nyc noise

~ always incomplete ~

yes i briefly had all of this text at the top of 2024-06-30 lol // idk, need a nap

[i tried to make this a top-of-day note but even for me it was too long; nothing substantive enough for Blog Entry but here we are ¯\_(ツ)_/¯]




i've been a lil outta commission cuz of Bad Health... if i owe an email &/or u haven't heard back from something neat, give a nudge! sorry for shows i missed listing; ask yr fave promoters to send theirs more often, or do so yourself! get yr gigs on the no-profit anti-zionist show calendar w/ access info before the cop app; it's good for yr soul & also mine too!!!

u can submit gigs via email or submit page's google form & google cal links; there's a ~fancy new~ submission form that u technically can use now, tho i'll "officially" launch a cleaner version when u don't need to scroll thru zillion venues heh...

BIG BIG BLESS U to ppl who donate (u can do $5/month, one-off venmo / paypal, whatever's on about); i'm sorry i don't convey my gratitude directly more often + am bad at mailing list email lately, but on a monthly basis u are the diff between overdrawing my bank account & not; no exaggeration could not make rent without u. (i made stickers for monthly ppl but after a couple weirdo msgs need to get a p.o. box before sending stuff out, SORRY will get on it after early-july travels)

it's a f*ckin weird time & i know a lot of ppl in nyc are struggling, many while also keeping up protest energy... it's A Lot; it's ok if u feel overwhelmed or just *fried.* (i hope so, anyway, bc i am myself Rather Crisp) BODIES HEAL AS QUICK AS THEY CAN, is a thing i'm trying to remember, & sometimes u just need to let yrs catch up... also remember we've had REAL WINS, like getting adams to fold on library f*ckery &... other stuff too, surely???

if u need Perspective or Distraction or a thing 2 phone-read on train, check out mariame kaba &/or the folder (which i still haven't reorganized / restocked, sry, poke around tho it has stuff!!), w/ gr8 .epubs like health communism by adler-bolton & vierkant (o' the amazing death panel, 1 of maybe 3 podcasts (incl. brill bb) i've ever successfully listened to lol) // most of verso pile are pdfs which i know is annoying BUT hot tip, u can text yr phone # & email to make a new weird double-self text thread & then pin that to top of msgs & drop pdfs in the thread, & then text yrself what page you're on...?? this might be a complicated pitch but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

including the top it's now a TWO-SHRUGGIE ASIDE, damn

...ok GO


EARLY JULY EDIT: for ~posterity~ cuz i keep forgetting that you can't see old versions of top-of-site things now (end of june had brief note about falling behind while sick instead of dates, but otherwise it's been this):

next for PALESTINE (actions, support, PACBI shows): 7/4 protest + brothers, 7/5 still/moving / djs against apartheid, 7/6 property is theft / fuck the fourth, 7/7 protest [BIG LUV for PACBI spots; venues, sign on!!]

🌀 = free / notaflof (if u can afford drinks, u can afford door!!)

ACCESS: ⏳ = waiting on venue's response :'( plz email!! :D time to tell people if they can enter your space!!