2023 july
~ always incomplete ~
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bandcamp roundup
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NEW: PATREON (help me pay rent??) // summerstage // RENT ROLLBACK // "blog" [1st draft rants] // sites like this // faves = noise, jazz, avant-whatever, experiments & improvisations, "new music," punks, sludge, radicals, queers, collectives, Nice Pals, prison abolition & palestinian liberation // tell me about neat things && let's build archives off social media plz :D // ACCESS INFO: ♿️ = wheelchair-accessible space & restroom // ☑️ = accessible; may need prior contact or lack ADA restroom //
= not wheelchair accessible //❓ = waiting on info // 😷 = masking policy // thanks to dan palumbo (1987-2017); sorry for delay // INFO, not judgment; more soon, thanks for yr help xoxo
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july 1 (sat)
♿️ [IN *&*OUTDOORS!] • 3pm-7am: Fourth World: Dreamcrusher, Haruka, Heidi Sabertooth, JWords, Kill Alters, LOKA, Octonomy, Princess Peggie, DJ SWISHA, Ben Ritz, MANY MORE @ knockdown center (21+), 52-19 flushing ave, maspeth, queen // email recommended for access
♿️ [OUTDOORS!] • 4pm-7pm: Friel's Interstellar Overpass: Beech Creeps, Nope, Blank Account @ mama tried, 787 3rd ave, sunset park, bklyn
♿️ [IN *&* OUTDOORS!] • 5pm-10pm: First Saturdays: Lollise, Eli Fola, AQ, Kaleta & Super Yamba Band @ brooklyn museum, 200 eastern parkway (@ washington ave), prospect heights, bklyn // access
• 6pm-???: LAST NIGHT OF CC @ seCret loCation (ask a pal), bklyn // 6pm DJ Cookie Problems, Bazooka Mane between acts until 12am // 7pm Gerhardt, 7pm Erica Dawn Lyle, 7:30pm Spookfish, 7:45pm Ecstasy Police, 8pm Sim & Alex C., 8:20pm RGem, 8:40pm Julia Santoli & Draye Wilson, 9pm $5000, 9:20pm Blacks' Myths, 9:40pm Grout, 10pm Sweet Baby Jesus, 10:20pm Holy People, 10:40pm P.I.S.S., 11pm Leila Bordreuil & Doug Hock, 11:20pm Dog, 11:40pm Kenny Zhou & OHYUNG, 12am X Harlow, 12:20am Annihil, 12:40am Cyberplasm, 1am Rage.Inald (DJ), 2am HERE, 2:20am Nymph (DJ), 3:20am DJ Manny, 4:20am Pent, 4:40am Ciela, 5am Celes, 6am DJ Practice, 6:30am The Cradle, 7am Dean Cercone, 7:30 Open mic / jam / decks // gofundme for new spot(s) // 1 flight stairs
♿️ • 7pm: Little Wings @ union pool (21+), 484 union ave, williamsburg, bklyn
❓ • xxpm: Universal Cell Unlock, Problem Masturbator, Demon Life, Unica Forma @ red light district (call hotline for address: 718-471-6546), rockaways, queens
♿️ • 7:30pm: John and Dan, Faun Fables @ the owl, 497 rogers ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // quick ramp for 1 step
☑️ • 8pm *&* 9:30pm: Chet Doxas (w/Ingrid Laubrock, Tim Berne, Angelica Sanchez, Matt Pavolka, Tom Rainey) @ bar bayeux, 1066 nostrand ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // accessible, but often tight; checking for best contact to reserve space
☑️ • 8pm: Pearring Sound (Dave Sewelson, Jeff Pearring, Alexis Marcelo, Ledian Mola, Michael TA Thompson) @ ibeam (all ages), 168 7th st., gowanus, bklyn // flat throughout, bathroom not accessible
☑️ • 8pm: Live Skull, Skull Practitioners, Kilynn Lunsford @ tv eye (21+), 1647 weirfield st., ridgewood, queens // email to arrange no-stair access through patio
♿️ • 8pm: Swim Camp, H. Pruz @ alphaville (21+), 140 wilson ave, bushwick, bklyn
♿️ • 8:30pm: Dresser Night #4/4: Marilyn Crispell / Gerry Hemingway/ Mark Dresser play Braxton & more @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn
• 8:30pm: Die Jim Crow Records x Road Dog Booking Present: Roc Rilla, EL BENTLY 448, Baby Fang @ the windjammer (21+), 552 grandview ave, ridgewood, queens
❓ • 9pm *&* 10:15pm: Reginald Chapman's Chaphouse @ lunàtico (all ages), 486 halsey st., bed-stuy, bklyn
july 2 (sun)
♿️ • 2pm-6pm: SUMMER THUNDER: Joe Bataan & his band, DJ Tahleim @ union pool (21+), 484 union ave, williamsburg, bklyn // UP x Academy Records present
♿️ [OUTDOORS!] • 4pm-7pm: Zachary Cale, Stella Kola, Gray/Smith @ mama tried (all ages), 787 3rd ave, sunset park, bklyn
❓ • 4pm: Marem Ladson, Sophia, Miriam Elhajli @ elizabeth street garden, elizabeth st. (btwn prince & spring st.), mnhtn
❓ • 5pm-9pm: Jake Ford & Matei Predescu, TBA @ xpizza, 190 front st., mnhtn
• 5pm: Paradise Laboratory: Sonic Cartography: gamin & Devon play works by Devon Osamu Tipp & Qixin Zhang, Vicente Alexim, Caitlin Cawley @ crs (center for remembering & sharing), 123 4th ave, fl. 3, mnhtn // + visual art by Caitlin Cawley, Qixin Zhang // access (2 flights stairs)
♿️ • 6pm: Max Johnson Quintet @ barbès, 376 9th st., park slope, bklyn
• 7pm *&* 10pm: Nublu 21 Anniversary: Sun Ra Arkestra (7pm | 10pm) ($$) @ nublu 151 (21+), 151 ave c, mnhtn
❓ • 7pm: Cottonball Music Series: Hannah Corneau, Chloe Berry, Michael Lepore, REONDA @ 7 house gallery, 35 meadow st., e. williamsburg, bklyn
☑️ • 7pm: Milkman’s Molotov, Public Speaking, Trace Amount, Heavy Halo @ trans-pecos (all ages), 9-15 wyckoff ave, ridgewood, queens // step to entry, ramp available, patio accessible from weirfield (checking on prior contact needs)
☑️ • 8pm-10pm: Li-Chin Li & Chris Corsano @ property is theft (all ages), 411 s. 5th st., williamsburg, bklyn // quick ramp setup; bathroom not accessible
♿️ • 8pm: Rick Rosato, Kyle Wilson, Martin Nevin @ the owl, 497 rogers ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // quick ramp for 1 step
♿️ • 8pm: Pop Music Fever Dream, Eevie Echoes & The Locations, Cohort B, Avatareden @ wonderville (21+), 1186 broadway, bushwick, bklyn // join
july 3 (mon)
• 6:30pm: DMG Rare Mon: Terrence McManus / John Hébert / Billy Mintz @ downtown music gallery (all ages), 13 monroe st., chinatown, mnhtn // 1 flight stairs
☑️ • 7pm-9pm: Huda Asfour: Improvising Orchestra Workshop @ fouroneone, 411 kent ave (all ages), williamsburg, bklyn // access: email or call 617-953-8356; bathroom 26" wide
♿️ • 7pm-8:30pm: Musics (Ilusha Tsinadze, Gocha Tsinadze, Chris Tordini, Jason Nazary) @ barbès, 376 9th st., park slope, bklyn
☑️ • 7:30pm: Pool 44: Caleb Duval & Michael Larocca, Chris Pitsiokos / Kyle Motl / Chris Corsano, TZ & Kevin Murray @ the record shop (all ages), 360 van brunt st., red hook, bklyn // 1 short step, quick ramp setup; possibly accessible bathroom (checking)
• 7:30pm: 13th Law, Tungsten Beach, Gorgeous, King-Mob @ hart bar (21+), 538 hart st, bushwick, bklyn // 1 flight stairs
❓ • 8pm: watergh0st (Single Release Party), griff spex, dj matty @ 251 bushwick ave, e. williamsburg, bklyn
❓ • 8pm: Cottonball Music Series: James Paul Nadien, Ryan Easter, Gian Perez @ 7 house gallery, 35 meadow st., e. williamsburg, bklyn
☑️ • 8pm: KFC Murder Chicks, Tricky Youth, Coi_n, X Harlow, Struggle, Food Corps @ tv eye (21+), 1647 weirfield st., ridgewood, queens // email to arrange no-stair access through patio
♿️ • 8pm: Jeremy Dutton (Album Release), Sirintip, Kengchakaj @ roulette (all ages), 509 atlantic ave, downtown bklyn // access
♿️ • 8pm: Michael Sarian @ the owl, 497 rogers ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // quick ramp for 1 step
july 4 (tues)
171 YRS SINCE DOUGLASS WROTE, "What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer; a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. ... There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of the United States, at this very hour. ... for revolting barbarity and shameless hypocrisy, America reigns without a rival." (Frederick Douglass, 1852) & TODAY THE U.S. "IMPRISONS MORE OF ITS POPULATION THAN ANY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD"; I THINK HE'D STILL BE BUMMED // MAY U "CELEBRATE" W/ SCHEMES & SABOTAGE & DREAMS OF ABOLITION –– & MAYBE BREAK SOME SH*T
♿️ [OUTDOORS!] • 3pm-10pm: Mind Against, DJ Tennis, Jadalareign @ ruins at knockdown center (21+), 52-19 flushing ave, maspeth, queen // email recommended for access
♿️ • 7pm: Ava Mendoza 1st Tuesdays: James Brandon Lewis & Chad Taylor, Matana Roberts, 75 Dollar Bill @ union pool (21+), 484 union ave, williamsburg, bklyn
• 8pm-11:30pm: City Kings, La Milagrosa, Kartël, Sordïd @ the broadway (21+), 1272 broadway, bushwick, bklyn
july 5 (weds)
☑️ [OUTSIDE!] • 5pm: Pioneer Works presents: New York Review of Cocksucking @ times square, bway & 43rd, mnhtn // removed rant bc NO MORE NASDAQ!!! [blog] for original sitch
♿️ • 6:30pm-11pm: Tapeandcdrecords presents: Looooongish Cat, Celebrity Wife Swap, G.T. Arpe, Exploding Skull, Warm Body (fb) @ caffeine underground (all ages), 447 central ave, bushwick, bklyn
♿️ • 7pm: Isaiah Collier & The Chosen Few, Zekkereya El-magharbel, Eliana Glass @ public records sound room (21+), 233 butler st., gowanus, bklyn // for wheelchair access to sound room, enter via restaurant
❓ • 7pm: Holy Wisdom L.L.C., Echo Moth, Kabuki Love, Polite @ arlene’s grocery (21+), 95 stanton st., mnhtn
☑️ • 7:30pm: MV Carbon, Ryan Sawyer / Lester St. Louis / Wendy Eisenberg @ fouroneone, 411 kent ave (all ages), williamsburg, bklyn // access: email or call 617-953-8356; bathroom 26" wide
☑️ • 8pm *&* 9:30pm: Sabbagh Weds Jazz: Dayna Stephens Trio (fb) @ bar bayeux, 1066 nostrand ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // accessible, but often tight; checking for best contact to reserve space
☑️ • 8pm: Wilder Maker, Jackie West, Kyle Morgan @ tv eye (21+), 1647 weirfield st., ridgewood, queens // email to arrange no-stair access through patio
♿️ • 8:30pm: Ochs Night #1/4: TRIO (Ken Filiano, Ben Vida, Larry Ochs) @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn
♿️ • 9:30pm: Still/Moving: Ignabu, Amal, Keyanna, A. @ baby's all right (21+), 146 broadway, williamsburg, bklyn
july 6 (thurs)
❓ • 6pm: Soup & Sound presents: Sam Bardfeld / Joe Fonda / Barry Altschul @ sunset park library, 4201 4th ave, sunset park, bklyn
