, Iron Chic, Lip Critic @ elsewhere hall (16+), 599 johnson ave, e. williamsburg, bklyn // access

☑️ [LATE ADD] • 7pm: Sarah Hughes, Masayo Koketsu / Brandon Lopez / Li-Chin Li / Tamio Shiraishi​ @ ibeam (all ages), 168 7th st., gowanus, bklyn // start time is 8:15pm, but i added this late so am moving it up a lil with false doors ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ presented by kevin reilly of relative pitch records, second (9pm) set will be duos & trios // flat throughout, bathroom not accessible

☑️ • 7pm: ENDE TYMES 13 – Festival of Noise & Sonic Liberation – Day #2/3 @ trans-pecos (all ages), 9-15 wyckoff ave, ridgewood, queens // become a member ($100) for 4-show weekend pass //thrilled the entry membership level is "zealot"??? one of my fave things to call myself, up there with (more sadly true) "equal-opportunity punisher" // times approx but bob (this year co-producing w/ JHK) runs a TIGHT SHIP: 7:00 PM doors open; 8:00 PM Camp Rock (Soless Dialtone & Mercury Symbol); 8:30 PM Zoologist; 8:55 PM Matriarch; 9:30 PM Radiator Greys; 10:10 PM HSFB; 10:40 PM JHK & Neuter; 11:10 PM Scathing; 11:35 PM Straight Panic; 12:05 AM Flesh Shuddering; 12:25 AM Oozing Meat; 12:45 AM Living Room; 1:05 AM Alessandra Zerbinati; 1:45 AM Humanbeast; 2:15 AM Ende // step to entry, ramp available, patio accessible from weirfield (checking on prior contact needs)

☑️ • 7pm: Jacob Sacks, Shara Lin, Claire Dickson, Gabriel Zucker @ spectrum at bwac (all ages), 481 van brunt st., door 7a, red hook, bklyn // "go to the end of van brunt st. & look for a sign" // email to arrange elevator access

Venue has stairs. • 7pm-10pm: Nabaté Isles (w/ David Gilmore, Sasha Berliner, Manuel Valera, Richie Goods, Gene Lake) @ nublu 151 (21+), 151 ave c, mnhtn

☑️ • 7pm: Works by Kathy Westwater, Night #5/6 @ the chocolate factory theater, 38-33 24th st., long island city, queens // access: accessible entry, restroom not

❓ • 7pm-11:45pm: Artist Salon: Odds & Ends @ last frontier, 520 kingsland ave, greenpoint, bklyn

♿️ • 7:30pm: New Sounds Live: Moor Mother presents New Music (ft. LOTS) @ kaufman music center, 129 w. 67th st., mnhtn // Camae w/ Henry Threadgill, Eddy Kwon, Aquiles Navarro, Tcheser Holmes, Luke Stewart, Keir Neuringer, Trae Crudup, Val Jeanty, Kyle Kidd, Kayla Farrish, Vitche-Boul Ra // access

Venue has stairs. • 7:30pm: Jachary, Parlor Walls, 13th Law, Grey Mcmurray @ please y.s. (all ages; rsvp for address), chinatown, mnhtn // 2 flights stairs

☑️ • 7:30pm: Steuart Liebig / Sandy Ewen / Michael Vatcher, TJ Borden / Dominic Coles / Chris Libutti, Tizia Zimmermann & Carlo Costa @ the record shop (all ages), 360 van brunt st., red hook, bklyn // 1 short step, quick ramp setup; possibly accessible bathroom (checking)

❓ • 7:30pm: Bored Friends Entertainment presents: New Pollution, Pop Music Fever Dream, Faculty, Thrush @ gold sounds (18+), 44 wilson ave, bushwick, bklyn

♿️ • 7:30pm *&* 9:30pm: Ravi Coltrane, Night #2/3 (fb) @ the jazz gallery (all ages), 1160 broadway (on w. 27th), fl.5, mnhtn **&** livestream // i *think* 3 nights? // access

♿️ [FILM] • 7:40pm: Sam Green (w/ JD Samson): 32 SOUNDS @ film forum (all ages), 209 w. houston, greenwich village, mnhtn // screenslate is for screenings! technically-no-"performance" exception = cuz FF's doing 7 nights w/ live in-theater audio mixing w/ headphones; this meets my ~rough criteria~ of 1) singular, live event with 2) both visual & audio components & 3) explicit attention to sound :D // access

♿️ [OUTSIDE!] • 8pm: Olth, Kemmering, The Tourniquet, Impact Font @ trash bridge [dm hosts], e. williamsburg, bklyn

