2030 august
🇵🇸 next for PALESTINE (actions, support, PACBI shows): 11/12 vigil + record shop, 11/13 bossa, 11/14 still/moving / record shop / dripping [BIG LUV for PACBI venues; sign on!!]!
FIND YR REP, call, & say OPPOSE HR 9495!!!
they vote on this *TUESDAY*, so CALL TODAY!!!!
if u know yr district, PALESTINE page has phone #s!!
nonprofits are cowards already; this would be A NIGHTMARE
speaking of nonprofits, SIGN ISSUE LETTER
ACCESS LEGEND: 🅰️ all ages, ♿️ accessible, ☑️ access w/ caveats, 📶 stairs / not accessible, 💡 strobes, 🔄 air purifier, 🌀 free / notaflof, "OUTDOORS!" = open-air + 😷 MASK UP to keep ppl safe, protect our rights, & upset our loser leaders !!!
DONATE $5/month cuz i continue to lack dollars ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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