☑️ • 7pm: Pamela_and_her_sons, Bridget Ferrill & [TBA], Axine M., James K (DJ) @ the living gallery (all ages), 1094 broadway, bushwick, bklyn // flat entry, restroom likely inaccessible
❓ • 7pm: Su$shi, Marc Edwards & Slipstream Time Travel, Elijah Shiffer & the Robber Crabs @ pianos, 158 ludlow st., mnhtn
☑️ • 7pm-10:30pm: Prolaps, Sea Moss, Rong, Lauren Bousfield @ trans-pecos (all ages), 9-15 wyckoff ave, ridgewood, queens // step to entry, ramp available, patio accessible from weirfield (checking on prior contact needs)
❓ • 7pm: Iris Ipsum, Sadnoise, Yuurusu, Michael The Painter, Sara Brodsky @ heaven can wait (21+), 169 ave a, mnhtn
♿️ • 7pm-9pm: Dave Douglas & Elan Mehler (Album Release) @ fotografiska, 281 park ave south, mnhtn
☑️ • 7:30pm: Isabel Crespo Pardo's el rostro (des)cubierto (Album Release), Warp Duo @ fouroneone, 411 kent ave (all ages), williamsburg, bklyn // Pardo w/ Tomin, Alfredo Colón, Sky, Selendis Sebastian Alexander Johnson, DoYeon Kim, Lester St. Louis, Henry Fraser // access: email or call 617-953-8356; bathroom 26" wide
❓ • 8pm: Imaginary Tricks, Street Missile, Y and I @ cobra club, 6 wyckoff ave, bushwick, bklyn
♿️ • 8:30pm: Ochs Night #2/4: EVERY WINTER TRIO (Nels Cline, Gerald Cleaver, Larry Ochs) @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn
july 7 (fri)
♿️ • 5pm-2am: Rogue Music Festival @ baby's all right (21+), 146 broadway, williamsburg, bklyn // Blak Emoji, Shallowhalo, TVOD, Tetchy, Youbet, Kahiem Rivera, AK & The Hallucinations, Shadow Monster, Nefertiti Gold, Nuclear Family Fantasy
☑️ • 7pm-10:30pm: Star Route Farm Benefit: OHYUNG, Mirrored Fatality, gushes (fka WSABI) @ trans-pecos (all ages), 9-15 wyckoff ave, ridgewood, queens // step to entry, ramp available, patio accessible from weirfield (checking on prior contact needs)
❓ • 7pm: Cleo Reed, Joy Guidry, Lester St. Louis @ fridman gallery (all ages), 169 bowery, mnhtn
♿️ • 7pm-8:30pm: Brandon Lopez Live Scores Short Films @ the met, rogers auditorium, 1000 5th ave, mnhtn // access
♿️ • 7pm: BONZIE, Lily Konigsberg @ public records sound room (21+), 233 butler st., gowanus, bklyn // for wheelchair access to sound room, enter via restaurant
♿️ • 7pm: Dianna Lucia Dragonetti @ sara's, 2 e. broadway, fl. 3, chinatown, mnhtn // ada entry via restaurant
♿️ • 7:30pm *&* 9:30pm: Darius Jones Trio (w/ Chris Lightcap, Gerald Cleaver) ($$) @ the jazz gallery (all ages), 1160 broadway (on w. 27th), fl.5, mnhtn **&** livestream // access
• 8pm: ISSUE presents: Rocket Science (Peter Evans, Ikue Mori, Sam Pluta, Craig Taborn) @ brooklyn music school, 126 st. felix st., fort greene, bklyn
• 8pm: Art Gray Noizz Quintet, Martin Bisi Band, Bitter Wish @ main drag, 50 s. 1st st., williamsburg, bklyn
♿️ • 8pm-9:30pm: Tony Malaby's Turnpike Trio (w/ John Hébert, Billy Mintz) @ barbès, 376 9th st., park slope, bklyn
♿️ • 8pm: Vanisha Gould & Chris McCarthy, Faux Amis (Noé Boon & Richard Sears, ft. Sam Wilkes, Hamir Atwal) @ the owl, 497 rogers ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // quick ramp for 1 step
♿️ • 8:30pm: Ochs Night #3/4: QUINTET (Trevor Dunn, Kate Gentile, Larry Ochs, Jason Kao Hwang, Fred Lonberg-Holm) @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn
♿️ • 11pm-6am: confused house (cc pop up): DJ Pactice, NYMPH, Mercury Symbol (live), boy putx, Henry Rozich (live), Dyslexa (live?) @ bossa nova civic club (21+), 1271 myrtle ave, bushwick, bklyn
☑️ • 11pm: Electric Chair, Subdued, Personal Damage, Abism, Lethal @ tv eye (21+), 1647 weirfield st., ridgewood, queens // email to arrange no-stair access through patio
july 8 (sat)
[IN *&* OUTDOORS!] • 12pm-6pm: Flux Factory: Feralpy @ building 404a (all ages), colonels row, nolan park, governors island // wknds til 8/6 // getting there + access
❓ • 1pm *&* 3pm: Experiments in Jazz: William Hooker / Ayumi Ishito / Kevin Ramsay @ building 10b, nolan park, governors island // West Harlem Art Fund presents // <getting there>
♿️ [OUTDOORS!] • 4pm-7pm: Cecilia Lopez + Toto Alvarez, Thee Reps, Slüthaven @ mama tried (all ages), 787 3rd ave, sunset park, bklyn // TR = Andie Tanning, Jeff Tobias, Dave Ruder, Sam Morrison, Mike McCurdy; Slüthaven = Mara Mayer & Jonah Rosenberg
• 6pm-10pm: gaucimusic presents: Sam Newsome Group (w/ KM, Sandy Ewen, Kevin Murray), Stephen Gauci Unit, Ryan Siegel / Jarred Chase / Michael Gilbert, Luke Marrant / Sylvester Germaine / JK Kim @ downtown music gallery (all ages), 13 monroe st., chinatown, mnhtn // 1 flight stairs
❓ • 6pm: Soup & Sound presents: Paul Harding & Michael Bisio @ clifton place memorial park & garden, 1031 bedford ave (at clifton place), bed-stuy, bklyn
❓ • 6:30pm: Adam O'Farrill & Friends, More Better, Naomi Nakanishi, Catalan Lilienthal @ [dm for address], bklyn
♿️ • 7pm-8:30pm: Matana Roberts Live Scores Short Films @ the met, rogers auditorium, 1000 5th ave, mnhtn // access
❓ • 7pm: Sound Off: Music for Bail x Justice Committee Season Finale @ the people's forum (all ages), 320 w. 37th st., mnhtn // performers: Justus Ross, Che Buford, Kyran Littlejohn, Emmanuel Losa
♿️ • 7:30pm-4am: HEX90: Janus Rose, heaven ender, Niyah West, DJ Softserve, stuttersprite, dis_aster_ous, David Lunch, GENDERLESSBEAST, & more @ wonderville (21+), 1186 broadway, bushwick, bklyn // join
• 8pm: Prospect Series: Blood Luxury (Erica Dicker & Dennis Sullivan, Mike Pride & Jonathan Moritz @ 1923 8th ave (corner of 20th st.), south slope, bklyn // door at top of steps
♿️ • 8pm-9:30pm: Lucian Ban & Mat Maneri Transylvanian Concert @ barbès, 376 9th st., park slope, bklyn
♿️ • 8:30pm: Ochs Night #4/4: QUINTET (Tim Berne, Steve Swell, Brandon Lopez, Gerald Cleaver, Larry Ochs) @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn
♿️ • 9pm: East Axis (Matthew Shipp, Scott Robinson, Kevin Ray, Newman Taylor Baker) @ joe's pub, 425 lafayette st., mnhtn // access
♿️ • 10pm-4am: PSYCHE, A F2L FUNDRAVER: LOKA, Jasmine Infiniti, Kenni Javon, & more @ bossa nova civic club (21+), 1271 myrtle ave, bushwick, bklyn
❓• 10pm: Diva Flex, Jan Woo, Cookie Problems, Greem Jellyfish @ hell phone, 247 varet st., e. williamsburg, bklyn
♿️ • 11pm: Sonic Messengers w/ GBD, Yuniemo, Melanie Charles, Russel EL Butler @ public records sound room (21+), 233 butler st., gowanus, bklyn // for wheelchair access to sound room, enter via restaurant
july 9 (sun)
☑️ • 12pm-7pm: Second Sundays @ pioneer works (all ages), 159 pioneer st., red hook, bklyn // incl. sun ra performance @ 5pm (listed below) // access (main hall accessible; 2nd & 3rd floor studios by stairs, garden gravel)
[IN *&* OUTDOORS!] • 12pm-6pm: Flux Factory: Feralpy @ building 404a (all ages), colonels row, nolan park, governors island // wknds til 8/6 // getting there + access
♿️ • 2pm-3:30pm: Lea Bertucci & Ben Vida Live Score Short Films @ the met, rogers auditorium, 1000 5th ave, mnhtn // access
♿️ • 2pm-6pm: SUMMER THUNDER: Sister Nancy, DJ Gravy @ union pool (21+), 484 union ave, williamsburg, bklyn // UP x Academy Records present
❓ • 2pm-3am: Rogue Music Festival @ 3 dollar bill, 260 meserole st., e. williamsburg, bklyn // Tits Dick Ass, Synead, Panik Flower, La Neve, Couch Prints, & more
❓ [OUTDOORS!] • 3pm: Arts For Art InGardens: Patricia Nicholson / Ellen Christi / Jean Carla Rodea / Michael TA Thompson @ stanton btwn essex & norfolk (all ages + kids encouraged), mnhtn
♿️ • 4pm-5pm: Bang on a Can Music Series: Tomas Fujiwara Percussion Quartet (w/ Patricia Brennan, Kaoru Watanabe, Tim Keiper) @ the noguchi museum, 9-01 33rd road (at vernon blvd), long island city, queens // access
♿️ [OUTDOORS!] • 4pm-7pm: OOF!, Psychic Lines, The Whimbrels @ mama tried (all ages), 787 3rd ave, sunset park, bklyn
☑️ • 4pm-10pm: Comics & Readings &: Tits Dick Ass, Wet Clay, The Tourniquet @ the living gallery (all ages), 1094 broadway, bushwick, bklyn // flat entry, restroom likely inaccessible
❓ [OUTDOORS!] • 5pm-7pm: Blank Forms presents: Sun Ra Arkestra with Ahmed Abdullah @ pioneer works garden (all ages), 159 pioneer st., red hook, bklyn
❓ • 6pm-9pm: Jazzmatazz: Kevin Eichenberger Trio, Safari Web Content @ xpizza, 190 front st., mnhtn
☑️ • 6pm: On Point NYC Benefit: Subversive Rite, Pobreza, Peace Talks, Sister Anne @ trans-pecos (all ages), 9-15 wyckoff ave, ridgewood, queens // step to entry, ramp available, patio accessible from weirfield (checking on prior contact needs)
❓ • 6:30pm: Johnny Butler & Alex Oliva, Kalen, Lily L’Noir, Pocket Fuel Groovers, m i c c a @ c'mon everybody (21+), 325 franklin ave, bed-stuy, bklyn
• 6:30pm (2 sets): Under The Turnpike Trio (Tony Malaby, John Hébert, Billy Mintz) @ downtown music gallery (all ages), 13 monroe st., chinatown, mnhtn // 1 flight stairs
☑️ • 7pm: Sneeze Awfull, Ky Voss, Matt Evans, Dalias @ rubulad (21+), [rsvp to rubulad at outlook dot com for address], bushwick, bklyn // accessible entry, lacks ada restroom (they recommend 3 diamond door @ troutman & knickerbocker)
❓ • 7pm: Soup & Sound Avant Guitar Cookout: Erhard Hirt / Hans Tammen / Nick Didkovsky, Shoko Nagai & Monica Rocha @ soup & sound, 292 lefferts ave (all ages), prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // backyard cookout starts 5pm! byob (+ protein)
☑️ • 7:30pm: Brandon Lopez / Fred Moten / Gerald Cleaver, Night #1/3 + Darius Jones @ fouroneone, 411 kent ave (all ages), williamsburg, bklyn // access: email or call 617-953-8356; bathroom 26" wide
❓ • 7:30pm: PLUSHIE PARTY #2: hi im home, Winnie Wanders, Silicone Valley, nail tech, xxhardbit3s, dj kellen, nymph @ home sweet home, 131 chrystie st., les, mnhtn
• 8pm:Benefit Show for Cop City Protesters: Ja’Bowen, Spike Polite & sewAge, Gibbons, Nory @ purgatory (21+), 675 central ave, bushwick, bklyn // "All proceeds from the show will go to the Atlanta Solidarity Fund and to support individuals facing charges. Organized by Dare to Struggle, Mass Action Defense, and Unity & Struggle."