Venue has stairs. • 8pm: Invocation XI: Performances by Aliya Ultan & Katinka Kleijn + Ultan Installation & Screenings @ mise-en_place (all ages), 341 calyer st., greenpoint, bklyn // Aliya Ultan screenings: RESIDUUM and other shorts

❓ • 8pm-10pm: El Taller Latino Americano presents: patrick brennan’s transparency kestra & Ariel Pirotti: Porteño Refractions / Refracciones porteños @ church of st. edward the martyr, 14 e. 109th st., mnhtn // transparency kestra = brennan w/ Eli Asher, Claire de Brunner, Melanie Dyer, Ken Filiano, gabby fluke-mogul, Nick Gianni, Haruna Fukuzawa, Hill Greene, Jerome Harris, Patrick Holmes, Westbrook Johnson, Cheryl Pyle, David Sidman, Michael TA Thompson

♿️ 😷 • 8pm:  ∞therside collective / Sarah Chien, Night #2/3 @ gibney arts center, 280 broadway (enter at 53a chambers st.), civic center, mnhtn // "cast & collaborators" = Agata Gregorkiewitz, Sarah Chien, Susanna Grob, Sokratis Votskos, Caitlin Cawley + Mirko Lancerotto, Francesca Caselli, Alessio Bettoli, Vicky Angelidou // access; masks recommended

☑️ • 8pm: ICEBERG New Music x Decoda (ft. Kornfeld & Andrews) present works by Victor Báez, Yu-Chun Chien, Jack Frerer, Harry Stafylakis, Robin Haigh, Gala Flagello @ tenri institute (13+), 43a w. 13th st., mnhtn // wheelchair lift to venue, checking on prior contact + restrooms

♿️ • 8pm: Dorée, Eleanor Buckland, Liv Greene @ the owl, 497 rogers ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // ramp for 1 step, accessible restroom

♿️ • 8:30pm: Gates Night #4/4: TRIO (Sally Gates, Trevor Dunn, Greg Fox) @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn

Venue has stairs. • 10pm-3am: SLOT presents: Buzzi, S4M23, Evilo, Ciringe, Insex @ seCret loCation (ask a pal), bklyn // for several days i had a typo so it just said "cringe" :D "Lighting + Visuals provided by Cleo and Olive" // 1 flight stairs

❓ • 10pm-4am: Deep Confessions presents: Osagie, James K, Blurry, Jordan Ehr @ mood ring (21+), 1260 myrtle ave, bushwick, bklyn

♿️ • ~11pm-7am: L.I.E.S. Nite: Legowelt, Veronica Vasicka, L.Sangre, Sweater On Polo, Ron Morelli, Traxx @ basement at knockdown center, 52-19 flushing ave, maspeth, queens // house rules // email recommended for access

☑️ • 11pm-5am: Meat Market: DJ Assault, Swisha, Jasmine Infiniti, WTCHCRFT, Devoye, Duneska, Moonlight Butterfly @ market hotel (18+), 1140 myrtle ave, bushwick, bklyn // elevator available, checking on contact for access

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apr 29 (sat)


• 11am-4:45pm: Regen Circuit: LiveCode.NYC Residency Opening Wknd @ harvestworks art & technology at building 10a, nolan park, governors island // livecode insta says fri/sat/suns thru 5/14

Venue has stairs. • 1pm: ENDE TYMES – Festival of Noise & Sonic Liberation – Day #3/3 (matinee): Raven Chacon Voiceless Mass, Eternities (Katie Porter & Bob Bellerue), gabby fluke-mogul & Nava Dunkelman, Chloe Alexander @ first unitarian church, 119 pierrepont st., brooklyn heights, bklyn // voiceless mass w/ Alex Waterman, Jessica Pavone, Katie Porter, Leila Bordreuil, Luke Stewart, Laura Ortman, gabby fluke-mogul, Laura Cocks, Nava Dunkelman, Steven Long, Patrick Holmes, Carlo Costa, Bob Bellerue // become a member ($100) for 4-show weekend pass

♿️ 😷 • 3pm: DraftWork: mayfield brooks @ danspace project at st. mark's (all ages), 131 e. 10th st., e. village, mnhtn // access + masking

☑️ • 5pm: Eve Essex (Release Party) @ 411 kent ave (all ages), williamsburg, bklyn // access: email or call 617-953-8356bathroom 26" wide

♿️ • 6pm: Electroacoustic Collective Controlled Chaotic 2: WARP Duo (Quijiang Levi Lu & Scott Li), Zoh Amba / Shinya Lin / Leo Chang, Ri Tornello / Jonathan Reisin / Mark Abramovski @ loy luo studio, 98 mott st st. #600a, mnhtn

