nyc noise

~ always incomplete ~



or (financially comfy??) SUPPORT ($25 /month)

... or one-time thru paypal or venmo or patreon !

wanna give LOTS?? hmu to fund a project, liiiike
or dead venue memorial site <>
nonprofits, reach out to offer fiscal sponsorship !

other gr8 nyc things!!
practical sh*t
other nyc noise stuff
cuz i'm broke ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
early-pandemic "about" page

2023-12-06 expect some ~FLUX~ during NEW THING launch (dec '23) –– w/ hella luv to the recurse crew programmers, especially GREG, for patiently working with me to build a thing i could never have paid for in a zillion years (lol) & being AMAZING about maintaining its ~spirit~; after years of manual updates & copy/pasting chunks of html, it's more of a relief than i could've imagined & will be better / faster for all of *u* users, too :'''') email me (subject line "SITE") if u have thoughts / feedback / ideas / see a glitch!!


NYC Noise is dedicated to presenting, promoting, & documenting NYC's experimental (slash avant-whatev, DIY, weirdo) music & artists; Primary Goals include making sh*t accessible, performance against corporate interests, & finding ways to make this *last.* more on that in a sec, but first...

other gr8 nyc things!!

((r)evolving list, sorry if you should be here & aren't!)
COMMUNITY: 3afak (bc | insta) Black Science Fiction (insta) • cc (gofund | insta) CfPT (insta) • LiveCode.NYC (insta) PTP (bc | insta) • Relative Pitch (bc | insta) • Synth Library (insta) • TrevorshausVoluminous Arts (bc | insta) + LABOR + ACTIVISM: Artists Against Displacement (insta) Bandcamp United (insta) • Music Workers Alliance (insta) • United Musicians & Allied Workers (insta) • W.A.G.E. (insta) + OBJECTS: Downtown Music Gallery (insta) • Ergot Records (insta) • The Record ShopThousands of Dead Gods (insta)
+++ start of a list of NYC REGULARS (collectives, orgs, series, zones)


at the ~heart~ of nyc noise is a live music calendar featuring a wide range of genres, for whatever "genre" is worth to you: yes noise, "electronic," free / avant / even some cap-J jazz, contemporary classical / "new music," all things improvised, ambient, post-[whatever], glitchy techno, avant-metal, trashy art rock, performance pieces, surreal puppetry... arbitrary curation = what i like + what my friends, friendishes, & acquaintances like &/or (hopefully "&") are playing. ~rough criteria~ = 1) singular, live event including 2) both visual & audio components & 3) explicit attention to sound, with 4) all events in brooklyn, manhattan, queens, the bronx, or (it finally happened!!) staten island; links provided for everything so you don't need to take my word for it & can easily find tickets / confirm details.

i'm super into affordable performances *&* people being compensated for their labor. it is expensive as f*ck to live here, & artists can easily become inadvertent agents of the gentrification that pushes them/us out. other ~big hopes~ for the site include finding ways to push for increased transparency around $$$ in music & more community partnerships so we can mobilize to help our neighbors. also working on a venue directory &/with improved accessibility info; more on that soon!

practical sh*t

ideally this site helps you avoid socials, but sometimes insta's the only option for a link (sorry!!!). calendar's updated on a daily basis, w/ events usually double-checked day-of. it's hard to keep track of stuff, so help is VERY EXTRA GREAT! submission form is HERE; you can also email me at –– use the subject “EVENT [date]" and include the date & time, artists, venue/address, age policy & access, & link(s) as *text* (i hate typing out yr weird illegible flyer copy lolol) –– or share events via g-calendar or google form.

other nyc noise stuff

beyond the calendar of events (& some livestreams), u can also check out:

–– [rotating] BANDCAMP ROUNDUP w/ links to buy from local artists & stores [BIG list here]
–– INSTA (@NYC_NOISE) w/ vid/pix of performers (i hate using this so much lolol but am gonna try to post more)
–– YOUTUBE archive (@NYCNOISE) as soon as i figure out my storage sitch will resume updating from giganto personal collection!!, ~200 vids so far
–– "SITES LIKE THIS" page has calendar sites in different places (& also some alts for nyc!)
–– "REGULARS" page is a bunch of spots & series & curators; will make it prettier eventually, but lotsa gr8 stuff to check out
–– "BLOG" for first drafts of rants