☑️ • 8pm: Dual Tape Release: DADs (Aaron Quinn & Deric Dickens), Alexander Adams & Seth Andrew Davis, & more @ ibeam (all ages), 168 7th st., gowanus, bklyn // & more = Michael Eaton & Max Kutner, who i briefly thought were playing as a duo called "plus friends," lolol // flat throughout, bathroom not accessible
♿️ • 8pm: X Harlow, Clone, Frances Chang, Pleaser @ alphaville (21+), 140 wilson ave, bushwick, bklyn
• 8pm: Matt Lavelle & The 12 Houses Orchestra (ft. Terry Lawson, Catherine Sikora) @ nublu 151 (21+), 151 ave c, mnhtn // 12 houses w/ Ras Moshe, Christopher Forbes, Lee Odom, Art Baron, Claire Daly, Charles Waters, Hilliard Greene, Stephanie Griffin, Jeremy Carlstedt, Jose Luis Abreu, Jack DeSalvo, Matt Lambiase, Mary Cherney, Ben Stapp, Claire de Brunner, Cheryl Pyle, Aaron Pond
• 8pm: Chicken, C.A.P.S, Phagocyte, Kissbreaker @ bar freda (21+), 801 seneca ave, ridgewood, queens // 1 flight stairs to basement
july 10 (mon)
♿️ • 7pm-9pm (show #1/2): waveform*, They Are Gutting A Body Of Water, Teethe @ baby's all right (18+), 146 broadway, williamsburg, bklyn
☑️ • 7:30pm: Brandon Lopez / Fred Moten / Gerald Cleaver, Night #2/3 + Ingrid Laubrock & Cecilia Lopez @ fouroneone, 411 kent ave (all ages), williamsburg, bklyn // access: email or call 617-953-8356; bathroom 26" wide
☑️ • 8pm: BIG|BRAVE, Gnaw, Kid Millions & Sarah Bernstein, Otayonii @ tv eye (21+), 1647 weirfield st., ridgewood, queens // email to arrange no-stair access through patio
♿️ • 8pm-12am: VJOLTRON Experimental Video Performance Series: Your Existence Looks Like Light, LINGUA LUCEM, ( ) @ wonderville (21+), 1186 broadway, bushwick, bklyn // join
♿️ • 9pm-11pm: Duo Lumière live scores Angel's Egg @ the letlove inn (21+), 27-23 23rd ave, astoria, queens
♿️ • 9:30pm (show #2/2): Big Joanie, Frida Kill @ baby's all right (18+), 146 broadway, williamsburg, bklyn
july 11 (tues)
♿️ • 6pm: Cleo Reed presents: Malaya @ the national jazz museum in harlem, 58 w. 129th st., harlem, mnhtn
• 6:30pm-10:30pm: DMG Free Tues: Joe Fonda / Erhard Hirt / Yoni Kretzmer / Lou Grassi, James Paul Nadien / Elias Stemeseder / Aaron Rubinstein, Ben Goldberg / John Hebert / Billy Mintz, Kelsey Mines @ downtown music gallery (all ages), 13 monroe st., chinatown, mnhtn // 1 flight stairs
• 7pm: serious music: MEDIAQUEER (Phong Tran & Darian Donovan Thomas), tigue, HxH (Chris Williams & Lester St. Louis) @ sundown (21+), 68-38 forest ave bsmt, ridgewood, queens // "serious music" curated by matt evans // 1 flight stairs
❓ • 7pm: Soup & Sound presents: Lesley Mok, Yuma Uesaka @ aberdeen st. community garden, 98 aberdeen st., brownsville, bklyn
☑️ • 7pm: Titan to Tachyons, Editrix @ tv eye (21+), 1647 weirfield st., ridgewood, queens // TtT = Sally Gates, Trevor Dunn, Matt Hollenberg, Kenny Grohowski // email to arrange no-stair access through patio
☑️ • 7pm: iris ipsum, ovsicori, certain lives, henry rozich, muro @ the living gallery (all ages), 1094 broadway, bushwick, bklyn // flat entry, restroom likely inaccessible
♿️ • 7pm: Benoît Pioulard, Anastasia Coope @ public records sound room (21+), 233 butler st., gowanus, bklyn // for wheelchair access to sound room, enter via restaurant
☑️ • 7:30pm: Brandon Lopez / Fred Moten / Gerald Cleaver, Night #3/3 + Matt Nelson @ fouroneone, 411 kent ave (all ages), williamsburg, bklyn // access: email or call 617-953-8356; bathroom 26" wide
• 8pm: Qasim Naqvi, Michael Beharie, Kirin McElwain (EP release) @ bar freda (21+), 801 seneca ave, ridgewood, queens // 7:30pm doors // 1 flight stairs to basement
❓ • 9pm *&* 10:15pm: Brandon Seabrook String Society (w/ Erica Dicker, Henry Fraser) @ lunàtico (all ages), 486 halsey st., bed-stuy, bklyn
july 12 (weds)
☑️ [OUTSIDE!] • 5pm: Pioneer Works presents: Ciarra Black @ times square, bway & 43rd, mnhtn // removed rant bc NO MORE NASDAQ!!! [blog] for original sitch
• 7pm: gaucimusic Improv Series (fb) @ main drag, 50 s. 1st st., williamsburg, bklyn // 7pm Noa Fort, Sam Newsome, Sean Conly; 8pm James Paul Nadien, Marcus Cummins, James McKain, Hans Tammen; 9pm Stephen Gauci, Adam Lane, Kevin Shea; 10pm Erhard Hirt and the NY Connection w/ Joe Fonda, Lou Grassi; 11pm MAIN DRAG PHILHARMONIX CONDUCTION ORCHESTRA, Curated by Darren Johnston
♿️ • 7pm: Big Joanie @ union pool (21+), 484 union ave, williamsburg, bklyn
♿️ • 7pm-9:15pm: Test Subjects @ baby's all right (21+), 146 broadway, williamsburg, bklyn
☑️ • 8pm *&* 9:30pm: Sabbagh Weds Jazz: Alfredo Colón (w/ Marta Sanchez, Lester St. Louis, Connor Parks) (fb) @ bar bayeux, 1066 nostrand ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // accessible, but often tight; checking for best contact to reserve space
• 8pm: Food Corps, Faradayribcage, SATURN LAVENDER @ purgatory (21+), 675 central ave, bushwick, bklyn
♿️ • 8:30pm: Pavone Night #1/4: Jessica Pavone & Tristan Kasten Krause @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn
july 13 (thurs)
❓ • 6pm-11pm: Present Sounds: Dada Strain, HxH (Lester St. Louis & Chris Williams) @ [address with rsvp], greenpoint, bklyn
❓ • 6pm-8pm: CT::SWaM Plasticity Office Opening: Daniel Neumann: Base Tone @ fridman gallery (all ages), 169 bowery, mnhtn
☑️ • 6pm: Mute Duo @ property is theft (all ages), 411 s. 5th st., williamsburg, bklyn // quick ramp setup; bathroom not accessible
• 7pm: Still/Moving: Nakama: "Places!," Akai Solo (Live), Patrzl (Live), O Dawg (Live) + DJs GENG, Wavy Bagels @ nublu 151 (21+), 151 ave c, mnhtn
☑️ • 7pm: space.wolf, Janus Rose, Nutrition Facts, Sobolik, Lychee @ trans-pecos (all ages), 9-15 wyckoff ave, ridgewood, queens // step to entry, ramp available, patio accessible from weirfield (checking on prior contact needs)
♿️ • 7pm: !!! (Chk Chk Chk) Monthly Residency @ union pool (21+), 484 union ave, williamsburg, bklyn
♿️ • 7:30pm-11:30pm: Melody Loveless, MEDIAQUEER, Tiers La Familia, Slashed Tires @ wonderville (21+), 1186 broadway, bushwick, bklyn // join
❓ [ROOFTOP!] • 7:30pm-11pm: Jeremy D Slater, Scintil, New York Audio Video Institute @ synesthesia [rsvp for address], bushwick, bklyn
☑️ • 7:30pm: Sandip Bhattacharjee @ fouroneone, 411 kent ave (all ages), williamsburg, bklyn // access: email or call 617-953-8356; bathroom 26" wide
❓ • 8pm-11pm: Ancient Code (Elliott Sharp & Don McKenzie) @ seeyamañana, 49 w. 27th st., mnhtn
❓ • 8pm: Henry Fraser @ zürcher gallery (all ages), 33 bleecker st., mnhtn
♿️ • 8pm: Adeline Hotel, Dead Gowns, h. pruz @ the owl, 497 rogers ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // quick ramp for 1 step
☑️ • 8pm: Tim Berne / Tim Angulo / Brandon Seabrook / John Hébert / Oscar Noriega @ lowlands (21+), 543 3rd ave, gowanus, bklyn // link asap! // request wheelchair ramp by email; checking restroom
♿️ • 8:30pm: Pavone Night #2/4: The J. Pavone String Ensemble (Jessica Pavone, Aimée Neimann, Abby Swidler) @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn
♿️ • 9pm: Scissor and Thread: Black Light Smoke (LIVE), Francis Harris, Matthew Dear (DJ) @ public records sound room (21+), 233 butler st., gowanus, bklyn // for wheelchair access to sound room, enter via restaurant
♿️ • 9pm: New Pollution @ rockwood music hall, stage 1, 196 allen st., mnhtn // access
july 14 (fri)
☑️ 😷 • 7pm: medium/98.6F: Miho Hatori x Ana Roxanne @ 47 canal, 291 grand st. (2nd fl), mnhtn // access (email for assist w/ elevator manual swing door)
☑️ • 7pm: WOW Summer Fest #1/3: New Muse Trio (Laster, Dyer, Marcelo), overkil (Berne, Rainey, Belisle-Chi), Tomas Fujiwara / Nick Dunston / David Leon @ ibeam (all ages), 168 7th st., gowanus, bklyn // NM3 = Gwen Laster, Melanie Dyer, Alexis Marcelo; overkil = Tim Berne, Tom Rainey, Gregg Belisle-Chi // flat throughout, bathroom not accessible
❓ • 7pm: COMPUTER WEDDING: Sasha Chimaera, Spa Water, Abbie From Mars, il03 @ berlin (21+), 25 ave a, mnhtn
♿️ • 7pm: Cut Worms Residency + Joanna Sternberg, Adam Green @ union pool (21+), 484 union ave, williamsburg, bklyn
♿️ • 7:30pm *&* 9:30pm: Jihye Lee Orchestra ($$) @ the jazz gallery (all ages), 1160 broadway (on w. 27th), fl.5, mnhtn **&** livestream // access
❓ • 8pm: With Anthony Hawley's geograpologies: Scarcity @ lubov gallery, 5 e. broadway #402, mnhtn // "We'll be doing drone/doom interpretations of graphic scores by artist Anthony Hawley, who has transformed the gallery space into a kind of toxic green goo fossil dig through a number of sculptural pieces we'll be playing in and among."