♿️ • 6pm: Wood & Metal (Sam Newsome, Erin Rogers, Max Johnson) @ barbès, 376 9th st., park slope, bklyn // either trio *or* max solo followed by duo...? not sure

☑️ • 7pm: ENDE TYMES 13 – Festival of Noise & Sonic Liberation – Day #3/3 (eve) @ trans-pecos (all ages), 9-15 wyckoff ave, ridgewood, queens // become a member ($100) for 4-show weekend pass // thrilled the entry membership level is "zealot"??? one of my fave things to call myself, up there with (more sadly true) "equal-opportunity punisher" // times approx but bob (this year co-producing w/ JHK) runs a TIGHT SHIP: 7:00 PM doors open; 8:00 PM Flose; 8:30 PM YÜ//F; 9:00 PM JoAnn McNeil; 9:40 PM Demon Face; 10:20 PM Kiwi Cube; 11:00 PM Crank Sturgeon; 11:40 PM Harpy; 12:20 AM Kazumoto Endo; 1:05 AM Noxious Aux; 1:25 AM Live Wire; 1:55 AM Cryocene; 2:25 AM Number of the Beast // step to entry, ramp available, patio accessible from weirfield (checking on prior contact needs)

☑️ • 7pm: Oneida, Upper Wilds, Editrix (fb | tix) @ tv eye (21+), 1647 weirfield st., ridgewood, queens // email to arrange no-stair access through patio

♿️ • 7pm: Kristine Leschper ($$) @ public records' sound room (21+), 233 butler st., gowanus, bklyn // for wheelchair access to sound room, enter via restaurant

☑️ • 7pm: Works by Kathy Westwater, Night #6/6 @ the chocolate factory theater, 38-33 24th st., long island city, queens // access: accessible entry, restroom not

Venue has stairs. • 7:30pm: Sunk Heaven, Female Genius, Reg Bloor (fb) @ main drag (?), 50 s. 1st st. (btwn kent & wythe), williamsburg, bklyn // i thought i saw "21+" for this but now am not sure where...?

☑️ • 7:30pm-10pm: Potions Trio (Yoon Sun Choi, Lim Yang, Andre Matos), Jonathan Moritz / Sean Ali / Carlo Costa @ ibeam (all ages), 168 7th st., gowanus, bklyn // flat throughout, bathroom not accessible

♿️ • 7:30pm *&* 9:30pm: Ravi Coltrane, Night #3/3 (fb) @ the jazz gallery (all ages), 1160 broadway (on w. 27th), fl.5, mnhtn **&** livestream // i *think* 3 nights // access

♿️ [FILM] • 7:40pm: 32 SOUNDS @ film forum (all ages), 209 w. houston, greenwich village, mnhtn // screenslate is for screenings! exception = cuz FF's doing 7 nights w/ live in-theater audio mixing w/ headphones // access

♿️ • 8pm: Outline Spring Sat #1/2: Matmos, Jlin, Pan Daijing @ knockdown center (18+), 52-19 flushing ave, maspeth, queens // email recommended for access

♿️ • 8pm: Flossing, Tits Dick Ass, Spreaders @ alphaville (21+), 140 wilson ave, bushwick, bklyn

❓ • 8pm *&* 9:30pm: Dan Weiss @ bar bayeux, 1066 nostrand ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // venue unresponsive to access inquiries (6+ weeks); plz email if you have info!

♿️ • 8pm: Jeff Rum (Ryan Dugre, Jeremy Gustin, James Buckley) @ barbès, 376 9th st., park slope, bklyn

♿️ • 8pm: h. pruz, Hemlock, Dirty Bird @ the owl, 497 rogers ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // ramp for 1 step, accessible restroom

♿️ 😷 • 8pm:  ∞therside collective / Sarah Chien, Night #3/3 @ gibney arts center, 280 broadway (enter at 53a chambers st.), civic center, mnhtn // "cast & collaborators" = Agata Gregorkiewitz, Sarah Chien, Susanna Grob, Sokratis Votskos, Caitlin Cawley + Mirko Lancerotto, Francesca Caselli, Alessio Bettoli, Vicky Angelidou // access; masks recommended

♿️ • 8:30pm: Gates Night #4/4: QUARTET (Sally Gates, Matt Hollenberg, Trevor Dunn, Ches Smith) @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn

Venue has stairs. [LATE ADD] • 9pm: Discreet Disco: Xena Glass, Kate Finley, Alice Does Computer Music @ sunrise / sunset (all ages), 351 evergreen ave, bushwick, bklyn // 2 steps to entry

Venue has stairs. • 10pm-3am: TRANSITION: DJ Girl, Devoye, Linda, Darian @ seCret loCation (ask a pal), bklyn // 1 flight stairs