–– if you're looking for a paywall'd article i've shared, it should be in the "FTPaywall" drive folder (tho i reorganized a little, email if you can't find something), which also includes pdfs of texts when kind ppl provide them for sharing –– most recently ethan philbrick's group works, which looks gr8!!! –– or when i've transcribed a thing (like mlkjr's "beyond vietnam") i can't otherwise find accurate versions of online. (i removed a big chunk of the stash i hadn't double-checked for permissions, but recently re-added large verso trove; lmk if u are verso & that makes you sad, but i promise my traffic is mostly not for books!!)
–– attempt at remaining COVID resources
–– learn to contribute to WIKIPEDIA

–– info on UNIONS (more soon!!)
–– info for TENANTS
–– ways to organize for PALESTINE (relatedly: PACBI)
–– coming soon !!!!!!!! EXCITING MAP TIMES
–– if u know computerz, check out the GITHUB & jump into ISSUES

cuz i'm broke ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

so yeah it costs money to run nyc noise (site + domain costs, cloud storage, technology, many many hours, etc.), & i will never paywall sh*t + don't want ads, so if you use the site regularly—or are just feeling generous! or have money!—consider donating via paypal or venmo (include a note that you're heading over from the site so i can feel warm/fuzzy), patreon, or (best!!) here again are those direct subscription links from top: $5/month + $25/month. inbox gets a little overwhelming, so apologies if i take a while to respond; if i seem to have forgotten to add something, feel free to poke at me again!


the REAL nyc noise is the friends we made along the way!!! :') that said, site is a mostly-solo venture, simply cuz i don't make enough money to pay anyone (i tried to hire helpers but could only afford it for a few weeks lmao)... that means the people who have helped are TRU SAINTS cuz they've done it for free! there are PILES missing from this, but quickly / for now:

first mention to paul feitzinger (he's not Publicly Online so link's to my loving troll /PAUL page), percussionist / pal / linguistics research scientist / ham radio operator / trippy light artist / Computer Person! his ~biggest contribution~ was the original top-of-page calendars; if you wanna see how annoying the site was before, head to october 2018 & check out the lineup for the 10/25/18 liturgy opera—but actually DON'T, just try & then give up bc there are hundreds of events & no shortcuts to individual dates ahhh!! for like 5 years paul was the only other person with a password to make updates, so whenever i f*cked something up (say i'm somewhere with terrible wifi & try to update the site anyway & it blanks out half the calendar at 2am & my connection is SO bad that i can't maintain it long enough to even load an earlier version from the revision history??? is a thing that happened june 1 '23), paul is who i frantically text asking if he can plz fix it!! :D

i had wildly great volunteers for church shows, including azumi O Egavilán rayna russom (of voluminous arts) • justine herve • greg siegel • [with many extra zillion thanks:] eli charm –– the last 2 can't find on Internet rn, will ask later –– most of this crew fully ran a show when i left town last-minute & needed help, amazing :''')

last & tbh most: our surprise 2023 pal /GREG –– which, just, click thru & read okay, he's WILD.

[add asap: more on greg & recurse buds & new pal KIRILL!]


p.s. (sorry i always forget my end on intros lol) right hi i'm jessica; i take photos, go to shows, & luv orgs that let me play curator. as of fall 2024, my ~big dreams~ are to work for a union & that we abolish prisons & debt –– & then if there's still time, universal basic income / housing / healthcare (with real dental; wanna fix my teeth!!!) for all.



early-pandemic "about" page

(some of that page is still relevant, but also… not…? now 2023; SH*T'S STILL WEIRD)

"Aside from the dangers of the virus itself, piles of people & venues have lost their source(s) of income since COVID-19 hit the city. Given how many of us have already been paying rent by the skin of our teeth, deal with chronic illness, don't have a full-time employer to provide paid leave, etc., keeping NYC's creative communities intact will require direct government intervention, ideally in the provision of health care & the freezing of rent, mortgage, & utility payments. That said, I personally can't make decrees about those systemic changes... So this site gathers & provides resources at the level of individuals & communities."