❓ • 8pm: Porcelain Vivisection, Aggressive Squirrels, Tropos, Yay Spray @ the terrarium, 500 central ave, bushwick, bklyn
♿️ 😷 • 8pm: Nile Harris: this house is not a home (w/ Crackhead Barney, Malcolm-x Betts, slowdanger, GENG PTP), Night #1/3 @ abrons art center, 466 grand st. (at pitt st.), les, mnhtn // access
♿️ • 8:30pm: Pavone Night #3/4: QUARTET (Jessica Pavone, Peter Evans, Brandon Lopez, Ryan Sawyer) @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn
♿️ • 10pm: Marc Edwards, Toadal Package @ freddy's (21+), 627 5th ave, south slope, bklyn
♿️ • 10pm-4am: Boiler Room NYC @ knockdown center (21+), 52-19 flushing ave, maspeth, queen // email recommended for access
❓ • 11pm: SYNTHICIDE presents: L'Avenir, Shanghai Beach @ saint vitus, 1120 manhattan ave, greenpoint, bklyn
july 15 (sat)
[OUTDOORS!] • 4:30am: Sunrise Show: DJ Secret Oatmeal, dslugboy, Inchworm Race @ [dm @dslugboy for location], prospect park (all ages), bklyn // yes 4:30 *am* lol; "Coffee + snacks provided" & "location is on concrete, if you want to sit or lay consider bringing a pillow"
[OUTDOORS!] • 2pm: N O I S E P I C N I C 3: jaguarpsychosis, BUNNY, ( ), Madeline at Neighbors, Zhenya Sklar, Course Correct, Brian Kish's Lounge Pants @ eastwood arch, prospect park, bklyn // + insta
♿️ [IN *&* OUTDOORS!] • 3pm-10/11pm: Irreversible Entanglements pres. Speak Easy Vol 1: Moor Mother / Hisham Akira Bharoocha / Leila Bordreuil, HxH, Centennial Gardens, David Murray, Irreversible Entanglements, & more @ public records sound room (21+) & nursery (?), 233 butler st., gowanus, bklyn // nursery = IE Soundsystem, MM/HB/LB, HxH (Lester St. Louis & Chris Williams), Yva Las Vegass, Compa, CG (Dreamcrusher x King Vision Ultra); sound room = DJ Haram, Semiratruth, Latasha Diggs, DM, IE // for wheelchair access to sound room, enter via restaurant
♿️ [OUTDOORS!] • 4pm-7pm: Rider/Horse, Lupo Citta, Wharton Tiers Ensemble @ mama tried, 787 3rd ave, sunset park, bklyn
• 5:30pm: reCAPTCHA, BlackBerry KnuckleDuster, Saturn Lavender, Lam.ent @ hart bar (21+), 538 hart st, bushwick, bklyn // 1 flight stairs
♿️ • 6pm: Quantum Piñata Deranged Talent Show of Doom: Poncili Creación & Laser Days, Nu Jazz, Evicshen, Ex Wiish, MC Alex Tatarsky @ pioneer works (all ages), 159 pioneer st., red hook, bklyn // 7pm start! co-presented by Poncili Creación & 29 Speedway // access
☑️ • 7pm: Attorneys General (David Grubbs, Alan Licht, Ian Williams) @ property is theft (all ages), 411 s. 5th st., williamsburg, bklyn // quick ramp setup; bathroom not accessible
• 7pm: The Altar Collective presents ANTICS: Caleb Jenson, vonnie whatever, Trophy Wife, Griffin Robillard, SPACE CADE7S, MURDERPACT @ purgatory (21+), 675 central ave, bushwick, bklyn
☑️ • 7pm: WOW Summer Fest #2/3: Rob Garcia 4, Sam Newsome & Dave Liebman, Scott Robinson / Julian Thayer / Newman Taylor Baker @ ibeam (all ages), 168 7th st., gowanus, bklyn // Garcia w/ Noah Preminger, Gary Versace, Kim Cass // flat throughout, bathroom not accessible
♿️ • 7:30pm: Balance (Marcus Elliot & Michael Malis), Anna Webber & Matt Mitchell @ the owl, 497 rogers ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // quick ramp for 1 step
☑️ • 8pm: Many Many Girls, Dreamcrusher, Persona, Material Support, Datura, DJ Sodomahigomorra @ project reach (all ages), 39 eldridge st., 4th fl., chinatown, mnhtn // other info on insta // *strobe warning* for dreamcrusher; elevator available on request (checking on prior contact)
♿️ 😷 • 8pm: Nile Harris (w/ Crackhead Barney, Malcolm-x Betts, slowdanger, GENG PTP), Night #2/3 @ abrons art center, 466 grand st. (at pitt st.), les, mnhtn // access
☑️ • 8pm: Endless Life Series: "Dorian Duke," Florian Herzog @ endless life brewing (21+), 585 franklin ave, crown heights, bklyn // checking, either prior contact ramp or fully accessible
♿️ • 8:30pm: Pavone Night #4/4: No Fresh (Jessica Pavone, Wendy Eisenberg, Henry Mermer) @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn
♿️ • 9pm: Limited Resources #59: The Ghost (Album Release; Michael Foster, John Moran, Joey Sullivan), Webb Crawford, Kelsey Mines, The Jew-O (David Grollman & Richard Kamerman) @ freddy's (21+), 627 5th ave, south slope, bklyn // lineup from series curator chris's insta
❓ • 9pm: ISSUE presents: 75 Dollar Bill: Little Big Band + Duo @ the old american can factory, 232 3rd st. (at 3rd ave), gowanus, bklyn // 8pm doors// duo = Che Chen & Rick Brown; LBB w/ Sue Garner, Cheryl Kingan, Talice Lee, Steve Maing, Jim Pugliese, Karen Waltuch, Barry Weisblat, Chris Williams, ft. "42' long patterned canopy we made with textile artist (and future Little Big Band member) Talice Lee" first seen @ 75 dollar bill for ISSUE 2013
july 16 (sun)
☑️ • 2pm: WOW Summer Fest #3/3: Adam Nussbaum / Steve Cardenas / Gene Perla, Michel Gentile Quartet @ ibeam (all ages), 168 7th st., gowanus, bklyn // Gentile w/Steve Cardenas, John Hébert, Tom Rainey // flat throughout, bathroom not accessible
♿️ • 2pm-6pm (day show): SUMMER THUNDER: Meridian Brothers, P.E., Macrodose (DJ) @ union pool (21+), 484 union ave, williamsburg, bklyn // UP x Academy Records present
[POSTPONED to 7/20]❓ [OUTDOORS!] • 2:22pm-5:55pm (day): Center for Psychic Technology presents: Seraphina Violet Cueller, Shara Lunon, Samira Mendoza, Isabel Crespo Pardo, Anka Raczyńska, Ben Bennett, Kamau Patton, Saturn Lavender, Oya Arcana @ concert grove pavilion (near lincoln rd entrance), prospect park, bklyn // <map>
[POSTPONED to 7/17]❓ [OUTDOORS!] • 3pm: Arts For Art InGardens: William Parker / Devin Brahja Waldman / Gary Jones III @ stanton btwn essex & norfolk (all ages + kids encouraged), mnhtn
♿️ [OUTDOORS!] • 4pm-7pm: OOF!-Town presents: The Dirt Whisperers, Smiling Beth, Rose Rutledge @ mama tried (all ages), 787 3rd ave, sunset park, bklyn
☑️ • 5pm: Jazz Vespers: William Hooker / Hilliard Greene / Hans Tammen @ saint peter's church (all ages), 619 lexington ave, mnhtn
❓ [OUTDOORS!] • 5:55pm-11:11pm (eve): Center for Psychic Technology presents: Kwami Winfield (BDAY) & more @ three circles (by vale of cashmere), prospect park, bklyn // <map>
♿️ • 7pm (eve show): Snake Union (Dave Grant & Chuck Bettis), Ka Baird & Shelley Hirsch, Keith Fullerton Whitman @ union pool (21+), 484 union ave, williamsburg, bklyn
☑️ • 7pm-11:30pm: Jack Terricloth Foundation Benefit: Citizens Arrest, Ted Leo, My Favorite, Y&I @ rubulad (21+), [rsvp to rubulad at outlook dot com for address], bushwick, bklyn // accessible entry, lacks ada restroom (they recommend 3 diamond door @ troutman & knickerbocker)
• 7pm:YY1KXY, Bummer Camp, Waterghost, Rest Ashore @ sundown (21+), 68-38 forest ave bsmt, ridgewood, queens // 1 flight stairs
♿️ • 7pm: Carmen Q. Rothwell, Andy Clausen & friends @ the owl, 497 rogers ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // quick ramp for 1 step
♿️ • 7pm: Activity, Spirit in the Room @ baby's all right (21+), 146 broadway, williamsburg, bklyn
❓ • 8pm: Days, Lu Coy, Issei Herr, Alex Tatarsky @ the francis kite club, 40 loisaida ave, e. village, mnhtn
☑️ • 8pm: Chris Pitsiokos & Ben Bennett, TZ & Jason Nazary @ the record shop (all ages), 360 van brunt st., red hook, bklyn // 1 short step, quick ramp setup; possibly accessible bathroom (checking)
• 8pm-11:30pm: YHWH Nailgun, Fantasy, Kassie Krut @ the broadway (21+), 1272 broadway, bushwick, bklyn
♿️ 😷 • 8pm: Nile Harris (w/ Crackhead Barney, Malcolm-x Betts, slowdanger, GENG PTP), Night #3/3 @ abrons art center, 466 grand st. (at pitt st.), les, mnhtn // access
☑️ • 9pm-2am: VENEREAL MUTATION: Zombieshark!, Venus Twins, Primal Rat Screw, Murderpact, Kissbreaker, Secret Guest (tix) @ trans-pecos (all ages), 9-15 wyckoff ave, ridgewood, queens // step to entry, ramp available, patio accessible from weirfield (checking on prior contact needs)
july 17 (mon)