♿️ • 10pm: Super Yamba plays the music of Mamadou Mbengue @ barbès, 376 9th st., park slope, bklyn

♿️ • ~11pm-7am: BOUND Blackout: Function, Lydo, Katie Rex, Cinthie, JADALAREIGN, Savile @ basement at knockdown center, 52-19 flushing ave, maspeth, queens // house rules // email recommended for access

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apr 30 (sun)


• 11am-4:45pm: Regen Circuit: LiveCode.NYC Residency Opening Wknd @ harvestworks art & technology at building 10a, nolan park, governors island // livecode insta says fri/sat/suns thru 5/14

♿️ • 12pm-6pm: PTP x PUTF: BLOCK MARKET @ 109 montrose, williamsburg, bklyn // ptp & putf are putting together wkly outdoor markets in april; not sure about live performance, assuming cuz it's a whole bundle of wicked music ppl, will check

☑️ • 4:30pm: to and fro piano series: Anthony Coleman (fb) @ 411 kent ave (all ages), williamsburg, bklyn // access: email or call 617-953-8356bathroom 26" wide

♿️ [FILM] • 5:15pm: 32 SOUNDS @ film forum (all ages), 209 w. houston, greenwich village, mnhtn // screenslate is for screenings! exception = cuz FF's doing 7 nights w/ live in-theater audio mixing w/ headphones // access

Venue has stairs. • 6pm-9pm: Hans Tammen presents: Double Image Microtonal Sax Quartet, Adam Lane's Spin with the Ear(th), Hans Tammen's Third Eye Electric Band plays the music of Miles Davis (fb) @ main drag (all ages), 50 s. 1st st. (btwn kent & wythe), williamsburg, bklyn // 6pm: Double Image: Marcus Cummins, Welf Dorr, Ayumi Ishito, Briggan Krauss, Hans Tammen, Kai Kennedy; 7pm Adam Lane+ w/ Yoni Kretzmer, Nick Lyons, Adam Caine, Hans Tammen, Vijay Anderson; 8pm Third Eye: Marcus Cummings, Welf Dorr, Ayumi Ishito, Briggan Krauss, Kai Kennedy, Yuko Togami, Izzy Ramkissoon, Michael Schumacher, David First, Dafna Naphtali, Nick Didkovsky, Chris Cochrane, David Rothenberg, Monica Rocha, Chuck Bettis, Andrew Neumann + Visuals by Kristie Kish

Venue has stairs. • 6pm (early show): :3lON, Indigo Heaven, Chucha @ seCret loCation (ask a pal), bklyn // 1 flight stairs

Venue has stairs. • 6:30pm: 32nd Anniversary Party! @ downtown music gallery (all ages), 13 monroe st., chinatown, mnhtn // HAPPY BDAY DMG! no official lineup but i'm sure live sounds will happen // 1 flight stairs

♿️ • 7pm: Container, Barb Wire, Mark Morgan & Ryley Walker @ union pool (21+), 484 union ave, williamsburg, bklyn

Venue has stairs. • 8pm: Computer Age Recordings presents Post Noise Fest: Pronniny, Father Fister, JHK, Julianfite, Slime Queen Bingo, Christmas at Fitness, Bubblegum Octopus, Computer (tix) @ hart bar (21+), 538 hart st, bushwick, bklyn // 9pm start // 1 flight stairs

☑️ • 8pm: Kenneth Jimenez / Darius Jones / Christofer Hoffman, Hery Paz / Cooper Moore / Daniel Prim @ scholes st. studio (all ages), 375 lorimer st., e. williamsburg, bklyn // steps to entry, request ramp by email

Venue has stairs. • 8pm-11pm: Sunday Residency: Live Footage (Topu Lyo & Mike Thies) @ apotheke (21+), 9 doyers st., chinatown, mnhtn

☑️ • 8pm: Gauche, Erica Dawn Lyle, Privacy Issues, Or Best Offer (fb | tix) @ tv eye (21+), 1647 weirfield st., ridgewood, queens // email to arrange no-stair access through patio

Venue has stairs. • 10pm (late show): Painted Faces, Mezzanine Swimmers, Grout, Slurpy Band (Lindsay Tuttle, Adam Arritola, Alessandra Zerbinati, Stephanie Demopulos) @ seCret loCation (ask a pal), bklyn // i think 9pm doors, but there are shows there ALL DAY // 1 flight stairs

☑️  • 10:30: Snack Mix: LIP TALK & Friends @ pete's candy store (21+), 709 lorimer st., williamsburg, bklyn // space wheelchair accessible, bathroom not

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