❓ [OUTDOORS!] • 5pm: Arts For Art InGardens: William Parker / Devin Brahja Waldman / Gary Jones III, Ellen Christi / Patricia Nicholson / Michael TA Thompson @ stanton btwn essex & norfolk (all ages + kids encouraged), mnhtn
♿️ • 6pm: Reginald Chapman's Chaphouse @ barbès, 376 9th st., park slope, bklyn // RC w/ Maxx Spinelli, Julia Chen, Ryan Easter, Mark McIntyre, Eli Rojas
☑️ • 7pm: Ka Baird & Chris Williams, Erica Dawn Lyle, Selendis Sebastian Johnson, Kwami Winfield @ trans-pecos (all ages), 9-15 wyckoff ave, ridgewood, queens // step to entry, ramp available, patio accessible from weirfield (checking on prior contact needs)
♿️ • 7pm-11pm: Cooler Nights #1: Wolf's Hole, Naija Couture, Gyna Bootleg (rsvp) @ cara, 225 w. 13th st., w. village, mnhtn // Voluminous Arts x Octavia Project present // access
♿️ • 7pm: Abasement 63: Phill Niblock & Katherine Liberovskaya, Marc Edwards & Slipstream Time Travel, Rosaceae, Tamio Shiraishi & Chris Goudreau, DJ Andy Haynes, Wavefield (video) @ artists space (all ages), cortlandt alley btwn walker & white st., mnhtn // access
❓ • 7pm: TZ & Chris Pitsiokos, Joe Moffett, Karen Ng & Kenneth Jimenez @ unnameable books, 600 vanderbilt ave, prospect heights, bklyn
♿️ • 7pm: AVANT VOX: 185668232, ExquisiteCorp, Nikola Thousand, tench.nology, ( ), Sick Din (rsvp) @ wonderville (21+), 1186 broadway, bushwick, bklyn // 7pm doors + "experimental open mic," 8pm lineup // join
☑️ • 7:30pm: Music in the Antidote Medicine Garden: Doug Shaw, C.M.O., Masam Tomihisa, & Special Guest @ antidote outpost medicine garden (all ages), 381 mcguinness blvd (at the pulaski bridge), greenpoint, bklyn // wheelchair accessible, checking restroom
☑️ • 11pm: Pain Chain, How I Quit Ketamine, Guido, Chuck Steak, Coi_n (tix) @ tv eye (21+), 1647 weirfield st., ridgewood, queens // email to arrange no-stair access through patio
july 18 (tues)
• 6:30pm-10:30pm: DMG Free Tues: Su$hi (Gian Perez, Greg Lou, Eliza Salem), Chris Cochrane & Michael Foster, Rob Price & Chris Cawthray, Eyal Maoz & Eric Arn @ downtown music gallery (all ages), 13 monroe st., chinatown, mnhtn // 1 flight stairs
❓ • 7pm: Winter Family, Gold Dime, Gushes, Katy Pinke @ the sultan room (21+), 234 starr st., bushwick, bklyn
☑️ • 7pm: Daniel's Birthday Bash: MESS, CGI Jesus, Programmique @ trans-pecos (all ages), 9-15 wyckoff ave, ridgewood, queens // step to entry, ramp available, patio accessible from weirfield (checking on prior contact needs)
• 7pm: Daniel Carter / Luisa Muhr / Abe Mamet / Jamie Sandel / fall raye / Trae Crudup @ aron's, 1372 greene ave, bushwick, bklyn
• 7pm: The Footlight Presents: Casualsalad, Laura Feathers, The Spacemen @ the windjammer (21+), 552 grandview ave, ridgewood, queens
♿️ • 7pm: Julie Byrne @ public records sound room (21+), 233 butler st., gowanus, bklyn // for wheelchair access to sound room, enter via restaurant
♿️ • 8pm: ASSEMBLY #7: Nate Wooley's Mutual Aid Music, DoYeon Kim, Mike Haldeman, J. Mordechai (DJ) @ sisters (all ages), 900 fulton st., clinton hill, bklyn // assembly curated by Lester St. Louis & Luke Stewart // quick ramp for access to back room
❓ • 9pm *&* 10:15pm: Charlotte Greve's Wood River @ lunàtico (all ages), 486 halsey st., bed-stuy, bklyn
☑️ • 11pm: Sunk Heaven, New Grasping Machina, JHKⵜNeuter, Mercury Symbol @ tv eye (21+), 1647 weirfield st., ridgewood, queens // email to arrange no-stair access through patio
july 19 (weds)
☑️ [OUTSIDE!] • 5pm: Pioneer Works presents: Brent Arnold: Solo Cello & Electronics @ times square, bway & 43rd, mnhtn // removed rant bc NO MORE NASDAQ!!! [blog] for original sitch
♿️ • 7pm-10:30pm: PopGun Presents: dreamcastmoe, AKAI SOLO, Blacks' Myths @ elsewhere (16+), 599 johnson ave, e. williamsburg, bklyn // access
• 7pm: gaucimusic Improv Series (fb) @ main drag, 50 s. 1st st., williamsburg, bklyn // 7pm Patrick Golden ensemble; 8pm Rich Rosenthal, Nick Gianni, Ken Filiano, Lou Grassi; 9pm Colin Hinton's Bday! w/ Stephen Gauci, Adam Lane; 10pm Yoni Kretzmer & Juan Pablo Carletti's BIGGISH (& JPC Bday!) w/ Rick Parker, Christof Knoche, Yoni Kretzmer, Kenny Warren, Andrew Hadro, Peter Bitenc; 11pm Eric Plaks, Ayumi Ishito, Daniel Carter, Jon Panikkar, Zach Swanson
♿️ • 7pm: Tetchy, Sea Moss, Rong, Venus Twins @ union pool (21+), 484 union ave, williamsburg, bklyn
• 7pm: Water Seed, Dawn Richard @ nublu 151 (21+), 151 ave c, mnhtn
❓ • 8pm: The Bass Bridge Quartet (Che Chen, Dave Hofstra, William Parker, Dave Sewelson) @ zürcher gallery (all ages), 33 bleecker st., mnhtn // yes all 4 on double bass
• 8pm-11:30pm: True Love Presents: Johnnascus, Kill Alters, Gyna Bootleg & Tamio Shiraishi @ the broadway (18+), 1272 broadway, bushwick, bklyn
♿️ • 8pm: False Harmonics #16: Caleb Giles & Olu Odubiro, HxH (Lester St. Louis & Chris Williams) @ pioneer works (all ages), 159 pioneer st., red hook, bklyn // 7pm doors // access
♿️ • 8pm: Synthesis: Tal Yahalom, Marta Sanchez @ threes brewing (21+), 333 douglass st, gowanus, bklyn // threes site stopped updating; check here
☑️ • 7pm-12am: Chatterbox & more? @ rubulad (21+), [rsvp to rubulad at outlook dot com for address], bushwick, bklyn // accessible entry, lacks ada restroom (they recommend 3 diamond door @ troutman & knickerbocker)
☑️ • 8pm *&* 9:30pm: Sabbagh Weds Jazz: Charlotte Greve Trio (w/ Chris Tordini, Vinnie Sperrazza) (fb) @ bar bayeux, 1066 nostrand ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // accessible, but often tight; checking for best contact to reserve space
♿️ • 8:30pm: Suphala Night #1/4: TRIO (Suphala, Laraaji, Vernon Reid) @ the stone (all ages) at stiefel hall, 55 w. 13th st., FL. 4 (this wk only!), mnhtn
july 20 (thurs)
❓ • 4pm / 6pm / 8pm / 10pm: CT::SWaM Plasticity Office: Richard Garet @ fridman gallery (all ages), 169 bowery, mnhtn
❓ [OUTDOORS!] • 5:55pm: Center for Psychic Technology presents: Julia Santoli, Samira Mendoza, Saturn Lavender, Kamau Patton, Seraphina Violet Culler, Kwami Winfield, Oya @ concert grove pavilion (near lincoln rd entrance), prospect park, bklyn // <map>
♿️ • 6:30pm-8:30pm: Shoko Nagai @ fotografiska lobby (all ages), 281 park ave south, mnhtn
☑️ • 7pm-12am: Hi Im Home, Cal Fish, Soul Chatter, Andy Loebs, DEWEY.nothing, Kelsea Blums, Beaches of Gorm @ rubulad (21+), [rsvp to rubulad at outlook dot com for address], bushwick, bklyn // accessible entry, lacks ada restroom (they recommend 3 diamond door @ troutman & knickerbocker)
• 7pm-11:30pm: Fust, Sister, Office Culture @ the broadway (21+), 1272 broadway, bushwick, bklyn
❓ • 7pm: A Very Special Episode (record release), Colatura, Ilithios @ the sultan room (21+), 234 starr st., bushwick, bklyn
❓ • 7:30pm: With Anthony Hawley's geograpologies: Aakash Mittal / Lesley Mok / Fay Victor @ lubov gallery, 5 e. broadway #402, mnhtn
♿️ • 7:30pm: Joey Agresta, Lina Tullgren, Lentils, Wendy Eisenberg @ the owl, 497 rogers ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // quick ramp for 1 step
❓ • 7:30pm: People's Champs, Starr Busby, Lollise, Jachary @ c'mon everybody (21+), 325 franklin ave, bed-stuy, bklyn
♿️ • 7:30pm *&* 9:30pm: Chris Tordini Quartet (w/ Steve Lehman, Matt Mitchell, Dan Weiss) @ the jazz gallery (all ages), 1160 broadway (on w. 27th), fl.5, mnhtn **&** livestream // access
[CANCELED] ❓ • 8pm: Aaron Edgcomb's CLAK! (w/ Alex Koi, Isaac Levien, Andres Abenante, Yuma Uesaka) @ [dm hosts], bushwick, bklyn
❓ • 8pm-12am: Macomb County Brutes, Chelsea Bridge, Mezzanine Swimmers, Bad Trips, Varmit @ tombstone [dm hosts] (all ages), bklyn
❓ [ROOFTOP!] • 8pm-11pm: Masami Tomihisa, Sara C. Sun, Lily Jue Sheng, Rachael Guma, LeLe Dai, Vivian Almas, Ava Witonsky, Marianne Shaneen, Bradley Eros @ synesthesia [rsvp for address], bushwick, bklyn // "a salon of the shimmering chimera & intimate cinema, film, video, poetry, music, performance, slides."
☑️ • 8pm *&* 9:30pm: Ingrid Laubrock & Tom Rainey (w/ Adam Kolker, Jeremy Stratton) @ bar bayeux, 1066 nostrand ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // accessible, but often tight; checking for best contact to reserve space
♿️ • 8:30pm: Suphala Night #2/4: TRIO (Suphala, Jonathan Maron, Jason Lindner) @ the stone (all ages) at stiefel hall, 55 w. 13th st., FL. 4 (this wk only!), mnhtn
☑️ • 11pm-4am: Kitty Collective presents: Vice, Vyper, Dani Rev, Texas Baby, Club Kelly, Speed Limit @ trans-pecos (all ages), 9-15 wyckoff ave, ridgewood, queens // step to entry, ramp available, patio accessible from weirfield (checking on prior contact needs)
july 21 (fri)
♿️ • 5pm-10pm: Warm Up: Frankie Bones, Kiki Kudo, Word of Command, Dreamcrusher @ moma ps1, 22-25 jackson ave, long island city, queens // access
❓ • 7pm-9pm: CT::SWaM Plasticity Office: DM R x Michael Schumacher @ fridman gallery (all ages), 169 bowery, mnhtn
• 7pm: Cloutchaser, Chroma, Rest Ashore, Fear Not Ourselves Alone @ the tubs (dm hosts), bushwick, bklyn // 1/2 flight stairs to basement space, 1 flight to bathroom
♿️ • 7pm: Cut Worms Residency + Air Waves, Lemon Twigs @ union pool (21+), 484 union ave, williamsburg, bklyn
♿️ • 7pm-11pm: Panda Bear, Sonic Boom, Braxe & Falcon @ knockdown center (21+), 52-19 flushing ave, maspeth, queen // email recommended for access
♿️ • 7pm: Gracie and Rachel, Lip Talk @ public records sound room (21+), 233 butler st., gowanus, bklyn // for wheelchair access to sound room, enter via restaurant
❓ • 7pm: Panopticon, Couch Slut @ saint vitus, 1120 manhattan ave, greenpoint, bklyn
• 7:30pm: Pegg, Paul Spring, Julia Anrather, Dan Kleederman @ please y.s. (all ages; rsvp for address), chinatown, mnhtn // 2 flights stairs
♿️ [OUTDOORS!] • 7:30pm: BRIC Celebrate Brooklyn! Fest: The Chelsea Symphony ft. Lady Jess, Lucrecia Dalt @ lena horne bandshell, 9th st. & prospect park w., prospect park, bklyn // access
♿️ • 7:30pm *&* 9:30pm: Jeremy Dutton ($$) @ the jazz gallery (all ages), 1160 broadway (on w. 27th), fl.5, mnhtn **&** livestream // access
❓ • 8pm: Steve Gunn (w/ Wendy Eisenberg, Sue Garner, David Moore), Elias Rønnenfelt @ knitting factory baker falls (21+), 101 ave a, mnhtn
♿️ • 8:30pm: Suphala Night #3/4: DUO (Suphala & Rajeev Maddela aka currency audio) @ the stone (all ages) at stiefel hall, 55 w. 13th st., FL. 4 (this wk only!), mnhtn
• 10:30pm: Rugi Rugz, Bacterial Lawn, Respirator @ purgatory (21+), 675 central ave, bushwick, bklyn
july 22 (sat)
[IN *&* OUTDOORS!] • 12pm-6pm: Flux Factory: Feralpy @ building 404a (all ages), colonels row, nolan park, governors island // wknds til 8/6 // getting there + access
❓ • 1pm *&* 3pm: Rite of Summer: Dublin Guitar Quartet plays works by Bryce Dessner, Marc Mellits, Wojciech Kilar, Gyorgy Ligeti, Philip Glass @ nolan park, near barry rd & kimmel rd, governors island // <getting there>
• 1:30pm: Rebecca's Fern Fest Doc & Org Efforts Fundraiser: P.I.S.S., Metropole, Skinkitten, Donna Allen, Drag by Lucifenaaa & Samara Slaughter @ purgatory (all ages), 675 central ave, bushwick, bklyn
♿️ [ROOF!] • 6pm *&* 7:15pm: With Lauren Halsey Installation: Moten / López / Cleaver @ the met roof garden, 1000 5th ave, mnhtn // access
❓ • 6pm: STOP COP CITY Bail Benefit: Blu Anxxiety, Melissa, Loosey, Pyrex, UVTV @ saint vitus, 1120 manhattan ave, greenpoint, bklyn
❓ • 6pm: Fox Teeth, Smooth Brain, Signs of Progress, Bush League @ mona liza room at bk monarch, 21 meadow st., e. williamsburg, bklyn
♿️ • 7pm: Dither plays Laurie Spiegel, Leila Bordreuil @ public records sound room (21+), 233 butler st., gowanus, bklyn // for wheelchair access to sound room, enter via restaurant
❓ • 7pm: Cheer-Accident, Neti Neti (Matt Evans & Amirtha Kidambi), Chinworth / Diamond / Hyun / Gordon / Shimer / Woods @ c'mon everybody (21+), 325 franklin ave, bed-stuy, bklyn
♿️ • 7pm: Johanna Samuels (Record Release), Alena Spanger, Stuart Bogie @ union pool (21+), 484 union ave, williamsburg, bklyn
♿️ • 7pm: Thou, Uniform, Yellow Eyes @ bk monarch, 23 meadow st, e. williamsburg, bklyn // access
• 7pm-11:30pm (early show): LURK, Public Opinion @ the broadway (21+), 1272 broadway, bushwick, bklyn
♿️ [OUTDOORS!] • 7pm: BRIC Celebrate Brooklyn! Fest: Ali Sethi, Raja Kumari, Roshni Samlal @ lena horne bandshell, 9th st. & prospect park w., prospect park, bklyn // access
❓ • 7:30pm: Molto Ohm ft. Tanners, Samantha Riott, Bashful Slasher, HRRD TOP @ pine box rock shop, 12 grattan st., e. williamsburg, bklyn
♿️ • 7:30pm: Stanford Cheung, eüsh, Will Graefe, Shahzad Ismaily @ the owl, 497 rogers ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // quick ramp for 1 step
♿️ • 7:30pm *&* 9:30pm: JK Kim @ the jazz gallery (all ages), 1160 broadway (on w. 27th), fl.5, mnhtn **&** livestream // access
❓ [ROOF!] • 8pm: evil dentist's 2nd birthday: axine M, pleasure coffin, DJ practice, martini, urban doom loop (0-300bpm set) @ [call hosts], bushwick, bklyn // for address call 570-589-0764 on july 21 or 22
♿️ • 8pm: Creative Music Studio Benefit Concert ($$) @ roulette (all ages), 509 atlantic ave, downtown bklyn // performers: Cyro Baptista, Steven Bernstein, Patricia Brennan, Wendy Eisenberg, gabby fluke-mogul, Mary Halvorson, Simon Hanes, Brian Marsella, Billy Martin, Ikue Mori, Ches Smith, Jim Staley, Kenny Wollesen, John Zorn // access
☑️ • 8pm: BK Music for 2 Pianos (#4): Shoko Nagai & Eva Novoa @ ibeam (all ages), 168 7th st., gowanus, bklyn // flat throughout, bathroom not accessible
☑️ • 8pm: THICK, My Son The Doctor, Tits Dick Ass @ tv eye (21+), 1647 weirfield st., ridgewood, queens // email to arrange no-stair access through patio
☑️ • 8pm: Endless Life Series: Michaël Attias / Max Johnson / Tomas Fujiwara @ endless life brewing (21+), 585 franklin ave, crown heights, bklyn // checking, either prior contact ramp or fully accessible
♿️ • 8:30pm: Suphala Night #4/4: DUO (Suphala & Laraaji) @ the stone (all ages) at stiefel hall, 55 w. 13th st., FL. 4 (this wk only!), mnhtn
• 11pm: Selendis Sebastian Alexander Johnson, Niko Hassapopolous @ hart bar (21+), 538 hart st, bushwick, bklyn // full details asap, from selendis site // 1 flight stairs
• 11:30pm-2:30am: Don’t Forget the Streets Harm Reduction BENEFIT: T.A.Z., Hysteric Polemix, No Knock, Pure Terror @ the broadway (21+), 1272 broadway, bushwick, bklyn
july 23 (sun)
[IN *&* OUTDOORS!] • 12pm-6pm: Flux Factory: Feralpy @ building 404a (all ages), colonels row, nolan park, governors island // wknds til 8/6 // getting there + access
❓[OUTDOORS!] • 2pm-5pm: 3D.Treut (Jon Haffner, Kevin Eichenberger, D. Treut) @ rippers, 8601 shore front pkwy, rockaway beach, queens
❓ [OUTDOORS!] • 3pm: Arts For Art InGardens: Mara Rosenbloom / Tcheser Holmes / gabby fluke-mogul @ stanton btwn essex & norfolk (all ages + kids encouraged), mnhtn
❓ • 4pm-9pm: Oneida, Ryan Sawyer & Steve Gunn, DJ Heavy Flow @ brothers / caracas beach 106th & boardwalk, rockaways
♿️ • 6pm-7:30pm: Ricardo Gallo's Horse's Mouth (w/ Sam Kulik, Oran Etkin, Rodrigo Recabarren) @ barbès, 376 9th st., park slope, bklyn
☑️ • 6:30pm-10pm: A Midsummer's Noise Show: Bret Schneider, Janet Xmas, Oya Arcana, Alice Aster, Skin Kittens @ the living gallery (all ages), 1094 broadway, bushwick, bklyn // flat entry, restroom likely inaccessible
• 7pm-11pm: Eucademix, Qasim Naqvi, Carlos Truly, A Space For Sound @ 49 shade [address w/ rsvp], crown heights, bklyn
♿️ • 7pm: Adam Arritola / Marc Edwards / Vid Linger / Jaguar Psychosis, Kevin Shea, Elijah Shiffer's Dada Bebop Quartet, 33 Chords & the Truth @ caffeine underground (all ages), 447 central ave, bushwick, bklyn
☑️ • 7pm: Cherubs, Art Gray Noizz Quintet, A Deer A Horse @ tv eye (21+), 1647 weirfield st., ridgewood, queens // email to arrange no-stair access through patio
♿️ • 8pm: HEAVY FLORALS II: Amirtha Kidambi Quartet, Lesley Mok / Shara Lunon / Chris Williams / Shahzad Ismaily, DJ Aaron Space Program @ sisters (all ages), 900 fulton st., clinton hill, bklyn // AK4 w/ Alfredo Colón, Selendis Sebastian Alexander Johnson, Ryan Easter // quick ramp for access to back room
☑️ • 8pm: Matt Mitchell, Andrew Smiley & Kate Gentile, FLAGRANCES (Record Release; Mitchell, Smiley, Gentile) @ ibeam (all ages), 168 7th st., gowanus, bklyn // flat throughout, bathroom not accessible
• 8pm: Still/Moving: Chelsea Reject and T'nah, Dntwatchtv, Semiratruth, Marc Andre + DJs RMZI, BLINGG (tix) @ purgatory (21+), 675 central ave, bushwick, bklyn
july 24 (mon)
❓ • 6pm: Frank & the Hurricanes, Eamonn @ cutty mansion [dm for address], bklyn
♿️ • 7pm-11pm: Cooler Nights #2: Coi_n, Sodomahigamorra, Maya Berman, Lucy York @ cara, 225 w. 13th st., w. village, mnhtn // Voluminous Arts x Octavia Project present (ty rat for early lineups!!) // access
❓ • 7pm: Jonáš Gruska (LOM) @ light & sound design [dm for address], greenpoint, bklyn
july 25 (tues)
• 6:30pm: DMG Free Tues: Viv Corringham / Al Margolis / Sandy Gordon, Jonathan Reisin / Noa Fort / Shinya Lin, Steve Swell & Thomas Heberer @ downtown music gallery (all ages), 13 monroe st., chinatown, mnhtn // 1 flight stairs
♿️ • 7pm-8:30pm: SPUN 4 (Michaël Attias, Ralph Alessi, Sean Conly, Tom Rainey) @ barbès, 376 9th st., park slope, bklyn
♿️ • 7pm: Blick Bassy @ public records sound room (21+), 233 butler st., gowanus, bklyn // for wheelchair access to sound room, enter via restaurant
[LIVESTREAM] • 7pm: Ursa Live: Aquiles Navarro @ site
• 8pm: Ellen Zweig & David Weinstein @ ergot records, 32 e. 2nd st., east village, mnhtn **&** radio // a handful of steps into space
• 8pm: Ayumi Ishito (w/ Hajime Yoshida, Yana Davydova, Yoshiki Yamada, Carter Bales) @ bushwick public house, 1288 myrtle ave, bushwick, bklyn // 1 flight stairs to basement
july 26 (weds)
☑️ [OUTSIDE!] • 5pm: Pioneer Works presents: Soless Dialtone @ times square, bway & 43rd, mnhtn // UPDATE: NO MORE NASDAQ!!!! :D
• 7pm: Tashi Dorji & otay:onii, Night #1/2 + Mila Dorji, A&H @ sundown (21+), 68-38 forest ave bsmt, ridgewood, queens // 1 flight stairs
• 7pm: gaucimusic Improv Series (fb) @ main drag, 50 s. 1st st., williamsburg, bklyn // 7pm Haruna Fukazawa, Claire de Brunner, Shu Odamura, Ken Filiano; 8pm Charley Sabatino, Nick Lyons, Jeff Pearring, Patrick Golden; 9pm Stephen Gauci, Adam Lane, Kevin Shea; 10pm Yuko Togami, Ayumi Ishito, Rema Hasumi; 11pm James Wengrow, Hery Paz, Austin White, Danny Sher
• 7pm-11:30pm: Weeping Icon, Channel Vessel, Plastic @ the broadway (21+), 1272 broadway, bushwick, bklyn
♿️ [OUTDOORS!] • 7pm-9pm: Liam Grant, Seawind of Battery, Theoxenia @ mama tried, 787 3rd ave, sunset park, bklyn
☑️ • 8pm *&* 9:30pm: Sabbagh Weds Jazz: Micah Thomas Quintet (w/ Adam O’Farrill, Kalia Vandever, Kanoa Mendenhall, Lesley Mok) (fb) @ bar bayeux, 1066 nostrand ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // accessible, but often tight; checking for best contact to reserve space
♿️ • 8:30pm: Amba Night #1/4: O, SUN (Zoh Amba & Craig Taborn) @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn
♿️ • 10pm-4am: TOWER 4: T.Wan x Laenz, DJPT (fka Petey), TOWER B3B (DJ DEADNAME x Male Merge x Surgery), Subaltern Subject @ bossa nova (21+), 1271 myrtle ave, bushwick, bklyn
july 27 (thurs)
❓ • 6pm-10pm: Present Sounds: Pique-nique w/ Will Shore (DJ) @ light & sound design [tix for address], greenpoint, bklyn
♿️ • 6:30pm-8:30pm: Y&I @ fotografiska lobby (all ages), 281 park ave south, mnhtn
• 7pm: Tashi Dorji & otay:onii, Night #2/2 + Mila Dorji, Course Correct (w/ visuals by Mike Videopunk) @ sundown (21+), 68-38 forest ave bsmt, ridgewood, queens // 1 flight stairs
☑️ • 7pm: Editrix, Grex, Michael Rocketship, Toadal Package (tix) @ trans-pecos (all ages), 9-15 wyckoff ave, ridgewood, queens // step to entry, ramp available, patio accessible from weirfield (checking on prior contact needs)
☑️ • 7pm: Blank Forms presents: Stefan Tcherepnin & Emanuel Rossetti @ blank forms, 468 grand ave #1d, clinton hill, bklyn // email to request ramp; bathroom 25" wide
❓ • 7pm: Montez Press x the Kitchen pres: Mat Kastella, Club Cringe @ performing arts at port authority, 8th ave btwn 40th & 41st (near the jackie gleason statue), mnhtn
☑️ • 7pm: Still/Moving: Nafets (Album Release), Fusilier, Blue Mena, Alexis Jeanell @ tv eye (21+), 1647 weirfield st., ridgewood, queens // email to arrange no-stair access through patio
❓ • 7pm: Soup & Sound: Patrick Brennan’s Sonic Openings (CD Release) @ soup & sound, 292 lefferts ave (all ages), prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // Brennan w/ Brian Groder, Rod Williams, Hilliard Greene, Michael T. A. Thompson
• 7pm-11:30pm: Dion Lunadon, Shop Talk, Moral Panic @ the broadway (21+), 1272 broadway, bushwick, bklyn
♿️ • 7pm-11pm: BK Experimental/Electronic Meetup: Red Lunch, Just Milk, Lizzantino, Aaron is Your Friend, The Dylan Farnum Look, Redd Split @ wonderville (21+), 1186 broadway, bushwick, bklyn // join
[CANCELED] ♿️ • 7:30pm: Whitebox Programs presents Hans Tammen's Pirate Utopias: Princess Jesus (Monica Rocha, Hans Tammen), Shoko Nagai, EM KLVT, David Rothenberg, Kristie Kish @ whitebox (all ages), 9 ave b, mnhtn // EM KLVT = Meg Schedel, Jess Rowland, Sofy Yuditskaya // access
☑️ • 8pm: LOCOMOTIVE (David Leon, Adam O'Farrill, Tal Yahalom, Eli Greenhoe, Murph Aucamp, Daniel Prim) @ lowlands (21+), 543 3rd ave, gowanus, bklyn // request wheelchair ramp by email; checking restroom
♿️ • 8pm-4am: Bodyhack Fund Raver: Kaaari, Maniik, Sydfalls, Tah, Introspekt, Hunting Dog, Ultima Weapon (Archangel b2b Limitbreak), & more @ nowadays (21+), 56-06 cooper ave, ridgewood, queens // rsvp // Fundraiser for Nana's Gender Affirming Surgeries & Chaos Computer Relocation Fund // for wheelchair entry, ask staff at street entrance
♿️ • 8:30pm: Amba Night #2/4: QUARTET (Zoh Amba, Forbes Graham, gabby fluke-mogul, Luke Stewart) @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn
• 8:30pm-11:30pm: Fruit LoOops, Gorgeous, Dahjyn @ bar freda (21+), 801 seneca ave, ridgewood, queens // 1 flight stairs to basement
♿️ • 10pm-4am: A Transgender Healthcare Fundraiser For Pent: A Pleasure, pent, ex wiish, Celes, Bookworms, ÆON, Umfang, Muerte Lenta, Raw Unkut b2b Deflector @ bossa nova (21+), 1271 myrtle ave, bushwick, bklyn
• 10pm *&* 12am: Snehasish Mozumder (w/ Nick Gianni, Premik Russel Tubbs, Melvin Gibbs, Bopa King Carré) @ nublu 151 (21+), 151 ave c, mnhtn
july 28 (fri)
♿️ • 5pm-10pm: Warm Up: Eli Escobar, DJ Noir, Pauli Cakes, Nkisi @ moma ps1, 22-25 jackson ave, long island city, queens // access
☑️ • 7pm: SUMMER SCUM 8, Day #1/2 ($-$$) @ tv eye (21+), 1647 weirfield st., ridgewood, queens // $30/day, $50 for both // 7/28-7/29 lineup: Mayuko Hino, Evil Moisture, Kevin Drumm, Pedestrian Deposit, Burning Star Core, Pharmakon, Double Black Diamond, A Snake In The Garden, Noise Nomads, Teeny Bopper, Overpass, Amphibian, Kjostad, Jackson-Pratt, Shredded Nerve, 51717, Sunken Cheek, Cominform, Valise, Charmaine Lee, Life Appreciation Renewal, Negation, Kyle Flanagan, Stress Orphan, Drumloop, Weig, Hostility Glutton, Alex Suarez, Yureka Cash, Valerie 23, DNR, Neuter, Kanal Nula, Labyrinth of Vines, Closing. // email to arrange no-stair access through patio
☑️ 😷 • 7pm: medium/98.6F: Miho Hatori x Esther Sibiude @ 47 canal, 291 grand st. (2nd fl), mnhtn // access (email for assist w/ elevator manual swing door)
♿️ • 7pm-8:30pm: Shoko Nagai's TOKALA (w/ Satoshi Takeishi, Frank London) @ barbès, 376 9th st., park slope, bklyn
♿️ • 7pm: The Mooney Suzuki (Night #1/2 performing Electric Sweat), SUO, DJ Todd-O-Phonic @ union pool (21+), 484 union ave, williamsburg, bklyn
♿️ • 7pm: Orchestra Gold, Armo Afrobeat @ public records sound room (21+), 233 butler st., gowanus, bklyn // for wheelchair access to sound room, enter via restaurant
♿️ • 7:30pm: Crosslegged, June McDoom, Alexia Avina @ the owl, 497 rogers ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // quick ramp for 1 step
♿️ • 7:30pm *&* 9:30pm: Kendrick Scott @ the jazz gallery (all ages), 1160 broadway (on w. 27th), fl.5, mnhtn **&** livestream // access
❓ • 8pm: Cumgirl8, Lip Critic, Luci @ knitting factory baker falls (21+), 101 ave a, mnhtn
♿️ • 8:30pm: Amba Night #3/4: QUARTET (Zoh Amba, Patrick Shiroishi, Steve Gunn, Chris Corsano) @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn
july 29 (sat)
why am i not listing summerstage, sponsored by capital one? because capital one is such a f*cked up bank that even eric adams & the city of new york are limiting deposits with them; the bank is too dirty to be whitewashed!
[IN *&* OUTDOORS!] • 12pm-6pm: Flux Factory: Feralpy @ building 404a (all ages), colonels row, nolan park, governors island // wknds til 8/6 // getting there + access
• 2pm: WFMU Live Radio Show: gaucimusic Saturday Improv @ main drag, 50 s. 1st st., williamsburg, bklyn // 2:00pm Trevor Deke Bajus, Matt Hollenberg, Sana Nagao, Patrick Golden; 2:45pm Stephen Gauci, Michael Gilbert, Kevin Shea; 3:30pm Juan Pablo Carletti, Jonathan Reisin, Kenny Warren, Peter Bitenc, Ivan Barenboim; 4:15pm Ayumi Ishito, Dave Sewelson, Zach Swanson, Jon Panikkar
☑️ • 4pm: SUMMER SCUM 8, Day #2/2 ($-$$) @ tv eye (21+), 1647 weirfield st., ridgewood, queens // $30/day, $50 for both // 7/28-7/29 lineup: Mayuko Hino, Evil Moisture, Kevin Drumm, Pedestrian Deposit, Burning Star Core, Pharmakon, Double Black Diamond, A Snake In The Garden, Noise Nomads, Teeny Bopper, Overpass, Amphibian, Kjostad, Jackson-Pratt, Shredded Nerve, 51717, Sunken Cheek, Cominform, Valise, Charmaine Lee, Life Appreciation Renewal, Negation, Kyle Flanagan, Stress Orphan, Drumloop, Weig, Hostility Glutton, Alex Suarez, Yureka Cash, Valerie 23, DNR, Neuter, Kanal Nula, Labyrinth of Vines, Closing. // email to arrange no-stair access through patio
♿️ [OUTDOORS!] • 4pm-7pm: Tape Hiss (Ernie Brooks, Steve Shelley, Peter Zummo, David Nagler, Pete Galub) @ mama tried, 787 3rd ave, sunset park, bklyn
❓ • 4pm: Sword and neck:::noise vs the city: Raimundo Atal @ storefront for art and architecture (all ages), 97 kenmare street, mnhtn // search "schedule" on sf page, or here
❓ • 6pm: Alex & Druck's Birthday: Star Card, Painted Faces, Baylies / Balducci Duo, Andy Borsz, Empty Streets, Wallfacer @ la isla [house; dm hosts], bushwick, bklyn
♿️ • 7pm: International Anthem x Qobuz present: Damon Locks, Rob Mazurek, Lori Scacco @ public records sound room (21+), 233 butler st., gowanus, bklyn // for wheelchair access to sound room, enter via restaurant
♿️ • 7pm: The Mooney Suzuki (Night #2/2 performing Electric Sweat), The Low Spirits, DJ Nick Marc @ union pool (21+), 484 union ave, williamsburg, bklyn
♿️ [OUTDOORS!] • 7pm: BRIC Celebrate Brooklyn! Fest: Rickie Lee Jones, Thornetta Davis, Chris Pierce @ lena horne bandshell, 9th st. & prospect park w., prospect park, bklyn // access
• 7pm: Bonnie Kane / Zachary Swanson / John Loggia, David Scher / Aron Namenwirth / Tim Spelios @ aron's, 1372 greene ave, bushwick, bklyn
♿️ • 7:30pm: Peter Stampfel & the Atomic Meta-Pagans @ the owl, 497 rogers ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // quick ramp for 1 step
☑️ • 8pm-10:30pm: Deric Dickens MBD Band, Wills McKenna's Undisclosed Sims @ ibeam (all ages), 168 7th st., gowanus, bklyn // DD w/ Marius Duboule, Ben Rolston; WM w/ Aaron Quinn, Walter Stinson, Matt Honor // flat throughout, bathroom not accessible
❓ • 8pm: Impossible Geometries: Adam Lutz & Kristian de Leon (with Zachary Mezzo) @ alchemical studios, 50 w. 17th st., 12th fl, mnhtn
☑️ • 8pm-10:30pm: Magic Tuber String Band, Austin Cash @ property is theft (all ages), 411 s. 5th st., williamsburg, bklyn // quick ramp setup; bathroom not accessible
• 8pm-11:30pm: Stop Cop City Bail Relief Benefit: L.O.T.I.O.N., Flower, 80HD, Fairy Tale, Android, Mirage @ the broadway (21+), 1272 broadway, bushwick, bklyn
☑️ • 8pm: Endless Life Series: Naomi Nakanishi @ endless life brewing (21+), 585 franklin ave, crown heights, bklyn // checking, either prior contact ramp or fully accessible
♿️ • 8:30pm: Amba Night #4/4: BHAKTI (Zoh Amba, Micah Thomas, Chris Corsano) @ the stone (all ages), 55 w. 13th st., mnhtn
❓ • 9pm: Screen Slate Summer Jam: DJs DIVA FLEX, Kenny, Medium Well, Page Six @ 66 greenpoint ave, greenpoint, bklyn
❓ • 10pm-late: HELLTEKK: DJ Step Mania, DJ 91X, Young Link, Mud & Sludge, Seth Valestrand, Bathingfuckk, Seth Valestrand, Speed Limit @ [dm for addy] (all ages)
• 11pm-5am: Feral Shadow Dance Union: DJ Blingg, Sweater On Polo (live), + DJs Cookie, Charlie, Carly @ [email host], crown heights, bklyn // email for info // "enter thru side door, down a flight of stairs"
☑️ • 11pm-4am: Critical Hit: Addison L., Boy Problem, Venus Melissa, Eva Loveless, Soo Intoit @ trans-pecos (all ages), 9-15 wyckoff ave, ridgewood, queens // step to entry, ramp available, patio accessible from weirfield (checking on prior contact needs)
july 30 (sun)
[IN *&* OUTDOORS!] • 12pm-6pm: Flux Factory: Feralpy @ building 404a (all ages), colonels row, nolan park, governors island // wknds til 8/6 // getting there + access
♿️ • 2pm-6pm: SUMMER THUNDER: Fenne Lily, Poise @ union pool (21+), 484 union ave, williamsburg, bklyn // UP x Academy Records present
♿️ • 3pm: King Britt presents Blacktronika: Antipop Consortium, Tyshawn Sorey & King Britt, Orion Sun (Beat Set) @ public records restaurant, 233 butler st., gowanus, bklyn // + DJs King Britt, Maria Chavez, Charlie Dark, Vikter Duplaix // for wheelchair access to sound room, enter via restaurant
❓ [OUTDOORS!] • 3pm: Arts For Art InGardens: Dave Sewelson / Dave Hofstra / mems MiM Intergenerational Ensemble @ stanton btwn essex & norfolk (all ages + kids encouraged), mnhtn
• 6pm-9pm: Double Image, On Ka'a Davis' 3D Veve (w/ Don McKenzie), Hans Tammen's Third Eye Electric Band @ main drag (all ages), 50 s. 1st st., williamsburg, bklyn // DI Microtonal Saxophone Quartet & Rhythm Section: Marcus Cummins, Sarah Manning, Ayumi Ishito, Briggan Krauss, Hans Tammen, Shoko Nagai, Kai Kennedy +++ Tammen 3EEB w/ Cummins, Manning, Ishito, Katya Naphtali, David Rothenberg, David First, Krauss, Nick Didkovsky, Chris Cochrane, Gordon Beeferman, Chuck Bettis, Dafna Naphtali, Nagai, Izzi Ramkissoon, Kai Kennedy, Yuko Togami
• 7pm: Crystal Palaces: Kirin McElwain & Matthew Ryals, Booker Stardrum, David Mirarchi @ the windjammer (21+), 552 grandview ave, ridgewood, queens
❓ • 7pm: Fuck Grass, Touch Gear! Noise Workshop: How I Quit Ketamine, niku daruma @ [dm hosts], queens
♿️ • 7pm: Bill MacKay & Ryley Walker, Wendy Eisenberg @ union pool (21+), 484 union ave, williamsburg, bklyn
♿️ • 7:30pm-11:30pm: Sui Moto, Abbie from Mars, Terminal Scout @ wonderville (21+), 1186 broadway, bushwick, bklyn // join
♿️ • 7:30pm: Marta Sanchez Trio, Or Baraket @ the owl, 497 rogers ave, prospect lefferts gardens, bklyn // quick ramp for 1 step
☑️ • 8pm-11pm: Macula Dog, Kill Alters, RugiRugz, DJ Rozwell, DJ Necroface @ trans-pecos (all ages), 9-15 wyckoff ave, ridgewood, queens // step to entry, ramp available, patio accessible from weirfield (checking on prior contact needs)
☑️ • 8pm: Leechy, DJ Healing Wounds, Lucy, Papo Cucaracha, Chicharrón @ the living gallery (all ages), 1094 broadway, bushwick, bklyn // flat entry, restroom likely inaccessible
☑️ • 8pm-9pm: Alex Beckmann / Stu Pender / Stephen Chen @ ivy house (all ages), 322 troutman ave, bushwick, bklyn // first floor, no accessible bathroom
july 31 (mon)
❓ • 6:30pm-8:30pm: Tal Yahalom / Eivind Opsvik / Dan Weiss @ ornithology, 6 suydam st., bushwick, bklyn // lineup rn on insta
♿️ • 7pm-11pm: Cooler Nights #3: Jodi Lin, Pauli Cakes & Petty Boots, Tivali Thomas, Davon Chance & Miz Jade @ cara, 225 w. 13th st., w. village, mnhtn // Voluminous Arts x Octavia Project present (ty rat for early lineups!!) // access
• 7:30pm: Michael Larocca & Caleb Duval, James McKain & Chuck Roth, SU$HI (Gian Perez, Greg Lou, Anthony Genovesi) @ hart bar (21+), 538 hart st, bushwick, bklyn // 1 flight stairs
❓ • 8pm: Secret Sphinx Salon: Samuel Locke-Ward & Bob Bucko Jr., Chris Conde, Brook Pridemore, Preston Spurlock @ secret sphinx salon [dm for address], bklyn
❓ • 8pm: Mari Okubo: East West Harmolodic Opera Groove @ zürcher gallery (all ages), 33 bleecker st., mnhtn // w/ add't'l performers: Billy Spaceman Patterson, Alexis Marcelo, Tony Lewis, Al MacDowell +++ songs written for Mari by Ornette Coleman
❓ • 9pm *&* 10:15pm: Kenny Warren Sweet World Trio (w/ Christopher Hoffman, Nathan Ellman-Bell) @ lunàtico (all ages), 486 halsey st., bed-stuy, bklyn